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Do you regularly give yourself a massage?

15 May, 2014 - 08:59am by - First Lady | 23 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

For most of us a massage is a luxury - it's something we treat ourselves to every few months or even less.  And yet there are so many benefits to massage, why should it just be an occasional treat?

Here's a few of the benefits of massage:

  • It decreases anxiety.
  • It enhances sleep quality.
  • It releases endorphins—amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.
  • It gives you greater energy.
  • It relaxes and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles
  • It improves concentration.
  • It increases circulation.
  • It reduces fatigue.

So why aren't more of us reaping these benefits?  Cost.  Time.  Our partners won't play ball.  Well guess what?  We can do it ourselves!  Self massage is effective and is a great way to spend a few minutes a day focusing on yourself and winding down. 

We're looking for one trial team to test Ayurda Oliana Oil - and if you're lucky enough to secure a spot on this trial team, you'll be promising us that you will give yourself a daily pampering session. 

Oliana Oil 'improves skin texture and makes the body beautiful. This is a fantastic treatment for the body, which keeps the skin clean, healthy and beautifully smooth. It is antiseptic and acts as blood purifier by flushing out impurities from the cells'

To properly test this product and see visible results the trial team will be asked to massage themselves for 5-10 minutes everyday before they shower.  Not sure where to start with self massage?  Here's some tips from Ayurda:

Always start from the feet upward, massage in between the toes, massage the nail bed and work your way up to massage the entire body.  Oliana Oil is best when warmed.

So if you're interested in this trial team why not get chatting to us about massage.  When did you last treat yourself to one?  Do you believe in the power of massage?  Maybe you need a reminder to spend a little time each day focusing on yourself? 

Get chatting below!




Do you regularly give yourself a massage?

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23rd May, 2014

I tell myself I am going to have regular massages but I never seem to get around to it. The only time I do it is about twice a year when I am holiday and might treat myself to a facial and a massage. Can't stand the old man doing it, he has seriously strong hands and it definitely is not relaxing, feel more like I have been beaten up lol. I am sure I could get into the habit if this, what's a few more minutes in the morning!

23rd May, 2014

Massage is so much more than a nice feeling! The benefits to my health and well being as well as the fact that it is free make self massage something that I like to do regularly

23rd May, 2014

I regularly give my shoulders a massage as they get sore from being on a computer all day, however I don't use oil. When I am lucky, my partner will give me a massage with oil. Would love to try this, he may even give me a few more massages :)

23rd May, 2014

This product sounds divine and I'm 100% sure I would benefit from small massages each day given my stress levels.

23rd May, 2014

Fancy having to commit to giving yourself a massage daily,what an awesome way to start each day. I know the advantages to being massaged, just never thought to give myself one! Sounds very indulgent, and a good excuse to set aside some time for yourself, perfect.

23rd May, 2014

The way I usually massage myself is with a roller. As a regular exerciser, my muscles take a beating so I try to release some of the tension so I can keep going. I also pay for massages usually monthly because I have bad posture from being sat at a desk all day. Anything to encourage me to take better care of myself would be great!

23rd May, 2014

I do give myself a massage regularly to relieve tension and try and relax. I love trying different oilswhen I massage.

23rd May, 2014

Haha I wish I could myself a back and neck massage, my girls try to when I bribe them with something haha :P

23rd May, 2014

I've never given myself a massage - makes me wonder what I've been missing out on! Once in a blue moon I'll splash out and go and get a professional one...but those are few and far between!

21st May, 2014

Wow I never new there were so many benefits to a massage! I only massage myself when I have sore muscles or have strained them when playing sport. But it sounds like a more luxurious way to relax and distress. I've never given myself a full body massage, and I've never had a massage done on me either. Sounds like I'm missing to on a lot and I need to get some massage oil!

15th May, 2014

Once in a while (when I happen to have a day off) I get a deep tissue massage on my upper back. I get really bad (and A LOT) of knots around my shoulder blades and shoulders so it gets really achy and I start getting frequent headaches and migraines. Massage works a treat!

15th May, 2014

I try to give myself a bit of a massage, I have painful joints I need to keep flexible and try to reduce pain. I have terrible circulation and would love to give this a go to try and get my body feeling better through winter.

15th May, 2014

I massage myself at least once a day as I live with chronic pain and prefer to use as little prescribed pain relief medication as possible. Coming into winter this is even more important as my joints cease up a bit with the damp weather. It is important to me as I age to maintain my mobility and a massage helps me de-stress and relax at the end of the day.

15th May, 2014

I love getting massaged but for me it has always been more of a luxury treat, maybe once or twice a year, my last one was a birthday present to myself last year which was part of a package deal I had at a beauty salon. I get back and shoulder pain and it feels sooo good having those muscles worked! I've never really massaged myself other than when I massage in creams when I have sore muscles, but it sounds like a good idea! I would love to get more regular massages but my victim of choice would be my boyfriend who does FIFO, I've only had one massage from him so far and since it was pretty good I need to rope him into it more often!

15th May, 2014

I do rub/massage body oil on my skin after my shower at night but as far as getting given a massage that hasn't happened for years! If I get put on this trial team I will definitely practice the art of massage on myself and write a nice lengthy detailed review on my experience and how much more smoother my skin felt. Who doesn't want their blood cleaner just from a massage?



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