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You Can Only Use ONE For The Rest of Your Life...

1 November, 2018 - 08:15pm by - First Lady | 149 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Hair.  Some times drying it is not enough to style it, and more often than not, to style it you need to dry it.  

Now we're lucky people - we live in a world of hair tools that help us efficiently and effectively dry and style our hair.  But what if we took a bit of a step backwards and gave you one of those annoying ultimatums...

You can only use ONE for the rest of your life.  Which would you choose, your hair dryer or your straightener?

Moi?  It would be my straighteners all the way.  Only because I'm shockingly lazy at hair care, and generally just go to bed with damp hair.  Quelle Horreur!  But when I want to look all fancy, I always reach for my straighteners - curls, waves, super-straight, flicky - they do it all.  Plus.  I have so much hair it proper makes my arms ache when I attempt the at-home blow wave!

Anyhoo, enough about me, let's talk about today's trial opportunity.  We're looking for reviewers to put the Remington Infinite Protect range to the test.  

Infinite Protection Technology is a unique combination of an Intelligent Sensor and an advanced ceramic coating infused with Shea Oil & U.V. filters working together to help increase protection against repeated heat styling and exposure to U.V. sunlight for long-lasting vibrancy and shine.

Within each product, the Intelligent Sensor has been selectively positioned so it continuously adjusts the temperature to deliver a healthier styling heat to prevent damage from over-heating.

So, go on, do tell - if you could only use one for the rest of your life what would it be - your hair dryer or your straightener?  Why?  Oh, and of course - which Remington Infinite Protect product would you like to review for us?  The Hair Dryer?  Or the Straighteners?

If you could only use your hair dryer or straighteners, what would it be?

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6th November, 2018

Straighteners all the way! I have a LOT of hair and also get arm ache from drying it, so now keep it shoulder length only because even straightening longer hair makes my arms sore. It’s actually annoying how often colourists say “gosh you have a lot of hair” I’m sure it’s just an excuse to charge more! I’d be interested to see how these work with infused oil, and how they compare to my good old GHD’s. I’ve used Remington straighteners in the past but found they start to smoke after a couple of years - so this would be a good test because my GHDs have been going on for almost 6 years now. They would need to keep up with the speed, because a mom bun only works so many days in a week.

5th November, 2018

Straightener...! Found this straightener that can be used wet + dry so.... easy one! Probably takes a little longer than the blow dryer but think that it does a similar job in getting my hair dry AND straight *thumbs* :D

So, definitely straightener if I had to choose.

4th November, 2018

Despite my current hairdryer being absolutely ancient I still love it. It's not a flashy one and I'd love to upgrade but in the meantime it does a pretty good job. My kids love it after a winters nighttime bath and in the past I've even used it on my massive German Shepherd to help dry and warm him up in the depths of winter after a beachy swim. I'd love to trial the Remington Infinite Protect Dryer, just to compare to my ancient one and see if there truly is a difference.....purely research purposes of course :) Please pick me.

4th November, 2018

I absolutely would not live without a straightener. It is the single product that can give me a guaranteed happy hair result every time. I would love to master a curler and a blow dryer to get some bouncy or beachy waves, but my lack of dexterity means I am limited to only being able to adequately operate a straightener.

The Remington Infinite Protect Straighteners would receive a thorough trial from my long hair. I currently am using the Remington straighteners I purchased 9 years ago in high school... they have lasted a long time, but definitely do not deliver optimum results, and I would really appreciate knowing that new technology can help protect me long locks.

4th November, 2018

I'd love to try the hair dryer as I have fine hair which needs washing and styling every day so a great hair dryer would be awesome.

4th November, 2018

I'd use straighteners for the rest if my life! My hair is not really curly but enough to just look messy if my hair is down. I love the silky feeling of it straightened and how it looks like I have done it.

4th November, 2018

I'd only use the straightener for the rest of my life - with curly out of control hair it needs taming! (hubby can't stand the out of controlness of leaving it wild). I'd love to try the Remington Infinite Straighteners as my GHD's are old school and when I ask my hairdresser if I should upgrade/replace she's told me to stick with them. I am curious if there is a better product out there and would love to investigate with my out of controlness.

4th November, 2018

Although I do need a new hair dryer I would go for a straightener to tame my cowlicks in my fringe and not to mention my straightener needs replacing too.

4th November, 2018

Although I do need a new hair dryer I would go for a straightener to tame my cowlicks in my fringe and not to mention my straightener needs replacing too.

4th November, 2018

Although I do need a new hair dryer I would go for a straightener to tame my cowlicks in my fringe and not to mention my straightener needs replacing too.

4th November, 2018

Straighteners without a doubt. Purely because when ever I use a hair dryer I end up with a fro. So always have to straighten it hahaha

4th November, 2018

My first pair of straighteners were Remington and they lasted for a few years. Ok for the price (I was given the cheaper ones as didn't know if I was going to like them). I couldn't live without my straighteners. Ok without a dryer, most of the time I let my hair dry naturally and just top of with the hair dryer before I straighten, but I never not straighten my hair after I wash and dry it. I also have wide plate straighteners which are awesome for my long thick frizzy hair but not so great for my fringe or if I want to do curls so I am looking around for normal plate straighteners and would love to try these ones on offer - they are so pretty as well!!!

4th November, 2018

Easy to answer would definitely be a straighetner, I usually let my hair naturally air dry but that causes my hair to frizz out big time so then I love to straighten it after its dry. I would love to have the opportunity to review these.

4th November, 2018

Would definitely have to go with the dryer as if I let my hair dry naturally, it looks very witchy and like I’m ready for a night of trick or treating! I also love drying my hair in winter to help warm up on chilly mornings.

4th November, 2018

Oh be still my frizzy flyaways! Those straighteners look ahmazing! If my hair dryer packed up I wouldn't cry but id my straighteners dies, wow que the tears! I really need to up my straightener game, mine pulls and tugs at my hair, the coating on the plates is wearing off, and I don't get the "I've just -come- from -the- hairdresser" look that I'm going for, its more like the "Did- you -use -an -actual -iron -on- an- ironing- board-?" look. Sigh. But these sound great, sounds like the technology has come a long way which can only be a good thing

4th November, 2018

Oh dear not sure why this posted 3 times..sorry for that ladies.