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The Party Skin You Want To Avoid!

5 December, 2021 - 12:58pm by - Head Pixie | 7 Comments

by BR Amelia

Nobody wants to be a party pooper, to be the nanna in the corner, warning you of the consequences of following your silly season impulses. After all, after the past couple of years we've had, one can hardly be blamed for wanting to let their hair down, sink a few bevvies and put the gnarliness of 2021 behind them. However, it has to be said, those few bevvies can wreck havoc on your skin.

So what can we do to help prevent our skin turning shocking during this season of indulgence? And what can we do on the odd occasion that we wake up after one too many and it shows? Read on!

The key thing to remember about drinking alochol is that it dehydrates the body. Yes, that beer that feels so thirst-quenching is actually drying you out. So the more you drink the thirstier your body will become (which is why we wake up in the middle of the night with the dry horrors). This dehydration shows up on your skin as dullness, dryness, and as your skin looking less bouncy, fresh and elasticated than usual. Not only that, but alcohol also causes inflammation, which is what can cause the puffiness, redness and blotchiness. 

So, what can we do pre-going out to give our skin a helping hand? The answer is pretty obvious... drink water. Don't go into a party already dehydrated. On top of that it's a good idea to have a filling dinner (bonus points for adding loads of veges) before heading out.

While you're out, do try and adopt a policy of drinking water every second drink

And once you get home? Drink more water, and then do your skincare routine. Even if the world's looking a bit wobbly. Sleeping with your makeup on, after a night on the terps is just going to add to the overall yuckiness the next day, not to mention create a breeding ground for pimples.

Sooooo, you've overdone it...

I know only a handful of people who can say they've never overdone it on the winesies, or whatever their drink of choice is, so you can be forgiven for waking up the worse for wear every now and then with skin that's sporting enlarged pores, blotchiness, and let's not forget the kind of puffiness that could see you mistaken as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man...

While you can't turn back time and say no to the last drink or five, there are ways you can liven your face up.

First of all, give your skin a cleanse and tone (hydrating and soothing toners for the win!), then mask up with a hydrating mask. Once that's on, lie back for 15 to 20 minutes and try not to give yourself grief for over-doing it. Once your skin has sucked up as much moisture as possible, it's time to deal with the bloat. To do that you need to get rolling! Take a crystal roller, or a contour roller, and roll it down your neck, under your jawline, up over your cheek contour, eyebrows and forehead. This tutorial from Gothamista gives a great demonstration on how to do it. Want to further increase the de-puffing? Before you head out on your party adventure, store your roller in the fridge for that extra cooling sensation the next day. Finish up with a hydrating moisturiser, then prepare to sip your way through the day with some more of the old H20.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, the last thing you want to do to your body is to drink a lot on the regular. Guidelines suggest 10 standard drinks a week for women, and 15 for men. Even then you don't want to binge those drinks with the recommendation being drinking no more than two standard drinks on any given day, with two alcohol-free days per week being recommended. With that being said - and reality being what it is - do your best to drink responsibly, make water your best friend, and have a merry and safe festive season!

So, will you be taking more care of your skin this party season? What are your tips and tricks to deal with a beauty emergency after having one too many? Sharing is caring, so get chatting below!



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25th January, 2022

I definitely need to drink more water - good for your skin whether drinking or not!

12th December, 2021

I rarely drink, so booze skin is not a problem for me. Would like a drink sometime though. Happy holidays all!

10th December, 2021

I don't drink much, so I had no idea this is a problem. It makes sense though that the dehydration from the alcohol is not good for the skin.

10th December, 2021

I don't have this problem but know a few people who do eek

9th December, 2021

No booze skin for me woohoo!

6th December, 2021

I have two full time jobs - booze skin isn't even an option sadly!!

6th December, 2021

Thanks for the link to the video, I didn't really know how to use the jade roller, I will try this :-)

6th December, 2021

I am sadly .. and very anaemic as well.

6th December, 2021

Gosh you must get really tired Maree working those hours.

6th December, 2021

But I will look at getting a jade roller. This lady's followers seem to think they're pretty great.