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The Hair Tool We Wouldn't Be Without!

24 February, 2023 - 06:21am by - Head Pixie | 8 Comments

by BR Kellie

Is there anything better than a mulit-tasking product? Something that'll do double or triple duty, helping you keep your space simplified and your routine easy breezy? In the cosmetic world that might be a cream product that works as a lippy, blush and eyeshadow, in the skincare world a sunscreen that's infused with skincare ingredients. In the haircare world? It's got to be the straightener.

Each and every member of the Beauty Review crew believe a straightener is a must in their arsenal of tools. In fact, if we had to keep one tool... the straightener might be it. (Although there was a goodly debate about the necessity of a hair dryer.) So, why are we head over hair for a good pair of straighteners? Why is a straightener a must, whether you've short hair, long hair, curly hair or already straight hair? Read on...


GHD Classic Styler

Let's be honest, the most obvious reason a straightener is our favourite tool is in its name: it straightens. It takes our kinks, our curls, our waves, our morning bedhead and turns it into a sleek curtain of gorgeousness, helping us feel put together, elegant, ready to face whatever the day throws at us. Pin-straight hair to us being what Wonder Woman's lasso of truth was to her - our bonus weapon against the world.


Cloud Nine The Original Iron

What about the days when we don't want to have a helmet of straight hair? What about when we want to tame our curls or create ones that don't exist? When we want to feel fresh and fab and fun? A straightener, with the help of a YouTube tutorial or two, gives us those mermaid waves we're looking for!

Pretties up ponies

VS Sassoon Steam Straight Brilliance

In a time crunch but want to look like you've made an effort when you head out? Throw your hair into a ponytail, take your straightener and run it through your hair to deal with any frizz, then call it good. If you've a little extra time, add in a few curls. Job done. 

Smooths flyaways

Remington PROuxe Salon Straightener

Ever looked in the mirror halfway through the day and gotten a fright because your previously put-together look's gone feral? Your face framed by a halo of hair? A quick swipe with the straighteners will see your locks calm their farm once more, and see your ready to face the rest of the day.

Deals to clothing crinkles

GHD Gold Mini Styler

Non-hair hack: Find yourself with a crinkle in your shirt or skirt? Never forget that a straightener is an iron. These beauties are perfect for ironing out those annoying little wrinkles that appear in our clothing, and remove the hassle of having to pull out the ironing board. Extra bonus tip: do check that the material is ironable or patch test on an area that's hidden first. I may have ruined the odd piece of clothing by going in without checking first...

So, my beauties, do tell... is a hair straightener your must-have beauty tool? What do you use yours for? Or is there another hair tool that ticks all the boxes for you? Chat below! 



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14th April, 2023

Hair straighteners are a definite must. Not only can you straighten but you can also curl

3rd March, 2023

I’ve had my GHD for over a decade and it still works beautifully for taming flyaways. I try not to straighten my hair too much as it’s quite damaged but a quick sweep through at the top of my head definitely helps my hair look tidier and less frizzy

2nd March, 2023

A straightener is a must for me as my hair is fine and easily gets frizzy. I'd love some really top level straighteners, mine aren't the best on the market by a long stretch..

2nd March, 2023

My hair is super straight on its own, so I've never used a straightener.

2nd March, 2023

Use my GHD and curling wand equally as much , yet prefer my natural curls itsxso much easier and less damaging to my hair .

1st March, 2023

I love my ghd but it’s so old now that it’s overheating.

1st March, 2023

Love my straighteners! I have the VS steam straighteners thanks to BR!

28th February, 2023

Love my straighteners! Well don't love my ones and would love to upgrade to a decent pair, but it's just not in the budget!



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