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Do you want to tackle the signs of ageing...while you sleep?

16 February, 2017 - 11:55pm by - First Lady | 329 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Beauty Sleep.  Sleeping Beauty.  A good night's rest is the key to great skin.  We've heard it all before a hundred times, right?  But do you know what your skin is busy doing while you sleep?

The Basics.

You know how our hair is psychologically dead?  As in, it has no blood, nerves or muscles?  The same goes for our top layer of skin.  The epidermis has no blood vessels and the very top layer of skin is made of tightly packed dead skin cells that shed during the day.

During the day your skin is pretty much under attack from environmental factors, the weather and cosmetics. 

So what happens when I sleep?

When you're in a deep sleep the metabolic rate of the skin speeds up - the skin cells increase in production and the breakdown of proteins reduces.  Essentially your skin begins to repair itself.

During sleep your body produces less of the stress hormone cortisol.  Cortisol is responsible for thinning skin, stretch marks and discolouration. Conversely, sleep increases the production of melatonin, which is the body's equivalent of an antioxidant.  It fights age spots and fine lines. 

A 'proper night's sleep' (as The Mummy calls it) can also boost the efficiency of the growth hormones that repair and regenerate collagen producing cells.  Collagen is a protein that strengthens blood vessels and gives skin it's elasticity. 

Will any sleep do the trick? 

Nope!  Cell repair happens at all stages of sleep, but daytime sleep isn't a substitute for night time sleep when it comes to skin repair. 

Why?  The energy needed to repair tissue isn't available during a nap.  This 'spare' energy only becomes available during deep sleep.

You're about to blow my mind aren't you?

Pretty much.  Olay have released a regime that delivers powerful anti-ageing ingredients when the skin is most active - while you are sleeping.  So while your skin is putting maximum effort into repairing it's DNA, you can boost the efforts with targeted ingredients designed to work with your skin while you sleep!

The luxurious Olay Regenerist Overnight Overnight Miracle Regime is packed with powerful ingredients, including Peptide, Niacinamide, Olive-M, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerol and LysLastine. These ingredients work with your skin’s natural repair rhythm to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, increase skin’s elasticity and bolster skin resilience against environmental stressors.

The regime starts with the Olay Regenerist Miracle Boost Youth Pre-Essence which starts the renewal of a million surface cells with just one drop!  When you use the Pre-Essence combined with the award-winning Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream, you'll deliver twice the advanced anti-ageing actives 10 skin-layers deep!   Then in the evening, it's time for the Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Night Cream, a unique gel-like formula assists with cell renewal and repair while you sleep.

15 incredibly lucky reviewers are going to be putting the brand spanking new regime to the test, each reviewing all three products,  valued at over $130!  

So if you'd love to join this trial team (who wouldn't?!) why not tell us about your experience with overnight treatments - do you regularly use them or is it all new to you?  Are you just starting to delve into the world of anti-ageing products or are you neck deep in the age-defying product range?  Why do you want a spot on this trial team?

Get chatting below - we might pick you!

Do you want to tackle the signs of ageing...while you sleep?

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22nd February, 2017

I love Olay and as I'm getting older (I turn 26 this year, hahahahahahahaha) I'm starting to notice the signs of aging hahaha. Been meaning to give this line a go, but never got round to this would be a great opportunity ;-)

22nd February, 2017

I used to use Olay years ago and alway received complements on my skin so I would love to give these new products a go! I'm really interested if you can actually see and feel the benefits!

22nd February, 2017

As I have mature skin I know I should be moisturising at night but sometimes it is hard to find the time and what I have used in the past doesn't seem to offer any benefits, apart from breaking out. Who needs that at my age. I would love to give these products a go and hopefully they will turn me into a regular user.

22nd February, 2017

I love the sound of this. Night creams are one of my favourite products. I always put the extra effort in at night time. I have also heard so many great things about Olay but never really used their products. My nana has used them all her life and her skin does look great.

22nd February, 2017

would love to trial this! I really need a 'helping hand' Overnight sounds great to me! Would love to be a true "sleeping Beauty" x

22nd February, 2017

I would love to try this out I'm turning 40 in a few months and really want to be able get rid of wrinkles.

22nd February, 2017

Now that I'm in my 30s I'm definitely looking for more age-appropriate products. I've invested in some masks and tried a few products but I've never loved one enough to stick with - maybe this one makes the cut?

22nd February, 2017

Never use any anti aging cream before but recently I've noticed my skin shows signa of aging. Help! Need to try this product to see if this work for me!

22nd February, 2017

I have never used any over night skincare before and would be interested in trying it for the first time to see if it makes a difference to my skin

22nd February, 2017

Never tried night skincare, would like to see if it works!

22nd February, 2017

I can't believe 1% of us said no! A beautician told me when I was in my early 20's (and boy do I wish I had listened) that you're never too young to start using anti aging products. This one sounds great, Olay Regenerist Miracle Boost Youth Pre-Essence which starts the renewal of a million surface cells with just one drop! I have to try this.

22nd February, 2017

I've never used overnight products before but have used eye cream's etc. Im currently on maternity leave and have a 3.5 year old and a 3 month old and have noticed tlimited not looking as young and fresh as I used to which is a bit scary!

22nd February, 2017

Yes, I do want to tackle the signs of ageing . . . while I sleep! Goodness knows that is the only time I have at my disposal to tackle anything new. Here I am smack in the middle of my forties and my skin is showing me how careless I was in my younger years. Teenaged sunbaking, smoking, drinking and partying till late in my twenties, pregnancy and new motherhood sleeplessness, twenty years of shift work . . . all writ on my face in the form of brown spots, lines and wrinkles.

Don't get me wrong - I don't want to turn back the clock (who would be a teenager again, no thanks!) but maintenance is certainly required now! A proper skincare ritual before retiring for the night sounds heavenly. Right now I have a swipe-and-slap habit before I tumble into bed. Half an hour later than I meant to because there is always some task to finish up first.

Olay are certainly the long-stayers in the field of skincare and if they have developed a new strategy I can trust it is based on both scientific method and actual real-life ease of use. Pick me and I will certainly put this regimen to a thorough test.

22nd February, 2017

I'm not one to use any kind of skin care so would be interesting if this makes a difference

22nd February, 2017

I have lost 71kg and am feeling great about myself I am looking for product now to help make my skin look as youthful as I now feel. look good inside and out. And if I can do that while I sleep even better.



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