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How often do you use a hand cream?

27 October, 2014 - 11:20am by - First Lady | 79 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

For some reason our extremities are often left neglected when it comes to our skin care routine.  Our hands and feet do so much for us and yet they're lucky if they get a little moisturising every now and then.

We moisturise our face every time we cleanse it and yet we wash our hands 10 times a day and pay no mind to keeping them replenished and nourished.  Our hands are subjected to chemicals, the elements and the enviroment more than any other part of our body, they're also the first place to show ageing.

So if anything we should be making the effort to look after them right?

We're putting The Aromatherapy Co Lavender and Wild Chamomile Hand Cream to the test.  This therapeutic hand cream is infused with rosehip, sweet almond and carrot seed oils, and extracts of pomegranate, blended with the 100% pure and natural essential oils of Lavender & Wild Chamomile to calm and heal the skin.

Lavender can encourage healing and help prevent scarring. The soothing qualities of Manuka can help accelerate the healing process, reduce dryness and cure common skin ailments like eczema. Wild Chamomile has an ability to stimulate and balance the skin’s natural oils, whilst restoring your hand’s inherent softness.

We think it sounds divine, and one trial team will be reporting back to tell us if we're right!  So if you'd like a place on this trial team, why not tell us about your hand cream habits.  Do you religiously apply your hand cream daily, perhaps thrice daily?  Or are you not a hand cream type of girl?

Get chatting below - we might just pick you!

How often do you use a hand cream?

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6th November, 2014

i have dermatitis...and still cannot find the right cream :'( HELP!

3rd November, 2014

Every morning and again if I have been working in the garden.

3rd November, 2014

Sadly I use hand cream a lot less than daily, I should use it a million times a day since I tend to be quite rough on my hands. Would love to trial this

3rd November, 2014

I leave handcream, usually in a pump container, in a conspicuous area of the kitchen and therefore it's used more than once a day! Definitely pays to hydrate the hands.

3rd November, 2014

I always have one sitting on my desk that I use every day!

3rd November, 2014

I dont have a cream specifically for hands. I just use moisturiser - usually cocoa butter - on my hands then on my face

2nd November, 2014

I use hand cream every night during the winter time because my hands get very dry but during the summer I forget a bit about them and I only do it a couple of time a weeks. I would love to try this product, it uses lavender and chamomile as well as helping your hands you are going to have a relaxing day. ;-)

2nd November, 2014

I use hand cream all the time however it is very hard to find one that is non greasy and make you hands feel nice. I have a hadcream on my desk at work and apply 3/4 times a day. I love lavender at any time and would love to try this one.

31st October, 2014

I use hand cream about three times a day, my hand definitely show my age. The hand cream I use feels great when I first put it on but then my hands just look horrible again about a hour later feeling all dry and crackly again. Would love to try a different hand cream to see if there is some help available to my hands :)

31st October, 2014

I never used to use hand cream and thought it a waste but, over the last two years I've found I cant live without it! I have a variety of hand creams in my handbags, my car and bedroom that I use as needed because I can't stand having dry knuckles. I also think its really important to take care of the skin on my hands. My grandmother's wisdom still echoes, "your hands and neck age the fastest". I have the 'Wild Rose' hand and nail cream by The Aromatherapy Co and it smells delicious but, more like sherbet than rose. I'm curious to see if this cream smells like lavender and chamomile.

31st October, 2014

I have hand cream everywhere, hand bag, car, beside the bed, work bag, whenever my hands feel dry its time to apply :)

31st October, 2014

I have super dry skin and my hands are no different. I use a hand cream often but have struggled to find one that actually works, so would love to be part of this trial. If something works for me, it will more than likely work for everyone!

31st October, 2014

I use moisturiser on my hands as often as I can as I have reaally dry skin! I often have "wrinkled" fingers because they are so dry so am yet to find a hand cream that moisturises them enough.

31st October, 2014

Always have one in my handbag (usually a NZ made nicely perfumed one) & an anti wrinkle one in my bathroom

31st October, 2014

I wish I could say daily but that would be a lie! Its usually once my hands start looking super dry that I will turn it into a daily ritual but once they go back to normal I will ease of again. Would love to trail this product! x



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