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Lavender Oil – the Unexpected Qualities of a Friend with Benefits

2 March, 2014 - 08:24pm by - First Lady | 13 Comments

Article by BR Georgiana


To me lavender smells of love. Every time I feel this unique scent I remember a trip I took one summer with my boyfriend to the South of France and a super-romantic run (well, more of a chase) in a lavender field where the breeze was absolutely intoxicating and the strong purple shade was a delight for the eyes and soul. If back then I used to love lavender only for its nostalgic fragrance and spectacular colour, today I cherish all its amazing benefits as well. Being one of the champions in the natural remedy world, this sweetheart offers both emotional and physical relief. If you are in the mood to discover the secrets and benefits of delicate lavender, read on to find out some amazing stuff.

The Exciting Properties of Lavender Oil
Lavandula Angustifolia gets its name from the Latin verb “lavare” (to wash) due to its clean, fresh smell, and is grown for the production of lavender oil.  When the lavender flower spikes are distilled, a colourless essential oil is obtained. Used in aromatherapy and alternative medicine, lavender is praised for its benefits. Here are some of the things it helps ease: 
Stress and Anxiety Relief

With its refreshing notes, lavender is calming and extremely relaxing. You only need to rub 2-3 drops between your palms and inhale. The scent will be transmitted to your brain, calming the mind. If crowded spaces like subways or planes make you anxious, carry the oil with you and rub it on your wrists or temples for instant relief.

Tip: smooth the oil over your pillow, if you are an insomniac. The scent will help you sleep better.

Burns and Cuts
When French scientist René Gattefossé got burned in his laboratory, he immersed his aching hand in a vat of lavender and was surprised at how quickly the tissue regenerated with no scarring at all. Apply 1-2 drops of lavender oil on the cut or wounded surface to prevent bacterial infection and help skin heal beautifully.

Aromatherapists acknowledge the benefits of lavender oil in treating acne. It is a great bacteria-inhibitor, stabilizing sebum excess which bacteria thrives on, and also reducing acne scars - an extra bonus. If you have acne-prone skin add some drops of lavender oil to a neutral moisturizer (try the chemists) and use it on a daily basis.

Sore Muscles
If your muscles are achy (you might be used to this if you are the sporty type), soak into the bathwater where you added some drops of lavender oil. It takes all the tension away and relaxes your whole body. You will feel as good as new!

Migraines and Headaches
Lavender oil makes even annoying headaches go away. Massage some oil drops into your forehead, nape or temples, or soak a piece of cloth in cold water then sprinkle it with a few lavender oil drops and keep it over your forehead. It should almost instantly soothe the pain.

Bug Bites
Apparently mosquitoes find lavender smell a tad too strong for their taste, so rub some drops into your exposed skin to prevent irritating bites. If you have already been bitten, apply a drop on the inflamed area and bid adieu to swelling and irritation.

Breathing Disorders
Fighting coughs, flus, throat infections, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis or asthma? Hopefully not but still, in case it happens, know you can count on lavender oil. Add it to an inhaler or vaporizer and inhale the antibacterial vapours, or rub it into the chest, back or neck.

Hair Loss
Patients suffering from alopecia (hair loss) reported an increase in their hair growth after rubbing lavender oil onto their scalp on a regular basis. The oil is also known to be effective in preventing male baldness. Spread the word!
As a bonus, lavender oil is also known as a taste booster. Today’s chefs promote many dessert recipes and tasty salad dressings with an enhanced lavender taste. Add some drops of pure oil to your sweets, but also to sparkling water or tea. They will taste divinely!

Make sure you only use therapeutic grade lavender oil and not something cut with synthetics, like lavandin, which is often sold as lavender oil.

With its sweet, herbaceous scent, lavender is ready to give you a helping hand in the most natural way possible. Have you already tried out its benefits?



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15th March, 2014

I love lavender oil, i also used it mixed with tea tree oil and water as a natural flea treatment for my animals, and they smell good too

6th March, 2014

If applied directly to a burn it will offer instant relief and reduce any scarring

5th March, 2014

I have slept on a lavender pillow. To be honest I don't think it made my sleep experience any different to sleeping without lavender. I have never used lavender in any other way.

5th March, 2014

I just love Lavender, it is my absolute favourite essential oil. It is so soothing, and a mere whiff of it sends me off to lala land and evokes the South of France and lazy summer days in my mind too. It's such a pretty plant, and then there are all the other uses and benefits. I definitely use it to relieve migranes and bites, and I must get onto the old boy about the hair loss, lol

5th March, 2014

I love lavender oil. I used to put a drop or two in the bath when my boys were tiny,; it calmed them down after busy days and they went to bed smelling divine!!! A bottle of lavender oil is essential. Our grandmother swore by it and now we know how harmful chemicals are it is essential that we promote the use of pure oils.

4th March, 2014

Love the fragrance but did not know about all these uses. Definitely getting a bottle

3rd March, 2014

This was a fantastic read, im a huge fan of oils and finding out what their health benefits are. I knew Lavender was great for relaxing and the scent can encourage a restful sleep so im very interested to find out the other healing properties this fabulous oil possesses. Cant wait to put Lavender to the test!

3rd March, 2014

Oh this is my all time favourite essential oil. I always have this in my house and use it for so many things. My favourite thing to do with it, is to add a few drops to my washing powder and it makes me clothes smell like lavender. Absolute heaven.

3rd March, 2014

I love Lavender Oil, primarily for its relaxing properties, the smell just automatically relaxes me every time.

3rd March, 2014

I had a lavender pillow once. To be honest, I am not sure if I slept any better but I loved the smell. Love the fragrance from the garden but don't enjoy the bees!! :-)

2nd March, 2014

I used to live down the road from a lavender farm and the woman who ran it would rave about its is similar in many ways to tea tree but less invigorating and more soothing. Great to rub a couple of drops on your solar plexus before bed to assist with a restful nights sleep. I use mine daily but didn't realise it was edible until recently.

2nd March, 2014

I used to use an oat mixture with a few drops of lavender oil to wash my hair when I had a dry flaky itchy scalp. It did calm down the itching. Lavender isn't my fave aromatic oil scent wise but I do use a number of skincare products containing a lavender distillation or lavender oil in them.

2nd March, 2014

I adore the smell of lavender! And we swear by Earthwise's Baby Lavender Sleep Spray for sending out wee one off to sleep. We spray it all over her bunny and cot just before it's time for her to nod off. (We even use it on our pillow's too!) Interesting to read that it's good for bites (I'm a mozzie magnet) - will have to get some as I hate being all itchy and scratchy.