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Have you ever 'faked' a product?

2 August, 2015 - 09:14pm by - First Lady | 36 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

If there's one thing our Save or Splurge feature proves - it's that there is most definitely elitism within our treasured industry.

Let's say the average lipstick costs around $20.  Well head into the local Dollar Store and you can probably find a pretty decent Jordana lipstick for a couple of dollars.  And of course you could head to you local MAC counter, or even local NZ company and pick up a lipstick for $40.  And if your budget stretches even further, well you could pay upwards of $80 for something like the nifty Guerlain lipstick.

But how much weight do we put on brand names?  And does brand importance encourage us to fake it?

Here's just some of the ways one could 'fake' a beauty product.

  • If someone asked the brand of your lipstick, would you proudly say "Jordana", would you 'forget' where you bought it from, or would you outright lie and say "Karen Murrell"?
  • Have you ever knowingly bought a fake product, just so you could say you owned Mac?  Or Chanel?  Or Dior?
  • Have you ever depotted a product into the empty of a more expensive product?

Oh yes, the Beauty Confessional is once again open, and we want to know...have you ever faked a beauty product?

And if you're feeling brave - tell us what and how below!

Have you ever 'faked' a product?

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6th August, 2015

Never have, never will. Nothing to be ashamed of if I buy a good product with great value. I always love a bargain and I usually buy stuff that is nice on me regardless of brand or price. But yes, once in awhile, I do spoil myself with big branded products but never the fake ones.

4th August, 2015

I'm never ashamed to tell others if I'm wearing a cheaper brand, if anything im proud if I can find a good quality product for a good price! I've never really been into brands but do like trying out more expensive ones when I can :)

4th August, 2015

Loving to see these comments - all these beauties genuinely puzzled as to why anyone would pretend their bargain buy is anything other than what it is! How about my beauty confession then - my favourite M.A.C lippie has been used up and scooped out - nothing left! I haven't been able to bring myself to shell out for a new one so I have been hunting around amongst the Jordana's and Nyx's for a dupe . . . three so far and $25 down the drain . . . how dumb am I? Would have been more sensible to grit my teeth and shell out??

3rd August, 2015

always honest with what I have got, someone else may find a hidden gem also by tht

3rd August, 2015

I had to read this article first to understand what 'faking' a product was! I've never pretended one of my products was high end ... in fact I own just one MAC lippie and that's it, the rest of my products are drugstore. My bad! :D

3rd August, 2015

Never done this before. If you find a good product, then tell the world about it so that more people can buy it too!

3rd August, 2015

Like others have mentioned, I wouldn't fake a product. I feel so much more awesome saying that the good product I'm using was actually really cheap!

3rd August, 2015

some one told me that it makes you look cheap and nasty if you keep telling everyone how you got blah blah blah for only a few dollars and then people copy you but its hard not to tell!

3rd August, 2015

No, I don't care enough about what other people think to bother lying :)

3rd August, 2015

I have never faked a product to make it sound better and I would never do that

3rd August, 2015

No I never fake it to make it sound better HOWEVER..... If I had a new product that was pricey that I didn't want the man to know how much I paid for something I would tell him it was cheap haha does that count?

3rd August, 2015

Can honestly say I have never done this before...I proudly will tell my girlfriends to check out the dollar store if I have picked up a product that is worth it :) the quality might not be the what you get when you pay $40+ for the same product but some people simply can't afford that :) I use what works for me, from my $2 shop eyeliner to my $30 point in lying about it :)

3rd August, 2015

Nope, as much as I love my few 'higher-end' products, I'm super proud when I find an inexpensive bargain that looks great, so I'd definitely say if it was Jordana! That way it's helping someone else potentially save money while getting a great product :)

3rd August, 2015

Haha this is a funny article, I LOVE it when people ask what Im wearing if its a lipstick or eyeshadow and its a cheap as chips product, they get so happy because its cheap and easy to find, I wouldnt lie about a product, no matter how cheap or expensive it was :)

3rd August, 2015

That's so sad that you'd have to fake what you own/pay for something to make you feel worthy/important .

3rd August, 2015

I'm with you Lutece. I didn't even know this was a 'thing'. x

4th August, 2015

100% agree :)



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