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Three Ways To Better Your Beauty Footprint Right NOW

16 August, 2018 - 07:47pm by - Head Pixie | 23 Comments

By BR Tabatha

Finding ways to become more environmentally friendly has been on the Beauty Review Crew's mind lately. We've been remembering to take our reusable bags to the supermarket. There's been some serious decluttering. Everything that can be recycled has been. The phasing out of single-use plastic bags saw us cheer, then quickly figure out how to stop the rubbish bin leaking and stinking. It's a grand time we're living in. We've a chance to stop trashing Mother Nature's work, and we're doing what we can. It may be small steps, but we like to think enough small steps by enough people can lead to big changes. So what can you do to clean up your beauty routine right now? 

Image:  Oh Natural

Choose to Reuse

How many one-use beauty products are you using a year? How many cotton balls or rounds do you toss out after a quick wipe and swipe? If you're wanting to reduce your beauty footprint reusable options are available.

  • Swap cotton rounds for washable cotton rounds.
  • Invest in rewashable makeup remover pads or snap up makeup remover cloths.
  • Try a menstrual cup or washable pads and ditch tampons and/or pads.

Reduce Water

With all the rain we've had this year it sure feels like there's an infinite source of clean water, but there's not, and it's important for us to reduce our water usage wherever we can.

  • Long showers are bliss, but they're unnecessary and can easily be trimmed back.
  • Use a beauty sponge? Rather than running the tap and squeezing and rinsing to get it nice and damp, fill a cup of water and dip it in that to plump it up (then use the remnants to water a pot plant!) .
  • Cleaning teeth and cleansing your face is a must, but do turn off the tap while you're brushing or massaging.

Make Better Buying Decisions

How many products do you have sitting around not being used, destined to end up being thrown out to clutter up a landfill once they're past their use-by date? How many products aren't recyclable? So what can you do right now to ensure you're giving the environment a big loving cuddle?

  • Keep your makeup, skincare and haircare collection simple. Only buy what you need and what you'll use.
  • Buy makeup that multi-tasks eg. a lip and cheek tint, or an eyeshadow that doubles as highlighter.
  • Pass on products you don't use to those who will (shampoos/conditioners/moisturisers/santisable makeup).
  • Use every bit of the product before repurchasing.
  • Check to make sure what you're purchasing is recyclable.
  • Support beauty companies with sustainable policies.

A little change can make a big difference, and we'd love to see this wonderful place we inhabit remain in tip top condition for generations to come.

So do tell... are you a fan of going green with your beauty routine? What changes have you made? What changes will you make? Sharing is caring!


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29th August, 2018

When I first saw this article I thought that I didn't have anything to add as I don't go out of my way to be Green. But looking at what we bought at shopping today, I'm better than I thought! But anyhoo I wanted to share a small thing: Mega long toilet rolls. Purex Mega long have 550 sheets or thereabouts which is the equivalent of a number of smaller toilet rolls, and they seem to be no more expensive than other stuff. It's texture is not exactly velvet on your rump but it's not the roughest either. Not only saving on cardboard for the rolls but they take up less room than 2-3 regular rolls and you're not forever changing the toilet roll. Now don't get fooled into buying other rolls that are labeled as extra long because these are by far the most Mega of the Mega.... I've checked! Does anyone else use these?

22nd August, 2018

Love this article. There is a lot that we can learn from this and have started myself - makeup remover cloth, turning the tap off when brushing teeth (although I have to growl the kids and hubby lol). Lots of new ideas for me to try. Thanks BR x

21st August, 2018

Great article and ideas. I like multi purpose / use products. I like to use face cloths / wash cloths to remove my make up I wash my make up brushes in a cup in the shower I like companies that care for the environment and use sustainable resources

19th August, 2018

I must admit I haven't really thought about recycling much when buying new beauty things but in the last 2 weeks ive been thinking about it more that's for sure! Where would one even buy reusable pads from?

19th August, 2018

I've always tried to do my best with recycling, using my own drink bottles etc. It recently dawned on me that my use of beauty products was creating the most waste. They're often overpackaged or use mixed plastics that can't be recycled easily (high end products are the most guilty of this). I also love mini products and samples and these use a lot of packaging for the amount of product you get. So I've switched to reusable cotton pads, cotton buds with a paper stick, solid deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, bar soap etc. I gave up the dreaded face wipe years ago and use a flannel instead and my skin loves me for that!

18th August, 2018

Being on a buy only when you need it is a great start! I am using up my single use cotton pads and after that I will be using reusuable pads.

