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Freshen Your Look In One Minute Flat!

25 September, 2017 - 09:23pm by - Head Pixie | 12 Comments

By BR Tabatha

It's not hard to get stuck in a beauty rut. We live busy lives and sometimes, while we still take the time to take care of ourselves, we find ourselves doing the same old thing because it's easier than thinking outside of the square. But you know what? Sometimes looking at the same looking human in the mirror each and every day can get a little boring.

But you know what I reckon? I reckon it doesn't take a lot to turn that meh beauty frown upside down. In fact I think we can rock a fresh new look in one minute. So what do we need to do it? Inspiration of course! Check these ideas out!

Let's start with the most obvious one... how tempting is it to reach for the same old lipstick day in, day out. Maybe it's not the same lipstick, but the same shade. I once pooled all my nude lipsticks together and discovered I had about seven, all of which looked nearly identical. That day I ditched the nude and rocked a bright pink. Got compliments on it too. Changing up your lip look can instantly brighten your face, give it life, give you attitude. And it can go the opposite way too. Say you rock a bright lippy on the regular, switching it down to a low key lippy can also change things up, just in a low key kind of way. So next time you reach for your tried and true I dare you to put it down and commit to a new shade for the day.

I do like a pretty pink blush, preferably with a hint of shimmer. Basically if its NARS Orgasm or a dupe for NARS Orgasm you'll find it in my collection. But a rosy flush can get a little... yawn... after a while. I mean we're not always going for runs in the park are we? So why would we want to look like it? In an effort to branch out I challenged myself to try a couple of different blush shades. I picked up the peachy apricot shade that had sat so lonely for so long and applied it. Suddenly I looked like I'd been on holiday on a tropical destination. Next I tried a brown/plum toned blush - which quite frankly terrified me because I thought I'd look like I'd rolled in a mud puddle or strolled out of some 80s magazine. Nope, it gave me a sophisticated and yet natural look. Don't be afraid to play with the colour on your cheeks - it's an easy way to change things up.

Do you have your eyeshadow routine down pat? It might be sweep one colour over the eyelid, and done. Or sweep colour through crease, sweep colour on lid, and done. Or, sweep colour through crease, add colour on lid, darken outer corners, and done. Maybe you do more. Maybe you do it differently. Maybe you don't do it at all - but one thing you might very well DO do? You do it the same. Every. Single. Day. So if you're in the mood to spark things up, then amp it up. Change up the colour. Shun the browns for oranges or reddy/pinky hues, blues or greens. Usually stick to one shadow? Try two - an extra pop of colour on the outer corner, or in the middle of your lid can work wonders! If you like to go all in, reduce your getting ready time while paring things back and keep it simple with one sweep of neutral but fabulous colour for an easy, fresh as a daisy look. With all the shades of the rainbow and then some to choose from there's no excuse for not having a fun little fiddle!

Do you reach for the same eyeliner every single day? Can't say I blame you. Eyeliner can add such wonderful dimension to our eyes, but it's also really fun to play with. If black or brown is your usual, why not try a shimmering gold or forest green eyeliner? Never winged it in your life? Don't. It takes longer than sixy seconds, which would defeat the purpose of this article. (Joking, if you've more time on your hands, then wing away). Wing it all the time? Try skipping it every now and then so that when you do wing it, it has extra impact. The other thing we can do, which is super quick and looks great is to use a shade of eyeshadow that's on our lids and then run it under our lower lash line and smoke it out for the quicket, easiest eyeliner ever. 

So this isn't strictly makeup related, but it's an easy way to change up your look in less than sixty seconds and it can brighten and emphasise your beautiful face. Scarves. I am adamant every woman needs to have multiple scarves in their wardrobe. Lightweight cotton scarves. Rich chunky scarves. Cute little silk scarves that can be knotted round your neck. Different textures. Different colours. Different patterns. A good scarf is as easy a quick look update as a new lippy. Combine the two and POW, you're pretty much a whole new person.

There you have it! Five fab ideas to change things up in under one minute.

So do tell... are you stuck in a beauty rut? Are you game to change things up? Or do you change things up regulary? If so, what do you do that's quick and easy to keep things fresh?


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2nd October, 2017

I'm in total slump mode - I'm interested in reading everyone's tips and tricks for an easy freshen up!

30th September, 2017

I've never thought about it until now... but I am actually stuck in a beauty rut. I use the same shade of lipstick and the same style of eyeliner. Maybe it's time for me to change it up a bit

27th September, 2017

Love this! A few little tweaks, and it makes you feel brand new. Good ideas for getting out of a rut

27th September, 2017

I have a variety of lipstick shades. I generally go with a more neutral eye because of my eye shape and the glasses I wear I have fewer eye makeup looks that really compliment them so switching up my lipstick shade is the easiest way. I don't actually have that many scarves I should think about adding more scarves to my wardrobe.

27th September, 2017

Not stuck in a rut atm, I try to do "different" looks most days. Though I still have my staple can't be bothered looks too. Different lippies are so quick and easy even if my eye look is basic, I think I have almost 50 now so its not a problem

26th September, 2017

Well I just coloured my hair bright red!

26th September, 2017

I like the tried and true :)

26th September, 2017

I'm about to invest in a bright red lippy for this very reason! I NEVER do red, but I'm definitely feeling it. (This has nothing to do with elections btw, lol)

26th September, 2017

I laughed at the winging it joke. I had a few months last year of trying to do wings. Ended up giving all my liquid liners (I'd bought a variety to see if different liners made it easier - some did, but I'm still rubbish and don't have the patience) to my niece, who is far more adept at such things.

26th September, 2017

Recently I feel I've been in the rut of not bothering much at all. I haven't been wearing lipstick unless I'm going out. My work day hasn't included a pop of eyeshadow or glow of blush. So my feelings follow the path of this article, but I need to start a step before it. Actually doing something.

26th September, 2017

I change looks every day I just forget to take pictures of all my make up looks .

26th September, 2017

I am defiantly stuck in a beauty rut and had not realised it. I use the same shades of lippy ,eye shadow a touch of eyeliner. What a positive thought for Spring -a few little tweeks to be a different me -I like it !