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Do You Live Green?

3 September, 2020 - 12:03pm by - First Lady | 119 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Off-setting your carbon footprint.  Recycling.  Upcycling.  Buying fair trade only.  Buying organic only.  Buying only cruelty free products.  Growing your own fruit and veg. Lifestyle changes to help the environment don't have to be huge.  If all of us just pick the one thing that both helps the environment and works for us, well, we'd be on the right path.

An easy change to make is to switch out a product you already use for one that's even just a bit better than your usual go-to.

We're putting the new Swisspers Eco Facial Wipes to the test.  These eco-friendly plant based bio-degradable wipes are designed to be Earth kind.  They're made from a mix from a mix of cotton and renewable plant fibres.

These luxuriously soft and large biodegradable wipes are a small step in the right direction to reducing household plastic consumption.  They are Biodegradability tested in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4736.

They're available in 2 varieties - Aloe and Sensitive, which are Fragrance-Free.  Both options promise to cleanse and moisturise with one easy wipe!

So are you up for a spot on this Trial Team?  Are you a regular wipe user?  Are your current wipes biodegradable? Or maybe you avoid using wipes but are keen to try an eco-friendly product?

Get chatting below!

Do You Live Green?

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19th September, 2020

I sadly don’t think I’ve actually tried biodegradable face wipes! These sound so good and I love that they have a sensitive pack too as a lot of face wipes make my skin flare up and feel tight/ stripped of natural oils. I love swisspers!

13th September, 2020

I use LittleGenie baby wipes currently as they're compostable, so I'd love to compare these with them!

10th September, 2020

I would love to try either of these! I use makeup wipes quite often and love that they have now made a biodegradable version - wipes always feel so wasteful! Would love to see if the feel of these biodegradable wipes are the same as regular wipes.

10th September, 2020

I love using make up wipes as I feel like cotton pads/balls just dont get all the product off. But I stopped using wipes as I was concerned that it was not eco friendly. I don't specifically look for eco friendly products but I couldn't justify using wipes when there are alternatives (like a face cloth) available. But I would definitely be keen to try these as I do prefer using one time wipes over face cloths - and if they are moisturising, even better!

9th September, 2020

I use to use make up wipes along with nappy wipes but after seeing how much waste I was creating, I decided to switch to a warm wet flannel and facial cleanser. There are times that I'm out that I need to fix or take off make up but it's a bit hard when I can't really carry around face cloths and facial cleanser. Having something like these would make me feel a whole lot better about using a disposable face wipe

9th September, 2020

So happy to finally see biodegradable wipes. However the truth will be revealed in the compost

8th September, 2020

I've been avoiding makeup wipes because they're so wasteful and bad for the planet, so I'm excited to see these biodegradable ones! My skin is very sensitive too and most makeup wipes irritate my face but I'd love to try the "sensitive" wipes and see if they really are gentle.

8th September, 2020

I usually avoid wipes due to the environment and not wanting to add to the landfill situation! I would love to try these though as they would be really nice to have on the go when traveling or those days you just do not have time to do a proper wash of your face at the end of the day!

8th September, 2020

I use makeup wipes only at the gym because I really hate the waste. My current wipes are not biodegradable, in fact I didn’t even know they existed. I would love to try these biodegradable wipes and see how they compare to my current wipes!

8th September, 2020

Love, love, love swisspers makeup remover wipes and very happy that they’ve released a biodegradable version

8th September, 2020

Ohh I would like to try this. We need to take care our planet. I love eco friendly products.

8th September, 2020

I love the fact that more and more companies are helping us to look after our planet earth. Small steps is a great start. These are a great start and I would love to give these wipes a trial.

8th September, 2020

This makes me so happy seeing these! As much as I love facial wipes for their versatility and ease of use, I hate that they are so bad for the environment. So I would love to try these, knowing that they aren’t nasty on Mother Earth.

8th September, 2020

Having had skin cancer treatment on my face and neck, I'm always looking for a product that is both gentle on my skin and is biodegradable, Both points are important. I use wipes but find some are very harsh and others are simple too dry and to get the makeup off and cleanse has me 'pulling across' my rather mature skin and this becomes a wee bit painful. Would love a trial of these wipes.

8th September, 2020

I usually use wipes when I need to get make up off quickly or if I’m camping and the bathroom a wee walk but don’t try and use them all the time as the cost on the environment so these would be great to try and see how good they are to my skin and environment



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