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Do you have really sensitive skin?

5 July, 2017 - 09:34pm by - First Lady | 46 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

I love trying beauty products. (Understatement of the century...)  And luckily my skin is pretty tough - it doesn't react or break out easily, which means I'm quite comfortable slapping most things on it.  I avoid overly-floral scented products like the plague and I approach foundation with the same suspicion Milky approaches a stringy banana.  But I never routinely study an ingredient list or do a test patch.

Sensitive skin on the other hand makes trying products a game of Russian Roulette.  Sensitive skin is prone to irritation and even coming into contact with the teeniest amount of the 'wrong' ingredient or product, can lead to a painful flare-up that lasts days.

For those with sensitive skin, there is no jumping skin first into trying a new product.  You need to look at the ingredients and carefully weigh up if the product might do your skin some good.

Which is why this incredible trial opportunity is going to be a godsend for 25 reviewers.  Because they're going to put the full Trilogy Sensitive range to the test.  That's SIX full sized products worth over $275 for each of our sensitive reviewers.  Admit it, you've never wanted sensitive skin more, haha.

This gorgeous range from one of our most loved brands will enable our reviewers to discover the peace and comfort nature brings to the most sensitive skin.  Creating certified natural skincare for sensitive skin requires great expertise, and Trilogy uses theirs to bring together delicate blends of pure plant oils and extracts, carefully selected for their calming and soothing properties.  These products are perfect for even the most fragile, intolerant and easily irritated complexion and contains the botanical complex SyriCalm®, which is proven to reduce inflammation and help strengthen the weakened skin barrier.

Every member of this trial team will receive:

  • Very Gentle Restoring Oil

  • Very Gentle Calming Serum

  • Very Gentle Cleansing Cream

  • Very Gentle Eye Cream

  • Very Gentle Hydro-Mask

  • Very Gentle Moisturising Cream

If you'd like to be a part of this trial team, tell us why below!  Do you seek out products especially for sensitive skin, or do you forgo using certain products altogether?

We need to know more about your skin type so we can consider you for this trial team, so you'll need to click here and take our quick pre-qualifying survey.

Do you have really sensitive skin?

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18th July, 2017

My skin is so frustrating. Sometimes it reacts to things i expect it to react you and than other times it reacts to super gentle products. I often end up with redness and small bumps. Particularly on my face. Would love to find a range that I could trust day in and day out.

12th July, 2017

My skin on the whole tends to be on the sensitive side of things, especially around my nose, mouth and eyes! I love the trilogy range and would love to see if these products for sensitive skin are still as effective as the more intense products for normal skin.

11th July, 2017

I have dry, red skin that reacts easily. If a product does not suit me it burns! Ahhhhhh!!!! The worst thing is going for days afterwards with a yucky looking rashy burnt face. Not good for the self esteem. I am very wary of what I use. This sounds fab.

11th July, 2017

Woukd love to try the trilogy sensitive range I have tried other trilogy products but sadly reacted to them.

11th July, 2017

My skin is superman sentive. That if i use something my skin doesn't like I get bumps that are itchy and sore. I currently use trilogy rosehip oil and my skin loves it. Would love to try other products.

9th July, 2017

Yes!! It is such a nightmare having sensitive skin, mine is also acne prone, a sucky combination! I would love to trial this range.

9th July, 2017

Yes that's me I have sensitive skin! I am yet to find the perfect rand of products that my skin likes and doesn't react to. I always avoid products with fragrance due to my sensitive skin. When priests irritate my skin it becomes red and/or stigma my skin. I have managed to find a few products my skin likes but all from different brands. I would be interested to see how this range from triogy compares to my current products as I would like to use all products from just one range. My skin is always very sensitive after I cleanse or have a shower and I am yet to find a product that doesn't irritate my skin after my shower. I look forward to reading these reviews as j might end up buying some of these products

9th July, 2017

I have on and off sensitive skin - right now it's read and flaky just above my right eye for some reason. Today I went to a wedding and I used eyeshadow primer but you could still see the pinkness, so I had to use an apricot eyeshadow to make it look more hidden!

8th July, 2017

I struggle with my skin :-(. I have tried so many products, as I have grown up over the years, it seems my skin wants to constantly challenge me. I am a nurse so an easy affordable product would be perfect to treat it with love and care

8th July, 2017

My skin is very sensitive and that's why I'm so keen on natural products. Even if my sky n wasn't sensitive I still like natural products as you know what's going on your skin is not nasty chemicals. Love to be considered please as my tired skin could do with some much needed TLC

8th July, 2017

It's frustrating to keep buying skin care only to find out that my skin reacts badly to it. I suffer from dermatitis and have to be careful with the products I use. My skin is currently dry and dull and reacts badly with moisturisers so I am really keen to try this range out.

8th July, 2017

My beauty therapiat calla my skin combination buy my skin reacts in ways when I use products. A, it breaks out like im a teenager for a couple of weeks. B, I get these hidious rough patches over my face that are super red and scaly. C, its perfect! The standard trilogy range causes me to break out which really sucks as I love Rosehip oil! (I use this once a week). Please pick me!

8th July, 2017

Ageing has made my skin far more sensitive and I would be grateful to find an amazing local brand such as Trilogy to sooth it.

7th July, 2017

I don't usually try a lot of different products on my face. Normally my face care products don't get replaced by different brands because that's how sensitive my skin is and I haven't had good experience most of the time I have tried to switch to,different brands. However this sounds like it is going to be quite gentle on the skin but at the same time be really effective. I'm keen to test this out.

7th July, 2017

Oh my goodness, yes please!!!! Love trilogy! I'm in love with all trilogy products, and how awesome a new range for sensitive skin - my skin could definitely do with some gentle products - maybe this may calm down some skin redness? Trilogy products are so divine - love the natural aspects of their products!



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