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The Secrets of Sleeping Beauty

26 May, 2015 - 08:07am by - First Lady | 16 Comments


Article by BR Tabatha

It’s called ‘beauty sleep’ for a reason. A good night’s sleep encourages your skin to go into repair and rebuild mode, with new cells growing to replace the old, but there comes a point where sometimes Mother Nature isn’t cutting the mustard and you need a helping hand. That’s where a good product, tailored to your skin’s needs and developed to work best when used overnight, can be a godsend. 

If pimples are your problem some swear by dabbing a touch of toothpaste onto the offending spot before hitting the hay. You could try a little tea tree oil, or you could pop on a soothing and healing gel like Living Nature’s Manuka Honey Gel

If your skin is as dry as the Sahara, it’s time to bring out the big guns. First of all find a nourishing serum, like Antipodes Joyous Protein-Rich Night Replenish Serum, then for an extra burst of hydration apply an overnight mask, like Clinique’s Moisture Surge Overnight Mask Skincare. You’ll wake up with plumper, glowing, and more refreshed looking skin.

If it’s wrinkles you’re trying to keep at bay, you’ll want to take the hydrating route as well, however you can also add in products that contain retinol. Retinol, aka another form of Vitamin A, can be like magic for the skin, helping cells to turn over more quickly, while slowing down the breakdown of collagen, making it ideal for those who’re wanting to slow the march of ageing. Products that include retinol for night use include Neutrogena’s Rapid Wrinkle Repair moisturiser, which also has a serum, and Ren Bio Retinoid Anti-Ageing Concentrate. 

Good old retinol can also grace your bedside table if hormones or the sun have seen your skin tone become uneven, but you could also reach for a bottle of rosehip oil. There’s plenty on the market, with price points to suit all sorts of budgets. Dermalogica’s Pure Night Nourishing Overnight Treatment Cream is another product that says it will reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone and brown spots while you sleep thanks to its active blend of skin-brightening agents.

Red, irritated skin benefits from…well…a soothing product. Funny that. One that’s easily accessible to us is Oasis Beauty’s On The Rocks Soothing Serum. Made especially for sensitive skin it’s packed with goodies to heal and repair, while treating dryness. Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream is also known for being kind to sensitive skin, and can be used as a night cream.

Of course, it’s not only your face you can treat overnight.  Show your hands and feet some love by slathering them in a thick moisturiser, then pop cotton socks and soft cotton gloves on to give them a deeply hydrating experience. Your hair needn’t miss out either, and your kitchen holds a handful of ingredients that create gorgeous masks. Try avocado and olive oil, coconut oil and lavender oil, or even mix even amounts of water with extra virgin olive oil together, then smooth through your hair, tie up, and pop a shower cap on before you head off to dreamland.  

One thing to remember though is that your quality of sleep is every bit, if not more important, than the products you use. So, if you can, try for seven to eight hours sleep, as that’s an optimal amount of sleep for most of us. Sleep on your back, as sleeping on your face causes little creases and wrinkles, which increase over time. You can also try to sleep slightly elevated to help stop fluid from pooling in the eye area, which helps create puffy eyes. 

Do you have your Sleeping Beauty routine down? Any further recommendations? Are you inspired to start a beauty routine that works while you don’t have to?Chat away…


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1st June, 2015

I try to use rosehip oil at night when I remember. The trouble I have is that with oily skin it takes a while to absorb into my skin, so to avoid it staining my pillow case when I sleep I have to remember to put it on at least an hour or two before bed.

28th May, 2015

2 kids under 3 means a good night's sleep doesn't always happen for me lol so I need to rely on products to help keep me looking fresh. I have to admit I don't have much of a routine, I tend to constantly swap around the products I use and don't always remember to apply before I get into bed. But my skin always does feel so much better when I remember to use my night creams

28th May, 2015

Sleep gets a little more elusive as you get older, but I've found serotone tablets very helpful. I like a thick creamy moisturiser to put on before bed, including putting Vaseline Cocoa Glow on my feet and hands so I can enjoy the fragrance.

