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Are you looking to lift, firm and define your skin?

28 May, 2017 - 10:47pm by - First Lady | 68 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Lift, Firm, Define.  Yeap, it's pretty much the battle against anti-ageing summed up in three words.  So how do we achieve this trinity to youth?  Something more than your every day lotions and potions probably.

If there's one thing you're bound to come across in your quest for eternally youthful skin, it's the elusive serum!

Thicker than a liquid but thinner than a cream, a serum doesn't replace a product in your skincare routine - you introduce a serum to take advantage of the highly concentrated active ingredients and deep penetrating formula.  Check out the BR Guide To Serums to find out everything you need to know about.

Now serums are usually introduced as a 'cure' or 'rescue' when your skin is already showing the signs of ageing, but they can be used earlier to help prevent the signs too.  Regular use of the right serum can prove invaluable in the fight against lines, wrinkles and age spots.  They can also help reduce the appearance of scarring, even skin tone and aid the hydrations of chronically dry skin.

So of course, we have a serum up for review.

Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Serum is a ground breaking natural serum, scientifically formulated to lift, re-volumise and smooth skin. Harnessing the power of Dragon’s Blood*, a unique tree sap extract, to deliver noticeable results and more youthful looking skin, instantly.

The benefits of this Dragon's Blood elixir are:

  • It visibly lifts and firms sagging, tired skin
  • It's high in anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and collagen repairing properties
  • It is quickly absorbed and deeply penetrates for instant results

So if you'd like to put your hands up for this trial team (if we can keep them away from the Beauty Crew!) why not get chatting to us about your serum experience.  Do you regularly use a serum?  For what problem and what results have you seen?  If you don't use a serum, why not?

Get chatting below - you might find yourself on this amazing trial team!

Once you have at least five well written reviews against your profile you can apply to join our Trial Team selection pool by filling out this survey.  


Find out more about our Trial Teams here.


*Find out all about the wondrous Dragon's Blood here.


Are you looking to lift, firm and define your skin?

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21st July, 2017

I am getting slight saggyness and would definitely like to uplift my skin and would love to try it.

18th June, 2017

Absolutely since becoming a mum I always look tired and am certainly seeing the signs of aging. Would love to get on the top of my aging skin before it gets irreversible.

12th June, 2017

I use a serum every day under sunscreen! I have tried Trilogy's serum, and currently use a coQ10 and hyaluronic acid serum from Korea that works very well. It minimises the appearance of my fine lines and gives me a nice "glow" instead of looking shiny. It just makes my skin look healthy, especially in winter. I have read reviews saying that Dragon's blood is comparable, so it would be great to try it and find a good product that is available in New Zealand!

12th June, 2017

Who would not like to try something that can cure their skin to youthfulness. My hands are Uuup. I want the same looks which was 10 years back. I want to experience the youthful skin which is lifted and firm, radiant and shine. The blush on the checks with one comment from the love of my life and that shyness.please please I would like to try this serum.

11th June, 2017

I'd love to try this or the cream on the other review... or both! That would be greedy wouldn't it! But anyway, am putting my hand up. I'm over 40 so definitely need some help in the life and firm department. And did I already tell you I'm born in the year of the dragon? ! :^p

9th June, 2017

I feel like I look like High Sparrow but I have faith that dragons blood could very well make me look as youthful as daenerys so would love the chance to try this product and promise to write a fully informational scroll (review) with the outcome of the trial for the kingdom :)

9th June, 2017

Lift, firm, define is exactly what I am after in a serum. I have tried a couple but not really seen many results from them. Dragons Blood sounds like the magical ingredient my previous experiences have been lacking!

8th June, 2017

I have never used a serum before, but I definitely need firmer skin, especially along the forehead area. I would love to see what miracle this serum gives!

8th June, 2017

My mum has been raving on and on about dragons blood and I'm so incredibly curious to understand the hype! Definitely with all the stress I need some firming of my tired skin big time!

8th June, 2017

I am all about the serum. I love a good serum, makes my skin feel so soft and certain serums also give a nice glow especially the ones with vitamin C. I would like to test this out to compare it to the other serums I have used so far.

8th June, 2017

This sounds perfect! I have noticed a difference in my skin in recent years, and would love to try a product that can help firm and sculpt! I haven't tried a serum before so I would be interested in seeing the difference for myself, and hopefully seeing some great results.

8th June, 2017

I've heard good things about Dragon's Blood and I do love a good serum and I try to use one as often as I can afford to buy them as I find they are great for my drier, more sensitive skin but also not too rich for around the eyes and they don't clog pores as some products can. As I get older and more stressed (thanks kids!), along with less sleep I am noticing my skin is not as firm as it used to be and I'm getting more lines, especially around my eyes. Collagen sounds like just the ticket! I like that this product doesn't test on animals and is paraben free too and it says instantly! Woohoo, that sounds amazing! Would love to try it but will be watching for results either way!

8th June, 2017

I would love to trial this product! I am a big serum user, a must have add on to my skin care regime now I am in my 40s, and have tried several brands to date ranging from supermarket quality to high end beauty therapist quality. I have seen this product in store and have been curious as to it's effectiveness, especially in comparison to my previous experience.

8th June, 2017

When I think serum I think hair, not face oddly. As a sleep deprived Mum of two toddlers, who has hit her 30s and who also balances work with volunteering, anything that helps me look fresh and firm is a must try. Hook me up!

8th June, 2017

I did have a serum which I thought made a difference especially around my eye area but that was a couple of years ago! It was the Dead Sea premier brand. I really need to get another serum as the fine lines are becoming more noticeable. I keep saying to my husband that I need Botox like my friends do and he says! No way!!! I cannot go against what he says but I could try a cheaper alternative that's safer. Please let me review this as it's something on the top of my list of things to review.

9th June, 2017

Bah, this was my comment for the other trial team..... sorry guys (im interested in both products - being 42 and on the search for something that actually works) I have tried a couple of serums but had little success. Last one made me oily/shiney!