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Are you easily embarassed when buying certain products?

15 October, 2013 - 09:56am by - First Lady | 10 Comments

image: istockphotos

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Last week we asked about the monthly ladybug and this week we're continuing the theme of ladies only.

We've become a society of no time and therefore big consumers of time saving products.  We also seem to be getting over the embarassment of buying our "ladies equipment".  Tampons, sanitary towels and feminine washes no longer mean a separate trip to the chemist; they go in the trolley with the rest of your groceries.

Well the aisle that strikes fear in to the heart of men has just gotten even fresher.  Libra have produced "Get Fresh Wipes" perfect for "freshening up, when you haven't got time to freshen up".  Specifically formulated to to be used head to toe - and yes, down below.

So what are you thoughts on all things feminine hygiene?  Are we really so busy we don't have time to stay fresh?  Are you easily embarassed when doing the monthly stock up or perhaps you secretly relish in sending the hubby for a quick mission to the shops? 

Get chatting below!


Are you easily embarrassed when buying certain products?

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24th October, 2013

I do get embarrassed buying some sanitary products! Natural as it is, still is a little bit awkward for me. But these look very cool and I would be so keen to try them.

24th October, 2013

Okay, so not really embarrassed about buying certain products if I'm on my own, however I do cringe when one of my darling kiddie winkles makes it known that I have certain items in my basket e.g. what are those big pads for Mum or something along those lines. Hilarious if I wasn't in public lol. Kids gotta love them though :-)

21st October, 2013

I think when younger it may of been somewhat of an embarassment issue but doesn't bother me now, its part of being a female! I have purchased similar wipes from another company before and found them really good so would be keen to give these ones a try to see if they perform as good or if not better!

18th October, 2013

I think I used to be embarrassed when I was younger but now I just see it as a way of life. I even have a boyfriend who is more than happy to pick up what is needed if I can't get it myself. However I would not try this product, despite the idea of being able to freshen up 'down there' being so appealing, I am way to sensitive and putting any chemicals around that area is a big no-no! I sometimes use all natural baby wipes, if I feel it is necessary, and when I travel (or am going out for a long day etc) I have a small travel pack of baby wipes in my bag - just in case! They work perfectly the same and I know they don't irritate me, so I think I'll stick to those.

16th October, 2013

I buy what I need, not really bothered if anyone looks in my trolley !!!

15th October, 2013

I think once you've had children you realise that there are worse things to be embarrassed by :)

15th October, 2013

I always have a little packet of baby wipes in my handbag. How are these any different? Marketing ploy to get me to buy two products when one would do? Feeling a bit cynical about these ;)

15th October, 2013

I used to be embarrassed about buying personal items but not anymore. It's just part of life. I've never tried anything like those wipes before though, i'd be pretty keen to, just to see what they're like.

15th October, 2013

It is part of life, so I'm not really bothered. Although I do online shopping so I don't have to worry anyway!

15th October, 2013

I get a bit shy when it comes to buying those types of things. Would love to try Libra have produced "Get Fresh Wipes".



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