27th May, 2015

Great sleep...if only I could sleep still enough so the shower cap doesnt come off while doing an overnight hair treatment lol

27th May, 2015

I never get enough sleep, we have a new neighbour now who leaves for work an hour before our usual wake-up time, and wakes us up with his extremely noisy car. Hubby doesn't help with a visit to the little boys room, either, usually wakes me up. I sleep on my right side, and have found that side of my face in the morning is more wrinkly, so yes sleeping on your back does help, but I am so used to sleeping on my side that I don't know if I can get used to sleeping on my back.

27th May, 2015

I cannot remember the last time I had a full, uninterrupted 8 hours without the aid of a bottle (or 2) of wine! I'm a shocker for going to be late - I need the time to unwind after I get my boys to bed & there's always good TV on! Then there's the boys waking me up in the night or the cats or malloMr's death grip on my waist.... My beauty routine is pretty slack to be honest. I take off my make up & slather on Love Oil's J'Taime - though I now have some Oasis Sample goodies to try so I'll be getting stuck into them this week! I also have a new top secret product I am testing out on my under eyes! I'm hoping this will work as it just might be a surprise to a few... teehee

27th May, 2015

Sleep is definitely the answer but like so many it tends to elude me, particularly if I am stressed. I find that products may assist but nothing like a good night's sleep. The old adage "an hour before midnight is like two after twelve!" (I wish)

26th May, 2015

My sleep depends on how busy my life is. I'm actually using some Living Nature stuff every night at the moment. But I might try moisturising my hands at night, that's a good idea.

26th May, 2015

that manuka honey gel sounds like it may have to get into my night routine! I always take my makeup off and if I'm not too tired Ill put on some rosehip oil. Last night I used trilogy everything balm on some scabbed over acne and woke up this morning looking so much better! A good eye cream is important too :) I usually get my 8 hours in, but am not the best sleeper so anything that can help my skin is a bonus!

26th May, 2015

I like to switch things up depending on what my skin is doing. I use a cleanser in the shower at night, either an oil one or Cetaphil if my skin really needs cleaning. Micellar water - loving the Simple one at the moment. Then an oil, Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair is awesome! (Unfortunately because of the price). Or the Oxygen Serum, or Essano Rosehip Oil which is the first face oil I have had that I love. Then at the mome I use the Trilogy moisturiser from the BRBB. If I'm pimply then I use a bit of tea tree oil. Quite happy with my routine at the moment.

26th May, 2015

I definitely don't have my sleeping routine set! So far I've adopted the mantra that one cup of coffee equals one hour of sleep. I know I know it's bad but life's too busy to spend more than 6 hours on the bed!

26th May, 2015

I like to any exfoliation at night, including masques and peels. I like to use two serums instead of one which is Antipodes Hosanna which is a staple for me and then another serum on top. I also l like to swap out my night cream for Evolu Rescue Rehydration Masque on a night that I did a mud masque or some peel. And of course I like to apply my thicker hand cream before I go to sleep. I do sleep on my back sometimes during the night but I always start off sleeping on my side because that's how I sleep the best.

26th May, 2015

hmmm Sleep... not sure I remember what a full nights rest is lol.

26th May, 2015

No problem going to sleep at night, just clear the mind and I go out like a light. Beauty routine is to take all makeup of and I have been into the Karen Farley range with the Night renewal creme with a few drops of Trilogy certified organic rose-hip oil works well with my skin and Karen Farley is made in New Zealand and is a pure natural skincare with a great range of skincare for $95 you can purchase six different skin care products that's great value for a great produce. Its my birthday today and when I was at the supermarket getting some candles for my cake, a number 5 and 4, was asked if it was the 4 n 5, I said no, wish it was, I am the 5 n 4 way around, was told if I had said it was 4 n 5 she would have still believed me. I said I am preserving well.

26th May, 2015

Funny this article came up. I have been totally slack lately with my skincare. I haven't been doing anything at all. I normally use my manuka doctor skin repair and anti ageing serum. I does work for me. I notice Im not dry anymore. Im always up late. Sometimes I go to sleep about 1-3 am in the morning. I feel like I need more sleep too.