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Are You Hiding Behind The Filter?

25 January, 2015 - 09:37pm by - First Lady | 20 Comments

Article by BR Natalie

Who doesn't love Instagram?!  Admittedly it took a while to 'get it' but now a quick check of the notifications on the BR feed can end up with me scrolling and double tapping for half an hour.Little snapshots in to people's lives, motivational posts, beauty hauls, nail looks.  It's like Pinterest on the go.

Now I know there are many an IG afficianado among you, so what I'm going to say may raise some eyebrows or indeed, backs.

I'm getting just a little bit over filters.  Filters are overused.  Filters hide what is really in the photo.  Filters are the new Photoshop - and we've had many a debate about the effects of the now industry-standard photoshopping of models in the media.  Unrealistic expectations.  Body shaming.  Poor body image.  Low self esteem. 

For those of you unfamiliar with Instagram, here's a quick overview.  It's essentially a Facebook status or a Tweet, in the form of a photo.  100 million users upload 40 million photos every day, tagging them with things like #beautyreview, #bestbeautyboxever.   Users upload photos, crop them to a square and have the option to edit things like the brightness, focus or even add a 'filter'.  This gives them a retro feel - think Lomography photos - over exposed, under exposed, soft focus lighting, lo-fi imagery. 

You can see why it appeals to the hipster / artiste right?  But with the faux-retro, faux-artisan and faux-nostalgia shots, came another use for the filters.  Making us feel better about our selfies and photos of ourselves, by shifting the focus so to speak. 

For example I could post a selfie with a hint of a double chin (who am I kidding, make that a heaped serving of chins) on a bad skin day, and apply a filter that makes my skintone look perfect and literally darkens out the chins.  I often see photos that have focus on a gorgeous shade of lippy, but a blur applied to the rest of the face, softening features (and presumably hiding 'flaws') making the face almost look distorted. 

Now in real life, despite the best efforts of blur creams, people will not see you through a filter, so why should the cyber world? Who are we trying to kid?!

We all know behind every good selfie are 50 that didn't make the cut and I can totally get on board with that.  There's nothing worse than being tagged in a hideous photo, where you've been caught at the wrong angle for a second and immortalised on your firend's wall looking awful - but why can't we just be happy with a good photo of ourselves?  You know, the photos where you look at yourself and think, "I don't look half bad in that.  That's a keeper."

If we're feeling fabulous and decide to show off our #motd (yeap, sorry menfolk, that's no longer Match Of The Day, that's Makeup Of The Day) surely we want everyone to see the true colours?  And with rumours of celebrities like Beyonce, photoshopping their 'candid' shots before posting on Instagram, I can't help but wonder if the 'me' we're portraying online, is in fact the 'you' people see in real life.  Aren't we just deluding ourselves, when we should be accepting ourselves?

It's time to take of the rose tinted glasses and let the cyber world see us as the real world does.  Liberate your photos from the filter, accept a good photo without picking up on, and trying to hide, every flaw.  You are beautiful.  You are beautiful with that blemish.  Not in spite of it, not by hiding it, not by filtering it.  You are just beautiful.

Show us who you really are - come on, shout it loud, #nofilter

Are you an avid Instagrammer?  Do you apply filters to all of your photos and does it help your confidence in posting them?  Do you agree with BR Nat that filters will create the same issues as Photoshopping in the media, or is she talking wet?


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1st February, 2015

I'm guilty of freely using filters on Instagram lately on food pics I put up and any pics that I wana make nostalgic as for selfie I have slowed down on those these day but where I take a selfie I might use the filter or I might not for me it's not a compulsive thing. It's mainly what I'm feeling at the time of posting but one definite for filter is food.

1st February, 2015

I don't have instagram and I really don't know how to use filters. So just about every photo I take is real me with at best some makeup on. I do have to take a lot of photos though before I get one that makes the cut though.

1st February, 2015

I don't have Instagram, and I do sometimes like the look of filters. But i do hate it when people use filters in selfies that show off make up. You can't see the true lip shade or the effort someone has gone into pulling off that smokey eye or perfect contour.

30th January, 2015

I always add filters and tweak the photo settings. #guilty!

30th January, 2015

Nope, to be honest I don't know how to use filters lol

27th January, 2015

I Instagram my face off haha! But I don't use filters. I think I did once but I don't think it was for one of me. If the picture doesn't look good as it is then I just won't post it. I agree Nat that filters are essentially the same as Photoshopping its not the real image you are distributing so why bother.

26th January, 2015

That's sad to here so much people don't like their appearance. A natural selfie works much better and it shows the real you. We should all be proud of our looks. A natural look is far more better then an over rated look.

26th January, 2015

I am a total novice when it comes to tech stuff, not even on Facebook, which is not the end of the world for me, actually.

26th January, 2015

I love instagram, and usually use filters on food pics - to make them look more delicious. I rarely use it on myself, sometimes natural lighting is better than a filter! :)

26th January, 2015

I love filters however I do agree that it does create the same harm as the whole photo shop thing. I will post pics with no filter from time to time. I try to be realistic with the world about myself

26th January, 2015

I love IG but haven't used a filter on selfies. I actually don't think I've used a filter at all before. I know im not perfect but im happy with the way I look. I accepted 'me' a long time ago and have been a lot happier since ;-)

26th January, 2015

I think filters for selfies can totally perpetuate issues like in the media. There's even an app now that will let you airbrush your face before posting it. No body looks like that in real life though, it's too unrealistic.

26th January, 2015

I use a filter most of the time because I hate how my pores are shown in real time! I am still me behind the filters just a lil more pretty to me. I have selfies with no filters but I prefer filters. I use Retrica and I find it makes my lippy pop a lil more than my camera with no filter. Just a personal preference to boost my own confidence because in reality I have none or hardly any.

26th January, 2015

If you're trying to showoff the makeup I think the filter makes it pointless! I think for the occasional selfie here and there its okay, however I'd prefer if makeup shots were left filter free

I just avoid the problem all together by avoiding photos of myself haha

26th January, 2015

Yet another fab article - I must admit I don't use Instagram mainly because I didn't really 'get' it. I wholeheartedly agree with the over-use of filters though. I often see pics of friends pop up in my fb newsfeed that I think look gorgeous, but would have looked even lovelier if they were more 'real'. I read an article not long ago called something like "Come out from behind the camera" and it was along the lines of encouraging mums to stop just taking pics of the kids and actually getting in the pics. To be part of the snapshot wrinkles and rolls and all - that it gives our kids a real view of the world and helps to stop this unrealistic body image obsession.