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Do you use a different moisturiser at night?

23 August, 2015 - 07:46pm by - First Lady | 125 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

We're nosy parkers here at Beauty Review - we like to know about your beauty habits.  Why?  Curiosity mostly.  It's human nature to wonder if people do things differently right?  What if you've been missing a trick all these years?

Right now, I'm wondering about moisturisers - specifically, do you use a different moisturiser in the evening than your morning one?  (Assuming of course you moisturise twice a day!)  

I don't.  I've tried many night creams but there's no noticable difference in my skin if I use one product in the morning and a different one in the evening.  Of course as my wrinkles continue wrinkling and my furrows become more furrowed, I don't doubt I will try 'evening' products again, but right now my skin seems to like the same products morning and night.  In fact other than cleanser choice (depending on the amount of face I've applied that day) my morning and evening routines are exactly the same and my skin feels good.  

We're putting River Veda Honeysuckle Moisturiser to the test. Refreshing and exotic, this lightweight moisturiser is formulated to minimize pores and promote even skin tone. The purifying extracts of Amla Berry and Turmeric balance oil production, while organic cold pressed oils of Rosehip, EPO and Jojoba hydrate, quench and clarify. 

This lightweight moisturizer is perfect for combination and oily skins and for those that experience an increase of oil production in the hot and humid summer months. Honeysuckle Moisturizer also offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sebum balancing properties making it an ideal choice for acne or blemished skin conditions.  It sounds like it will make a fabulous moisturiser - day or night!

We think it sounds simply lovely, but of course - we're not the lucky ones who are going to get to put it to the test!  So why not chat to us about your moisturising habits.  How often do you moisturise your face?  Do you use a different moisturiser at night than in the morning?  Do you change it up from Summer to Winter?

Get chatting below - we might send you one to report back on!

Do you use a different moisturiser at night?

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21st July, 2017

Yes! But I feel like I shouldn't be using too many too many products...

16th September, 2015

This sounds perfect for me! My skin does get oilier in the summer months, plus the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties will really help with my spotty skin. I have always thought I should be using a different moisturiser at night I just haven't really found one that wow's me. This could be the one :)

6th September, 2015

I struggle so bad with moisturizing and finding a nice one that doesnt make my face all clammy! At the moment my poor skin has been pretty neglected. I use a lush face cleanser in the morning - which seems to moisturise nicely too; it always makes my face nice and smooth anyway! And then at night (or whenever i do it!) I use an Aveeno grapefruit moisturiser when a friend in the US actually sent me (it smells soooooo good).

5th September, 2015

I moisturise twice, in the morning and evening and keep the same routine with a day and night creme. I am open to trying something new, to suit my changing skin.

4th September, 2015

Nutrimetics ;) but it's soo sticky :/

3rd September, 2015

I definitely use different products for morning and night! In the morning I wash my face with water and use a daily moisturizer that has SPF protection in it so I'm worry free in the sun. Then at night, I cleanse and remove all my makeup before using a night eye cream and a heavier, highly moisturizing cream to leave on overnight. This seems to do the trick! I'm looking to stick to one brand of product line soon though!

3rd September, 2015

I use the Nars lighetning cream. I think its discontinued now but I was gifted it. It smells like youghurt. Nice and thick as I prefer my creams heavier at night. Love it.

3rd September, 2015

I'm trying out Garnier night and day creams at the moment

3rd September, 2015

In the morning I use a high spf moisturiser whether I'm wearing makeup or not. Then at night I use an all natural moisturiser

2nd September, 2015

I used to use a different moisturiser at night, but now I don't moisturise at all at night! I've gotten into the bad habit of only washing my face in the mornings right now and I can see the effect it's having! A little attention to pore minimisation is going to be needed shortly

I do try use a heavier moisturiser in Winter however, my skin gets really dry and usually a little windchapped so I find it best to layer it on then!

2nd September, 2015

I'm really bad for this. I have slipped in my day-time moisturizing regime and I have only ever used night moisturizer maybe, twice? In my life! And usually because my sister has gone out and brought the latest anti-wrinkle fan-dangled product that swears night use will cure me of 'old'.

2nd September, 2015

I do use a Nivea night moisturiser as it seems more concentrated and thicker than the daycream.

2nd September, 2015

My daytime moisturiser has an SPF in it which is why I use a different one at night. Also, my nighttime one is a richer oilier based one whereas in the day I like it light and fresh.

2nd September, 2015

No I'm bloody terrible atm, I just cleanse and oil up my face.

1st September, 2015

I only get around to moisturising once a day, usually before bed. I need to make it more of a priority as I have dry skin, especially in winter. I'd love to try this!