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Behind the Brand - true skin care

20 July, 2015 - 09:08pm by - First Lady | 15 Comments

We love our local brands here at Beauty Review and one of the things we love the most is how friendly and personal the businesses can be.  Chatting to brand owners here in NZ is like chatting to an old friend.  They want to know how you are and how they can help you.

We caught up with Nicki Hanning the founder and driving force behind true skin care.  true skin care products incorporate New Zealand's native plant botanicals and a unique ‘truoxidant’ blend of potent superfruit antioxidants.  The brand has a loyal following who appreciate great skin care products, with minimal impact on the planet. 

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I am a mum of 2 kids, Miela 5 and Arlo 8, and live in what I call paradise Wanaka and have spent the past 20 years living and breathing all things natural.  

I have always been fascinated by what is in my food and skincare products and am an avid label reader in the search for real ingredients. I like to ask questions and love to learn and find the truth. I like to call myself a truth seeker.

What is your background?  How long have you been in the Beauty Industry?

I graduated with an advertising Diploma from AUT in the early 90’s and knew then that was not my calling. I went on to set up several businesses from a gourmet food caravan in Ohakune selling to the ski bunnies in my 20’s to founding Nicola’s Organics a certified organic muesli company while studying several natural health modalities along the way which included massage, naturopathy, reiki, nutrition and more. I love learning.

I spent some time working in a Spa as a massage therapist and learnt the art of holistic facials. I love the whole person approach to beauty. 

I have been formulating my own natural and organic skincare products for over 12 years now and started trialing them on willing family and friends years ago.

I launched true certified organic skincare in October 2013 with a focus on skin health and a holistic approach to beauty.

How did the idea to launch your own Brand come about?

In 2002, I started my love affair with formulating natural plant based skincare while operating my natural therapies business and always knew launching my own brand was a natural progression and a lot easier to navigate with young children – well that was my rationale anyway.   

What is the philosophy behind true?  What does it stand for?

 I wanted to create more than just another skincare brand. My holistic and authentic approach to beauty, in which women’s health and wellbeing is supported comes through in the true brand. Our ‘My Handful of Quiet’ inserts are inside every product to inspire you to celebrate the everyday small things.

I also believe in total transparency and am frustrated by the lack of regulations around so called natural and organic skincare, where only 1 or 2 ingredients are natural or organic on the ingredient list.  All true products have received third party, BIOGRO organic certification to prove our commitment to you and to ensure the quality, authenticity and sustainability of our ingredients. All true formulations are one of a kind, and developed from scratch by myself. Every ingredient has a purpose and I understand and respects the true physiology and individuality of your skin.Your skin is as unique as you are. It will often change the way it looks, feels and behaves based on your overall health, lifestyle, age, stress levels, and many subtle factors in the environment. 

To many people, you would have their dream job, what is the best thing about working for such a gorgeous beauty brand?

 Having the flexibility and freedom to create something meaningful that transforms women’s lives.

It sounds like you have a really glamorous job; do you rub shoulders with the rich and famous?

 Yes on a daily basis I am honoured to meet real women that are doing amazing things in the world.

What is your best selling product?

 As a new brand each and every product is a best seller right now.

What’s your favourite product from the true range?

I have 3 favourite’s from the range: my Hydrate facial cleansing cream which is great to remove makeup and leaves your skin soft and hydrated. True wonder balm, our 3 in 1 multi-tasker. I interchange this with my cream cleanser and also use it daily as an all over body balm and lastly my Hydrate face cream, light in texture, rapidly absorbed and provides instant comfort. Divine. 

If you could give one piece of advice to people about how to maintain beautiful skin, what would it be?

 Stress less and celebrate the small everyday moments. The health of your skin reflects the true health of your being. The skin is a remarkable organ. It covers and protects our bodies and shows us the first signs of imbalance in our bodies. Your skin is as unique as you are. It will often change the way it looks, feels and behaves based on your overall health, lifestyle, age, stress levels, and many subtle factors in the environment. Offering a holistic approach is therefore more likely to result in addressing the skin concern with greater success. You can’t get a quick fix from a jar of cream.

What advice would you give to someone reading this who would like to do what you’ve done?

I say go for it. You have to be committed 100%, work hard and at times will have to dig deep and be prepared for the highs and low lows. If you truly believe in what you are doing and passionate you will succeed. Follow your dreams!

What’s been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

The feedback from people that have experienced our true organic skincare goodness. It’s very humbling to feel you have made a difference in someone’s life. Oh and enquires and orders that come in from overseas is very exciting knowing true is going global.

What has been the biggest challenge you've faced?

