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Can You Transform Your Skin in Just 7 Days?

21 June, 2020 - 01:38pm by - First Lady | 186 Comments

poll posted by BR Natalie

When L'Oreal released their Revitalift Filler Anti-Ageing Ampoules last year, reviewers were wowed!  Which is why we are ridiculously excited by this trial Team!

We're looking for 30 reviewers to put the L’Oréal Paris Revitalift Laser Glycolic Peel Ampoules to the test.  

The standout ingredient of this trial is Glycolic Acid.  Glycolic Acid exfoliates dead skin cells leaving skin looking healthy.  It's one of the alpha hydroxy acids which smooth fine lines, help fade blotches, and allows other anti-aging ingredients to penetrate faster and work more effectively.  It also encourages an increase in collagen production.

Revitalift Laser Ampoules are 7 highly concentrated 'shots' that contain 10% Glycolic Acid, encapsulated for freshness and preserved until the moment it touches your skin.  In just one week you'll see visibly reduce dark spots and improvment to your skin’s radiance and smoothness.

If you secure a spot on this trial team, you'll be commiting to using these every night for a week.  You'll use them after cleansing and before moisturising, allowing the serum to absorb into your skin.  You absolutely MUST use SPF the following day (but you're using that daily anyway right?!)

So - if you fancy using these and reporting back for us, you know what to do right?  Tell us why below, and get chatting about your experiences with Glycolic Acid.  Have you used it before?  What were the results?  Or, if you've never used it before, why do you think it's the ingredient for you?


Can You Transform Your Skin in Just 7 Days?

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22nd June, 2020

I’ve tried glycolic peels before at an expensive facial place (not naming names) and I loved the result but not the price tag! I would love to find an at-home solution!

22nd June, 2020

I have full faith in L’Oreal products because they’re so good but this is a big ask for results in just 7 days! I’m super keen to be proven wrong and blown away by this product. My skin is screaming out for this.

22nd June, 2020

I have full faith in L’Oreal products because they’re so good but this is a big ask for results in just 7 days! I’m super keen to be proven wrong and blown away by this product. My skin is screaming out for this.

22nd June, 2020

Ooooh the last ampules were amongst the best products I've ever tried! I'd love to try these :)

22nd June, 2020

I will try anything that might help minimise my fine lines! Sounds amazing.

22nd June, 2020

I've never tried these ampoules before but they sound great. I think my 40 something skin would quite appreciate them and worth seeing if they can smooth over a few lines!

22nd June, 2020

I've never tried glycolic acid products before but I do like the sound of the revitalift ampoules. I would love to see the change in seven days. I'm currently using other revitalize products, so this would be great to try alongside them. I would love to see my fine lines reduced and a more even skin tone.

22nd June, 2020

Yes I've used glycolic acid before and was relatively happy with the results. This product looks like it could be worth a spin but I'm not sure if 7 days would be long enough to transform my skin

22nd June, 2020

I have used Revitalift day and night creams before however haven’t tried glycolic acid. At my age (59 soon), I am excited to try new products that offer skin clarity and enhancement. Please consider me for this trial.

22nd June, 2020

I would love, love, love to try this!!! I use and love the L'Oreal Revitalift range but have never tried products with Glycolic Acid in them. With a big birthday fast approaching it would be amazing to try this to improve the radiance and smoothness of my skin and of course reduce dark spots for my upcoming birthday.

22nd June, 2020

I've never tried Glycolic Acid treatments before, however it's an ingredient in one of my favourite serums so would love to try it out in a different format! Especially as I'm always on the hunt for anything that will brighten up my skin!

22nd June, 2020

I so want to try this. Laser x 3 are my most favourite L'Oreal skincare range. I still use the eye cream and face serum which I initially was part of a trial team. I have massive hormonal problems with my skin at the moment and have been thinking I need some kind of peel!

22nd June, 2020

I would be soooo keen to try this. I use a lot of L'Oreal products & have used the Revitalift range. However, I have not used a product like this & have not used Glycolic Acid. It would be great to see what the improvement would be as I have a desperate need to improve all those areas - radiance, smoothness & dark spots... Especially after the last couple of months being stuck indoors!!

22nd June, 2020

Sounds like just the product I need for my dark circles and spots on the face. And being over 50 years, could do with help getting rid of fine lines. Am presently using Neutrogena Glycolic acid face wash. My 20 year old daughter broke into pimples when she tried it but I’m quite enjoying it.

22nd June, 2020

Sounds like just the product I need for my dark circles and spots on the face. And being over 50 years, could do with help getting rid of fine lines. Am presently using Neutrogena Glycolic acid face wash. My 20 year old daughter broke into pimples when she tried it but I’m quite enjoying it.



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