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Have You Tried At-home Microneedling?

4 March, 2021 - 12:18pm by - Head Pixie | 100 Comments

by BR Kellie

There comes a point in a skin care lovers life where you need a little more help in the face department. It could be that you're seeing uneven skin tone, or scarring that just won't fade, wrinkles that are deepening, or a dullness that no amount of facial massage, face masks, and skin illuminating products can hide.

At this point, we could take ourselves down to a dermatologist or an esthetician, give them half our weekly salary, and let them get to work micro-needling, OR we could take matters into our own hands and try an at-home option, such as the Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller.

Made from sterilised surgical grade stainless steel and featuring 540 ultra fine 0.3mm needles, the Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller works to boost collagen, while promoting glowing skin and reducing the look of scarring, enlarged pores and wrinkles, with results visible in two to four weeks!

Best of all? We have thirty Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller's on hand for Beauty Review members to trial, along with the Manicare Brush Cleaner & Tool Sanitiser! 

So if you're needing extra help in the skin care department, put your hand up and take our super-quick survey, telling us a bit about your skin, and what your skin's needs are, and you may well be rolling your way to firmer, glowier, clearer-skinned you! 

CLICK HERE to take the survey!

And why not comment below and tell us why you'd like to try microneedling?

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Do you want to try a microneedle derma roller at home?

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5th March, 2021

I’ll watch from the side lines for this one. I’m scared to try this at home lol.

5th March, 2021

I've been looking into derma-rollers lately as a few of my friends have had micro-needling done professionally and absolutely rave about it. But it's SO expensive! As I can't afford to have the treatments done, an at-home DIY derma-roller is very appealing. I am 31 years old, and my main skin concerns are my enlarged pores and fine lines. I had wondered how best to keep a derma-roller sanitized, so it's great to see that this comes with a Manicare brush cleaner and tool sanitiser! I'd LOVE to trial the Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller to see if this is something that can help with my skin concerns!

5th March, 2021

I have a lot of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation so microneedling is something I have been seriously considering. Being able to try this would be amazing!

5th March, 2021

I would love to trial the Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller as I have the lot, uneven skin tone, dull skin and wrinkles. I take collagen tablets so adding an external method to boost collagen (in tandem) would be really great. I have read about this procedure and often been tempted to pursue at a salon but it is very costly. It seems to actively improve skin as a long term solution. My fingers are definitely crossed to be chosen for this trial

5th March, 2021

My pcos is causing lot of facial hairs. Waxing and threading is so painful. I have been reading a lot about micro needling lately I would love to give it a try.

4th March, 2021

While ageing, my skin hs more uneven skin tones. I am also getting more wrinkles and black heads. I would love to put the Manicare Microneedle Derma Roller to the test and boost my collagen.

4th March, 2021

I have PCOS so I get facial hair and am afraid to try this treatment because I fear it will stimulate more hair growth.

4th March, 2021

I would like to try this to see if it helps with my uneven skin tone and wrinkles. My skin has changed a lot since I had my twin girls 6 years ago and it's time I find something to help.

4th March, 2021

Would love to give this a whirl for my acne scarring

4th March, 2021

I’m in my early 50’s and going through changes on my skin with the unwelcome arrival of wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. I do take care of my skin with a daily night routine but need to do something extra to get a longer impact. Would love to give this a go.

4th March, 2021

I have been wanting to try at home micro needling for a long time! I’ve seen them advertised on places like Onceit but wasn’t confident or comfortable with the brand. My skin is quite dull, with wrinkles developing. A face mask or treatment can make it brighten for a very short time only, so it would be great to try something that may take longer to see results, but that is actively improving my skin for the long run.

4th March, 2021

would love to try this affordable at home option, got to see if it really helps my aging skin.

4th March, 2021

I would love to trial this and ageing is something i hope to delay haha, Cant afford to go to salons. Currently have Manicare Nova face massager but not sure its working. Also use Braun cleanser, face massager and Epilator which is torture lol. So LOVE my facial devices and spend way too much on them. Hoping i get picked to trial this it looks awesome!

4th March, 2021

Yes - I would love to try a microneedling derma roller at home, and as you say take the matter into my own hands and try this myself. I have read about this procedure and often been tempted to pursue it further so this would be a fabulous option - and hopefully it would give the wrinkles a mighty fright !!

4th March, 2021

I have acne scarring from adult acne since entering my 40s so mixed with my wrinkles and uneven skintone this may give me a bit of hope for better skin since its all gone down hill

5th March, 2021

Oops I confused micro needling with micro blading, my bad. Well waxing and threading has caused lot of scarring so I guess this would too help.