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Are You A Tech Savvy Beauty?

24 October, 2021 - 11:57am by - Head Pixie | 4 Comments

by BR Kellie

It's a running joke in my household that I only keep my husband around for his tech-savviness. Internet dodgy? He fixes it. Issue with computer working slowly? Sorted in seconds. His darling wife can't get an app to work on her computer? 'Honey, you haven't downloaded it properly. Here, pass it over.' And just like that I have a working app. The man is a genius. One I need more than ever as the world of beauty has gone all tech savvy, with apps being created that a beauty lover, such as myself, needs.

So what's out there? Here are three apps I'm loving right now. 

One that's got not just myself, but all the Beauty Review crew, intrigued is by the Manicare Salon Magnifying Pore Vacuum app! The camera in the device hooks up to your phone so you can get up close and personal with the state of your skin. It's the ultimate tool to help you see exactly what you're extracting, and it can even be used to help you see those irritating little random hairs that you want to pluck but can't quite eyeball, or to check out any spots or bumps in odd places.

Ever wondered what you'd look like with red, blonde, blue, black or brown hair? Or what you'd look like rocking a different colour lippy than your usual? There are apps, like YouCam, that do exactly that! They're a great way to help you decide whether you want to spend your pingers on a product that isn't your usual, or if it's a good idea to take the step and change your hair colour from one extreme to another. Fun fact: YouCam has the ability to look at your skin and tell you how old it is. It got my skin's age nearly exactly right, which is about five years too old than what I was hoping for. YouCam also lets you play with fun colours and themes, so you can create Halloween looks, rainbow hair-versions of you, and more!

Want to make doubly, tripley sure that you're not going to get sunburnt? The UVLens app will not only show you how strong the UV rays are, it will also tell you when the sun will be at its harshest to help you avoid going out and about when you're most likely to get burnt. You can even personalise the app by inputting your skin, hair and eye colour, to get more details as to when you'll be safe in the sun. Currently as I write this at 10.23am on a semi cloudy, not very warm day I can safely head out, but apparently I will require sun protection after 10.50am.

The magic of technology combined with the fabulousness of beauty! What's not to love? (Apart from that skin age stuff. No, you're traumatised, haha.)

So, my beauties... Are you a fan of beauty tech? What beauty apps do you love? Or are you happy to just to keep your beauty life basic? Chat away!


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31st October, 2021

I haven't use beauty apps before, but I'm interested in trying these.

28th October, 2021

Ooh I might have to try this UVLens app! I have only just started getting into the habit of wearing sunscreen on the regular (and I'm already 30 eeekkk!!!) - I definitely need reminding that it's not just about avoiding getting really burnt on a summers day outside - it's all the little everyday damage the sun is ding causing skin cancer and wrinkles.

25th October, 2021

Those are interesting. I don't use any of them. That age prediction one, not to keen on but kind of curious what it say about. Second thanks, I'll just stay curious. Haha.

25th October, 2021

No, its just 'buy stuff in pots and try them'. The old-fashioned way!

28th October, 2021

Lol ditto!!!



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