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Is age affecting your hair growth?

10 November, 2014 - 01:51pm by - First Lady | 48 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Ah, getting older.  We're told not to fear it and to ebrace the changes our bodies go through.  If only the changes weren't so frustrating!

We usually talk about the signs of ageing on our skin, but today we're focusing on our hair.  Why oh why can't our hair age as well as the ever-gorgeous Jane Seymour or the ever-glamourous Helen Mirren?  Why?!

Just like our skin, environmental and lifestyle choices age our hair prematurely.  Heat styling, colouring, perming, sun bathing, chlorinated water and even everyday brushing all damage our hair.  Add to that the fact that as we age our hair quality naturally declines and it's quite common for hair to thin and hair fall to increase.

These changes can be most noticeable during the time of life we often talk about in hushed tones - menopause.

Well we're looking for 20 members who are concerned with the impact of ageing on their hair to put a new hair treatment to the test.

Lansonn Inside Out Hair Treatment is an intense protein enriched formula with Silk and Keratin proteins in conjunction with Organic Argan Oil, Organic Rosehip Seed and Virgin Tamanu oil to treat, improve and maintain hair quality.

A deep penetrating treatment serum designed to infuse hair with beneficial proteins and care ingredients to strengthen, nourish, and revive hair. This highly beneficial formula utilises ingredients which actually strengthen the inner core of the hair and the hair shaft as well as provide nutrients to promote hair growth and prevent hair fall.

Lansonn Inside Out is not a shampoo but is designed to be used with your shampoo of choice.  The serum is applied to either dry hair that is relatively free from gels/setting products or onto hair that has been rinsed and towel dried.  You leave it on for 5-10 minutes and shampoo and condition as usual.

Lansonn Inside Out Hair Treatment is designed to provide the following benefits to hair;

  • Nourish and condition scalp
  • Provide nutritional support to promote the growth of healthy hair
  • Strengthen hair inside and outside
  • Soften Hair
  • Repair splits and breaks in hair
  • Improve hair shine
  • Increase manageability of hair
  • Increase elasticity – improve texture and “bounce”
  • Protect against future damage
  • Moisturise hair inside & out

It sounds pretty amazing right?  So if you think your hair could benefit from this product why not tell us why below.  What are your most pressing hair concerns now you're in the prime of life?  Or are you one of the lucky ones and are still sporting the lucious locks of your youth?

Get chatting below!

Is age affecting your hair growth?

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10th November, 2014

This does sound amazing. My hair just seems to be getting worse and worse over the last year. It seems no matter what I use on it I can never get it to look glossy and shiny anymore. And yes the falling out is something I am trying to ignore lol

10th November, 2014

My hair has always grown like wildfire, but after the dramatic hairfall that accompanied my hyperthyroidism (the first sign of hyperthyroidism, and characterised by finding clumps of hair on your pillow case and in your hair brush), I find that although the disease is going into remission and the hair fall has mostly stopped, it is not great quality or growing very quickly. I am also in menopause so it's hard to know which one is causing the problem :(

10th November, 2014

Yes :(

10th November, 2014

Oh gosh! Magic in a bottle perhaps? I couldnt count the hairs that leave my head in the shower and then the ones in my brush after drying and styling. Then there are the ones that escape without any help at all! Apart from the falling out part my hair is not holding any kind of colour at the moment.I feel as if the colour washesout with each wash!

10th November, 2014

I have the added problem of auto immune disease me Ducati on thinning my hair. The same effect as chemo. Nothing has helped so far. If this product can do it for me I'd be over the moon.

10th November, 2014

Oh yes, does it ever. I'm in perimenopause. No wonder it's called men-o -pause lol, it really does affect so much. My skin and hair have both suffered over the last winter. I'd love to try this product although I must say the Arginine Resist shampoo and conditioner I trialled did seem to help. Time for something stronger maybe? I'd really like to try this product.

10th November, 2014

I am no where near the menopausal stage yet - phew! But my mum is and she is suffering with trying to make her hair grow and be thicker. It's really thin and lifeless, this would be amazing for her

10th November, 2014

My hair falls out by the handful, at 57 I guess it could be menopause related.

10th November, 2014

Wow, if it did what it says it does this would be fantastic! My thinning hair and easy breakage I think is due more to my age (boo hoo). Since I started using the ELvive shampoo its stopped the hair loss but I still seem to have really thin patches?? Just like my hairline is receeding... eekkk!! If it can help with that, I'd buy a bucket! The other issue I have is having a super sensitive scalp, if it doesnt like it, thats pretty much it, I have to stop using. :-)

10th November, 2014

Please please consider me ,I could cry just seeing how much thinner my hair has become ,I used to have quite thick hair ,but now since menopause ,I am continuing trying every body shampoo I can find on the market with little improvement ,this is something that bothers me so much and every day is a real battle with my hair ,bad hair days ,you desperate

10th November, 2014

I'm starting to wonder if I'm not starting with the early stages of perimenopause (my mum went through menopause very early). I have thin, fine hair, so the increased hair fall is noticeable. I have two areas on the top of my head where its thinned quite a bit, my hairdresser even commented on it this morning! I'd love to try this product to see if it would help my hair loss and possibly nourish my scalp. Hopefully some of it may even grow back.

10th November, 2014

Yes I think I am perimenopausal and my hair is definitely changing. It is no longer growign as long and the texture ahs changed making it appear thinner. my hair is my beauty priority so I would love love love to trial this.

10th November, 2014

Gosh you have hit the nail on the head for things that I have noticed but hadn't put it down to early menopause (I'm 50). I get my hair cut every 6 weeks but have noticed that it actually hasn't grown much during this time lately but still need to go as the ends have been really fluffy etc. I went through a patch a month or so ago where my hair was really falling out at a great degree - a bit like after giving birth and hormones had gone awol. I'm finding I am continuously putting treatments on my hair and leaving it in all day just so my hair feels less brittle and silkier looking which gets rather expensive. Gosh this Lansenn product sounds like what I need.

10th November, 2014

Oh yes. I have an increase of hair fall now. I hate it with a passion too. So would love to trail this

10th November, 2014

I'm in my early 40's and my hair is thinning pretty fast, actually I can mentally tick off a few of the 34 most common signs, oh no....I think I'll join Kellie and eat chocolate too!!

18th November, 2014

I would love my hair to grow back, I am so self conscious it's horrible, is my scalp showing, maybe it might be time to chop it all off. I would like a miracle product that promotes hair regrowth