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Have you tried Abyssinian Oil before?

30 October, 2014 - 10:23pm by - First Lady | 54 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Over the last year we've gone crazy for oils - hair oils, body oils and face oils.  These pure gifts from nature have for some replaced anti-ageing serums and hair elixirs, proving simplicity really can do it all.

You've probably tried Moroccan Argan Oil, Rosehip Oil and maybe even coconut oil, in a variety of ways, so of course we had to search high and low to find an oil to surprise you!

We're going to be putting Pure Nature's Abyssinian Oil to the test.  This oil is easily absorbed into the skin and even in highly wrinkled or exceptionally dry skin, it makes a significant improvement in both tone and texture. 

Abyssinian Oil also offers exceptional benefits for all hair types. It produces a natural radiant luster and the oil glides onto the hair surface to form a very light continuous lipid layer which provides lubricity to help detangle and lock in essential moisture.

You can even use it as a carrier oil for your essential oils to create skin care blends of your own!

So soft even skin, shiny hair and custom aromatherapy blends - sounds pretty good to us!  If you'd like to give this multi-tasker a chance why not tell us your experience of abyssnian oil?  Have you found the perfect all-over for you yet, or is the quest still ongoing?

Get chatting below - we might pick you!

Have you tried Abyssinian Oil before?

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8th November, 2014

I'm keen... this could be the answer to all my problems.. Dry flakey skin with wrinkles AND dry dull hair that tends to frizz!! Abyssinian Oil does sound like the perfect multi tasker!!

7th November, 2014

No never heard of this but I love trying out different types of oils and have found they make a big difference to my skin and hair. My cat is also an Abyssinian and she has the most gorgeous, soft fur. Coincidence? I don't think so.

7th November, 2014

Yes! I have tried the other oils but I have never heard of this one before. Look and sounds interesting to trail. Once you've trailed it, you would be able to start mixing and matching with essential oils.

7th November, 2014

Never heard of this before I use coconut oil for my hair and skin moisturizer and argan oil of morocco this Abyssinian oil sounds just magic I would love to try it especially on my wrinkleling skin.i am holding my hand up please :) ????

7th November, 2014

This one is most interesting! I sadly admit to not having heard about it before, but anything with such great skin promises would be delightful to try and review.

7th November, 2014

In the past I have tried oils as moisturisers and have always been surprised at the results. It doesn't seem right that an oil doesn't leave you feeling oily and greasy but that's the beauty of it! I've never used Abyssinian Oil but I'd really be interested in giving it a try!

7th November, 2014

I have never tried Abyssinian Oil before but would love to give it a go! I am a massive fan of using oils, especially for my dry skin and to help repair my damaged hair. I've used bio, coconut and rosehip oil to try and clear up recent acne scars. Would love to see if this one is equally or more effective!

1st November, 2014

I've never heard of this oil before. But I love using natural oils for face, body and hair so would love to give this a go.

1st November, 2014

we have been trying different oils as a type of healing for my husbands knees,i have tryed lemon,manuka,and kawakawa oil,as aromatherapy and im just learning at the moment about oils and i would love to see what else abyassinian oil could be used for.

1st November, 2014

I once had an Abyssinian cat but that is the extent of my knowledge on the subject... I assume this product is not cat oil though... just to be clear LOL.

I would love to know more about this... is it a miracle product?

1st November, 2014

Haven't tried it ... but sounds like it would be the answer to tame my hair as well as benefit me in many other ways!!

31st October, 2014

I would love to give this a try. ..i use argan oil on my face and love it but I have never used an oil in my hair.

31st October, 2014

I have never heard of it... It sounds pretty amazing though :)

31st October, 2014

I love that sentence - "highly wrinkled" that sounds like the perfect product for me, a lot of dryness and wrinkles I would love to try this oil I have never heard of it before. My hair would love something like this that helps it detangle too, thanks for the chance :)

31st October, 2014

Interesting.......Have never heard of this oil but interested to see exactly how much it can be absorbed and improve tone and texture for my skin. I've been using rosehip oil but I do find it a bit oily although it makes my skin really lovely and soft. My hair dresser put argan oil on my hair and I was amazed at how incredibly soft my hair felt! Hmmm, I would be keen to try this oil on both my skin and my hair.