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The Cleopatra Fringe - yay or nay?

29 January, 2015 - 09:04pm by - First Lady | 39 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

The world has completed it's orbit many a time - enough for us to know that trends come and go.  And come back again.

The Farrah flick, the Pob, the Pixie.  And of course - the Cleopatra fringe.

It seems every celebrity has at one point sported the blunt, precise fringe, iconically seen on Dame Elizabeth Taylor in the world's longest film* Cleopatra.  And with the Egyptian resurrection in jewellery and fashion circles, it looks like this fringe is on it's way back in fashion.

The square shaped fringe needs a steady hand both in the chopping and the styling.  Immaculate and straight are what you should be aiming for, and if you're feeling really game, you can channel your inner toddler and start the fringe quite far back from your hairline - but be warned, you'll lose length around the sides too!

So what do you think of the Cleopatra fringe?  Do you have one?  Have you had one?  Would you never have one?! 

Get chatting below!





*Not quite, but honestly, it's really long!

The Cleopatra Fringe - yay or nay?

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9th February, 2015

I think this look is amazing on some people and I have tried it in the past and really liked the clean sleek look that it had with straightened hair.

8th February, 2015

Nope, fringes are not for me - too high maintenance and they just don't suit. And it must be annoying - whenever I see someone constantly flicking their just a bit too long fringe out of their eyes, I think it would drive me nuts

7th February, 2015

I had one for many years when I was younger. I don't have a fringe now, but I do like the look of the cleopatra fringe.

1st February, 2015

Although I vote yes for this style I couldn't pull it off I suit more of a side fringe. I'm all for fringe bangs as they cover up and give a hidden factor about you well that's my take on it anyway. I also like the bob cut with the fringe and am taking the leap to convert to a bob this year. Here's hoping it makes me feel and look fresh.

1st February, 2015

I love it! I've had it once or twice before, and it seems to suit my face shape.

1st February, 2015

Reminds me of the time I cut my bangs at six and then had to go to a hairdresser to straighten them out. When it was done I ended up looking almost exactly like my younger brother. This is not a look for me. I do like the look on some if it grazes the eyebrows like in the photo but it doesn't look good on me and it's really hot and gets oily sticks to my forehead.

1st February, 2015

I spent tooo many years as a child being forced to have a fringe, and having a horrendous cowllick, so glad thats over. I love the fact I can pull all my hair back in a pony tail now if need be and get it out of my face :)

1st February, 2015

I am a fan of fringes, this look would look good on the right person, just not me.

1st February, 2015

This looks great on others but won't on me as i have a side part and my fringe naturally veers off to the side.

Although for those who can afford regular trims of the ole fringe and what not I reckon go for it! Expecially with cleopatra inspired makeup I bet this would look amazing

1st February, 2015

I am not the wanting this for myself but looks great on others.

31st January, 2015

Love it! But for me I like it just past the eyebrows

31st January, 2015

There's so much more you can do with a fringe now.

31st January, 2015

I like the look, but unfortunately it doesn't suit me.

31st January, 2015

I love it, i am continuously thinking about bringing back my fringe!

31st January, 2015

I've recently got one in the last three months or so after dithering on the decision for a couple of years. I am such a wuss when it comes to changing my hair! It was a huge shock to start with but now I love it. I guess I can pull this off because I have more of a fivehead than a forehead! Getting regular trims is a complete pain but my hairdresser is great about it.