Lack of people power and isolation as I am pretty much a one man band living in Wanaka trying to take on the world.

What does a normal day for you consist of?

A typical day starts with getting the kids ready for school which is pretty battle free in our house thankfully.

The night before I always write up a to-do list for the coming day.  This follows along the lines of: check emails, pack orders, answer any customer questions and potential retailer enquires. Attend to accounts, plan social media, blog and newsletter content for the coming weeks, order ingredients for any upcoming manufacturing, research and make new products I am working on, writing press releases for the media, and the list goes on.

No matter how much work I have to get through in my day, I have one non-negotiable and that is taking my chocolate lab Piko for a walk by the lake to breathe lungfuls of fresh mountain air and clear the mind. It’s also a creative space for new ideas and to dream big.

I then pick up the kids from school and do a courier drop of our orders. Once kids are home I tend to drop work for a few hours to spend time with them. My day usually finishes with a few hours in the evening once kids are in bed working on the business.

It can be easy to get caught up in the day to day running and lose sight of the bigger picture so I will spend this time working on strategies and planning. I try to make sure I clock out of any screens by 9pm to have some quiet time to ensure a well-rested sleep. Nothing beats a great conversation with hubby or a good book at the end of a day.

How do you relax?

Relaxing for me is time spent in nature and long soaks in the bath usually joined by my 2 kids. Pure bliss!

Can you give us a hint about what is next for True?

Right now I am working on some amazing new products and ideas for the brand. Sorry secret squirrel.

What I can say is my vision for true is to build a movement and continue to combine amazing high quality certified organic skincare products with our holistic philosophy on skin health. To inspire women to honour and celebrate their true authentic selves and to make SELF-CARE a part of every women’s day in an easy simple way. Bring on the world!


Find out more by visiting: True and True Facebook Page and don't forget to enter our fabulous true giveaway!     



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21st July, 2015

So nice to read the story about the woman behind the brand. Great philosophy.

21st July, 2015

Such an inspiration and a great journey. Thank you all for bringing this to us. We can all probably take something from reading this article. I must be on the look out for this range.

21st July, 2015

'My handful of quiet inserts' sounds like a good personal touch! I love that they have sample packs I might look into this some more as soon as I finish my skincare products. It sounds like a company (even if only 1 person - for now) I would like to support.

I have an appreciation for these articles. It was this type of article that introduced me to Oasis Beauty - and the rest is history :-)

21st July, 2015

Great article! I had a really enjoyable read, very inspiring. Great to see NZ companies be part of the Beauty Industry.

21st July, 2015

I love reading these interviews, such a great insight. I especially agree with the advice to stress less and enjoy the small everyday moments... something I am striving to achieve in day to day living.

21st July, 2015

Wow I'm in love with this brand and haven't even tried it!!!

21st July, 2015

I love the article and it makes a lot of sense -We forget to reduce the stress a lot and rely on products to make us feel better. It is good to know that natural products are so well studied and the wonder balm sounds really nice. Even the name True Skin Care makes me feel more confident using on my skin. I think Nicci is inspiring.

21st July, 2015

I love her answer to maintaining beautiful skin, it's so true! I'd never heard of this brand either so I just had a nose around her website - another brand that offers sample sizes! Love it. I might just have to make some purchases seeing as my no-buy July is out the window :)

20th July, 2015

Wow, Nicki is an inspirational woman - and what could be better than doing what you love every day? I can't wait to try the products one day :)

20th July, 2015

I'm loving all these articles on real NZ women doing amazing things lately! Super cool article. I love Nicki's tip about Stressing less and enjoying small everyday moments.... so true and something I need to remember.

20th July, 2015

I enjoy seeing New Zealand business become apart of the Beauty industry. Its quite a competitive industry against the Big popular brands. Seeing a women who has set a goal for herself and seeing her achieve it.

20th July, 2015

I hadn't heard of True so will have to check their stuff out. I do love buying New Zealand skincare with its more natural ingredients and with kiwi businesses instead of huge corporations.

20th July, 2015

I would love to see more of these articles, its another brand I didn't know about, Nicki sounds so lovely and down to earth :)

20th July, 2015

Great artical, it's so nice to see the who's and whys of a brand, really interesting x

20th July, 2015

This is so amazing - it's great to see the person behind a brand and the philosophy behind it

20th July, 2015

I agree with you hun, I hope there are more of these articles in the future :)

23rd July, 2015

Your right! And such unusual and unique names :)

20th July, 2015

I hadn't heard of them either, but I'll make a point of it now.

20th July, 2015

Yep I'm trying to only use natural skincare now. It's just so much better.

21st July, 2015

I hadn't either before this article - will definitely have to try some now.