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Do you prefer pressed or loose powder?

2 September, 2015 - 09:04pm by - First Lady | 37 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Being the nosy beauty lovers we are, we love hearing about what beauty choices you make - and why.  And of course, when it comes to our one true love, beauty products, the choices are seemingly endless.

Take face powder for example.  Now back in the day ladies would excuse themselves to powder their nose, minimising shine and giving the gentleman time to talk.  Today, face powder is not that simple.  The right powder can truly do it anything.  Translucent, shaded, HD, priming, foundation, blush, bronze, pore minimising, blurring, setting, finishing.  The choice of powder goes on and on and on.

But the most basic powder choice, has to be: Pressed or Loose.  Is there really a difference or are the two pretty much interchangeable?

Both pressed and loose powders have the same basic job - to even your skintone and to absorb excess oil, but the consistency of the powder you want very much depends on what your skin needs and a dollop of personal preference.

Pressed powders are mixed with ingredients such as silicones to hold them together.  You'll buy these in a compact and find them much easier to carry around.  They can take a little more finese to apply and definitely require a lighter touch than loose powders.  These are great for a heavier coverage and for through the day touch ups.

Loose powders have lighter, finer particles and usually come in a little jar or tub.  These are generally messier, you definitely don't want to be carting these round in your handbag day to day!  Loose powders are perfect for no-makeup days when you just want to kill the shine and fabulous for setting your foundation without adding another thick layer of product.

So - when it comes to powder, what do you usually opt for, pressed or loose? And why?  Get chatting below!


Do you prefer pressed or loose powder?

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21st July, 2017

Pressed all the way too clumsy for loose powder.

22nd September, 2015

I have always used pressed but recently found out on another BR article I should be using loose. Still need to pop to the shops and grab some though.

6th September, 2015

I would prefer to use loose powder, it feels way lighter on my face but yeah...its super messy so I prefer pressed powder.

6th September, 2015

I own both, but use the pressed more as it's not so messy. If I'm going out and need to take a powder I'll take the pressed.

6th September, 2015

i don't really have a preference (I'm a liquid kind of gal) but I use loose more. Had one bad experience with pressed, which dried my skin and made me look disgusting and have never used it since. I may need to try pressed again, if i find the right brand

4th September, 2015

I am a pressed powder type of girl. Loose powder just goes everywhere and can get cakey!

4th September, 2015

Both are great in their own way, but personally Pressed is so much more convenient and doesn't make a mess. I get too pissy when I see more powder get on my clothes than my face!

4th September, 2015

I use pressed because whenever I used loose powder I put on way too much and I look horrible.

4th September, 2015

I own both and tend to go for the loose powder more, I find it settles into every nook in my skin where as pressed only goes where your brush goes, if you get what I mean. I like to use the translucent ones to also bake under my eyes and to use as a base for my eyeshadows.

3rd September, 2015

I have had these backward and thought I was using pressed for the reasons of loose :/ this will be my one thing learnt today :) Adds loose powder to shopping list xx

3rd September, 2015

I used to pack on the pressed powder like foundation. Then I discovered loose powder and the natural finish it gives and I was hooked I think the only pressed powder I'm going to buy is if it goes specifically with my brand of foundation and is color matched to it. Or if it's the Ambient Lighting Wardrobe by Hourglass.

3rd September, 2015

Pressed is easier to carry around and less mess but I prefer loose as I know it doesnot have as much chemicals in it its really handy to know that pressed gives fuller coverage though

3rd September, 2015

Pressed for sure! Loose just seems so messy and wasteful to me!

3rd September, 2015

I've always used pressed powders as they are so much easier and less messy, but mum has always used a loose translucent one, but she generally wears makeup with a bit less coverage than I do! As I'm still quite young I find the pressed powder helps reduce sheen and absorbs more oil, plus I can carry it in my handbag for touch ups :)

3rd September, 2015

I've tried both in the past, but I much prefer pressed powders, mostly because I'm a super clumsy person (especially when I'm in a rush getting ready in the mornings), and loose ones are just asking for messy disaster to happen. I also find it easier to get a thin even layer of powder on the brush from a pressed compact rather than with a loose powder, although maybe I just need to practice more with that. I do sometimes use a loose translucent powder on very minimal makeup days, but mostly I like the bit of extra coverage my current pressed powder gives me. :)