18th August, 2018

I try my best to recycle,reuse,save water,save power and do as much as I possibly can to help make our environment safer but I must admit I am a bit slack when it comes to going "green" with my beauty products and I know I need to work harder at this especially now when there are so many options out there like bamboo cotton buds,menstrual cups,period panties,bamboo toothbrushes to name a few, so really I have no excuse.

18th August, 2018

I'm pretty green. I choose to reuse and recycle as much as I can.

17th August, 2018

Reusing and only buying what is necessary are important - often times I tend to buy more spontaneously..

17th August, 2018

I definitely try to make conscious choices. Plastics do get put in recycling rather than just in the waste bin. I try really hard to use products up before using another product. I use the manicure makeup remover towels - have three of them on rotation. I've never had any success with shampoo/conditioner bars unfortunately and I've tried them all! My biggest change - I changed to a menstrual cup (Hello Cup) about 6 months ago, which I never thought I could do, but after a few months getting used to it, it's amazingly easier and better than tampons etc.

17th August, 2018

I actually through I've got this recycling thing and that I'm doing my bit Till I read about the wee cotton pad, wowza I use 6 a day sob Cotton washable rounds will be on my list xxxxxx

17th August, 2018

I totally agree. I already use all the product I have open prior to purchasing new but will look at rewashable makeup remover pads or snap up makeup remover cloths. I also will be more conscious cleaning my teeth . Good to have a reminder as easy to forget the little things we can all do.

17th August, 2018

A recent change has been opting for cottonbuds with a paper stick in of a plastic one. I've also been using shampoo and conditioner bars for years and my choice of body cleanser is a mild bar of Sabun soap so no plastic shower gel bottles. I would like to solely use a my lady cup for that time of the month but I have a really hard time getting it just right so that it doesn't leak. If I could master every time I would totally ditch pads and tampons. Speaking of pads I use the Organic Initiative brand that is organic and supposedly biodegradable. They even have tampons with cardboard applicators.

17th August, 2018

i've been turning the tap off when i brush my teeth/wash my face for years, so that's no issue for me. i think once i run out of cotton pads i'll start using the many flannels i have sitting doing nothing - or perhaps i'll make my own with my new found friend mr sews-a-lot. i think i like that idea better. i even HAVE an idea on what i want them to look like, so that's a big ol bonus. perhaps that will be todays mission. thanks BR you have inspired me!

17th August, 2018

I absolutely love that a site like this is promoting a greener view to beauty! I use to love buying all the things but have made a conscious effort to buy better quality and minimal packaging products to reduce my eco footprint. Ethique are a great start (bars instead of plastic bottles)! Need to invest in some reusable cotton pads- didn’t know these were an option!

17th August, 2018

You can also just use an oil cleanser that doesn't sting your eyes to remove makeup. Some of these emulsify when you add water and rinse off really easily. If you follow that up with a gentle gel cleanser you're good to go. I recommend the Palmers

17th August, 2018

cleansing oil. It's natural, gentle, doesn't sting eyes and it's a big bottle is under 20 bucks.

18th August, 2018

Yes I have learnt a lot from this article and it does make you rethink what you are doing

19th August, 2018

Reusabl cotton pads are awesome! I have some and they feel just like the disposable ones.

27th August, 2018

So no wet wipes sooze? lol

17th August, 2018

My parents would tell me I was wasting water if I did that when I was younger so I turn off the tap till time to rinse.

19th August, 2018

are the pads from the supermarket ?

19th August, 2018

Yes you can find them at Countdown, New World and Pak and Save. Iherb sells them but they are a bit more expensive on iherb.

21st August, 2018

I hope they come with wings haha!

21st August, 2018

Both the super and regular have wings though I don't think the panty liners do.

19th August, 2018

Do it! My reusable ones feel just like the disposable ones.

19th August, 2018

I love my reusable cotton pads! They feel just like the disposable ones.

20th August, 2018

I am actually looking forward to using less disposable products Soozie

20th August, 2018

I just have to remind myself not to put them in the bin. I almost threw a reusable one out by mistake the other day lol. It's all about breaking those old habits.

21st August, 2018

It takes time to change habits of a lifetime! Baby steps

19th August, 2018

The one thing I can't give up though is my electric toothbrush! I really don't like manual toothbrushes.

20th August, 2018

Do you mean cotton wool pads? I got mine off Etsy.

21st August, 2018

nah, was meaning actual pads for when you are on your period but one of the ladies said where to get them :D