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6 Easy Ways to Embrace Ageing and Look Great!

13 May, 2018 - 06:18pm by - Head Pixie | 17 Comments

By BR Kellie

You know what I'm loving? Getting older. Often on Twitter I see people freaking out about getting nearer the big three-oh, or the big four-oh, but it's never bothered me. Not one iota. Perhaps this is because my whole life I feel I've been surrounded by women who are as wise as they are funny, as smart as they are kind. Women who are thoughtful, inquisitive, straight-up, strong, brave... A number hasn't stopped them from being who they want to be. Hasn't put a halt on them achieving what they set out to do.

Without saying a word, these women taught me a number was nothing to fear. That if anything, time brought with it a contentedness that certainly eluded me in my teens and twenties. They also taught me that beauty isn't what you see on the outside. That beauty is radiated from the inside out. It's in your smile. It's in your actions. It's in how you view the world and treat those in it.

They also taught me that beauty is in how you treat yourself. Treat yourself well, and it shows.

So it got me thinking... what are the key things I see the women I admire doing that is good for themselves? That sees them looking beautiful from the inside out? Read on...

If you don't use it, you lose it. 

Moving your body keeps things ticking over nicely. That doesn't mean we need to be running marathons, but a half hour walk every day will help muscle tone, keep everything pumping, and it's great for clearing the head of any mucky thoughts. You could also try gardening, cycling, bush walks, or hit the water on a SUP. If you're moving, you're grooving! 


Drink it. There's some contention over whether you need the full eight glasses a day, but in a nutshell the studies and opinions of health professionals I’ve read say, if you're feeling thirsty it’s time to drink a glass of water. If your pee is of a dark shade, it’s time to drink some water. If you find water by itself boring, add some mint leaves and lemon slices to a jug of the old H20 and drink from that, or sip on your favourite herbal tea. 

Eat Well.

And by eating well I don't mean going full chia seed-loving, probiotic-everything, 'only organic food will pass my lips' obsessed, I mean eat to your body's needs. Listen to how your body responds to the food you put in it. Be mindful, pay attention, and adjust your food intake accordingly. Love treats? Great! But keep them in moderation. (Of course, if you have a health/food-related issue, or think you might, always visit a health professional.)

A good night's sleep...

is key to waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed. But, let's be honest, we can go to bed at 9.30 with the best intentions of getting eight solid hours, but then our mind gets cranking the moment our head hits the pillow and next think you know it's 2am and you're dreading your 6am alarm going off. OR you get to sleep easily enough but 2am comes and BANG, you're awake, tossing and turning for a few hours before you drift off again. There are a few things we can do to promote a good night's sleep. Taking magnesium regularly is one of them (talk to a health professional first).  Spritzing pillows with a lavender spray can help. Some women I know swear by meditation apps for helping them dump what's in their head before going to bed. Avoiding screens or televisions in the bedroom is recommended. It's also recommended that we keep a sleep routine. As much as you can, go to bed and wake at the same time - yes, that might mean ditching the weekend sleep-in, but you'll feel and look better for it in the long run.

A topical application...

Even as a tracksuit-wearing tom boy, the contents of a vanity or duchess held a fascination. I loved seeing the pretties displayed in all their finery. One thing I noticed as I grew up was that those who took care of themselves on the inside, also took care of themselves on the outside - and that meant having a good skincare regime. That didn't mean they used oceans of lotions and potions, but I would note a moisturiser and an eye cream sitting on their vanity. Sometimes a toner. And a cleanser might have been found in the bathroom, or just a good old flannel. This clearly impacted upon me as I began a skincare ritual from a young age, and continue to layer products upon my skin religiously. What I love about skincare, and about treating yourself well in general, is that it's never too late to start. For example, we recently sent the L'Oréal Paris Revitalift regime out to members to trial. This range is targeted at those 35+ and the results were fantastic, with the regime and its individual day and night creams and eye cream receiving Top Rated status, and members saying they found the range softened fine lines and left their skin feeling smooth and firm. What stood out for me is that the range would make a great starting point for those who are ready to step into skincare, but are intimidated by all the essences, serums and oils out there that make skincare seems like a scary set of steps!

Show your teeth.

Last, but not least. Never least. Actually, out of everything I think it's the one thing we should do most to shine our beauty from the inside out - and that's smile. A bright, open, happy smile welcomes joy, friendship and love into our lives - and that I believe is a massive part of what keeps you young whatever your actual age.

So, do tell, my beauties... what are your tips for keeping yourself youthful, whatever your age? What have those around you taught you? What will you be hoping to pass onto those around you? Sharing is caring... 



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13th May, 2018

All of these are greats, but I also think natural masks and serums help as well as good amount of exercising

13th May, 2018

I take supplements, and I'm convinced that helps.

13th May, 2018

Oh and doing yoga and other stretching helps. Limping around with a bent back doesn't trick anyone into believing you're young!

16th May, 2018

I take supplements too and swear by them :)