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The B Word We Never Talk About – Until Now

16 July, 2015 - 08:59pm by - First Lady | 23 Comments

Article by BR Kellie

One of the Beauty Review Crew members confessed something to me the other day. They confided in me that they have a certain foot ailment (and I’m sworn to secrecy as to who it is, that secret is going to the grave). So embarrassed were they about this foot ailment that they also admitted to lying to people about it. When questioned they told the curious cats that it wasn’t what they thought it was, that it was in fact the early stages of the growth of two sixth toes… 

What the heck am I going on about? What the heck are they going on about? It’s the B word.  

Bunion. Not to confused with a Bunyip. Though both can appear quite monstrous.

Bunions come in different shapes and sizes. Our beloved BR member has Tailor’s Bunion, which isn’t strictly a bunion, but is similar to a bunion (I hope that fact makes them feel better – you’re kind of bunion-free sweetpea!). Basically a Tailor’s bunion is a growth at the base of the little toe. How does it differ from a regular bunion? Well, that’s a growth sticking out by your big toe. And if I were to be honest, a regular bunion is a lot less attractive than a Tailor’s.

So how do we get ourselves a pair of bunions … or more importantly, how do we not?

There’s a fair bit of ‘are you sure?’ in the medical community about why bunions are formed, and who is likely to get them. They know a bunion occurs when the big toe is forced to turn inwards more than it should over a period of time, causing an enlargement at the base of the toe. But why do they occur? Some people suggest it’s hereditary, others believe it’s due to a long term use of shoes – most notably the tightfitting, pointed, and high-heeled kind, which is why women are more prone to getting bunions than men.

So how do you know if you’re developing bunions? Apart from noticing a couple of nodules sticking out the side of your foot, like Frankenstein bolts, you’ll feel the burn. Pain when walking, sore joints, redness – it feels about as pretty as it looks. You’re not doomed to walk in agony though, there are options out there – first of all you can change the kind of shoes you wear (could this be a case of Crocs for the win!?). Orthotics can help, as can channeling your inner hippy and going barefoot. Anti-inflammatories can also help in the short term. However if the deformity gets too hideous or the pain too bad, there’s also the option of surgery, and your doctor can talk you through the options available. 

Prevention is as always the way to go if you’re quite keen on remaining bunionless. If you’re not keen on being a barefoot babe, be sure to wear correctly fitting shoes – and it helps if they’re low-heeled and supportive. Suffer from flat-feet? See a podiatrist about getting arch-supporting orthotics. Now if you’re reading this and feeling bad about your bunions, at least know you’re in good company. A Google image search showed some very famous people have them or have had them, including Oprah, Naomi Campbell and even Mrs Beckham. And if she has them, surely that makes them fashionable?

Have you been hiding your bunions? Have you found solutions to keeping the pain at bay? Will you be tossing out your high-heels and embracing nude feet?Get chatting!


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16th July, 2015

OUCH this sounds really really painful, I feel so sorry for people that have this and I have never heard of this until reading your article Kellie. I have wide thick flat feet, so I wear mostly jandals or sneakers. I do have a pair of thick heels but have only worn them a few times.

16th July, 2015

Sounds super painful! So happy feet are easily hidden :)

16th July, 2015

i have a bunion.I didnt know I had one until I went to have my feet and step measured.I was buying new shoes at the time and they had one of these machines. the lady said oh you have a bunion.I have had no pain and it doesnt stick out to much but there you go...a bunion.LOL

16th July, 2015

Looks and sounds painful! Hubby asked me just over a week or so ago what a bunion was so I had to google it for him... it was one of those random words that plague him from time to time until he finds out what it is. More common in dancers apparently (especially Ballet) so you could say you were a retired dancer ;)

16th July, 2015

Oh gosh this doesn't sound enjoyable at all. I really feal for our fellow br ladys that have bunions, fingers crossed I never get them.

16th July, 2015

I'm always conscious of developing bunions as I have widddeeeee feet, but love slender, pointed shoes, which has already resulted in my toes bending a certain way. These sound painful!

16th July, 2015

I have a really bad bunion on my left foot. I have only ever worn properly fitting shoes but my right leg is 1cm longer than the other and over the years....hello bunion! It really really burns some days and even sneakers can hurt. Am seriously considering asking dr about surgery but I don't think that the success rate is all that good. Has anyone had the surgery? And if has it helped?

16th July, 2015

Goodness me - that does sound painful. I'll certainly think of this article when buying and/or wearing shoes!

17th July, 2015

My sister in law had the surgery and was out of action for about 2 weeks

17th July, 2015

Yep I figure that there's no harm in asking aye? Julieal, has it solved your sister in law's bunion or will/might it reform?

16th July, 2015

I agree Kirsty, it must be harder to hide in the summer time though.



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