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Why Men Need To Care For Their Cleavage!

21 August, 2022 - 07:05am by - Head Pixie | 4 Comments

by BR Tabatha

Not since seeing pictures of my father in the 1970s have I been so exposed to he-vage. Also known as the cleavage of man. I'm not talking about the usual places you'd see a man's chest such as the beach or on a television show set at the beach, but in my day-to-day life - at the supermarket, in the mall, walking along the street on my daily mosey. It seems anywhere and everywhere, when it's warm enough to get it out, the men folk are flashing the flesh. I blame Harry Styles (not really, the man is an angel who can do no wrong).

While I take no issue with seeing all this extra skin, it does make me wonder if those showing it off are doing their best by it.

The thing is, male cleavage requires just as much care as boobie clevage. So whether you're a Beauty Review Bloke, or you've a fan of the male cleavage in your home, we think it's important people know how to care for it (and no, it doesn't involve anyone doing thousands of push-ups or weight exercises).

Step One

Whether you sport a fair amount of hair, or your hair's so fine it can barely be seen, a good body cleanser will help keep the pores on the chest area clear, while keeping whiteheads and blackheads minimal. The cleanser doesn't need to be anything fancy; a general bodywash will do, but, if possible, try and find one that suits your skin type and that won't strip your skin of its natural oils. 

Step Two

If you want to go the extra mile... a little exfoliation won't hurt. It'll keep the area smooth and, once again, clear of blemishes. Some bodywashes feature exfoliants, but you can always pick up a sugar/salt/coffee scrub, or simply use a body brush or loofah before stepping into the shower to keep the area debris-free.

Step Three

If your skin's oily, you might find you don't need to moisturise, but if it's dry then a good body moisturiser will add hydration. If your chest area is of the hairier variety, then you may find an oil (try argan or jojoba) is easier to apply than your standard creamy moisturiser.

Step Four

What? Do you think it's just the 'fairer' sex that we bang on about sunscreen to? Sunscreen's a must for all. So if you're going to be baring your chest during the day, make sure you're smothering it in sunscreen first.

Bonus Step Five

Breast cancer amongst men is a thing. In New Zealand, according to the Breast Cancer Foundation, around 25 men a year are diagnosed with breast cancer. So, even if you think "it'll never happy to me", getting to know your chest area will help you notice any changes. To find out more about breast cancer in men, as well as the signs and symptoms to watch out for, check out the Breast Cancer Foundation's website.

So, are the men folk in your lives big on the he-vage? And if you're one of our Beauty Review Blokes, are you a fan of flashing your he-vage? And what care do you take of the area? Get chatting below! 



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3rd September, 2022

I think my man still needs to find a suitable cleanser, but he just really likes using good old soap.

1st September, 2022

Not so far . But they all have the V sunshape from the neck of their shirts.

24th August, 2022

He-vage! Bhahahaha omg too funny

23rd August, 2022

Sorry no man l know care about such things but l am sure some do , interesting article though thanks



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