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You Won't Believe The Household Item That Gives Great Skin!

3 July, 2017 - 10:18pm by - Head Pixie | 16 Comments

By BR Kellie

Potentially embarassing Kellie Confession - I am a bit obsessed with the Duchess of Cambridge.

I love her hair. Her makeup. Her dress sense... well most of the time. I enjoy her Mum clothing, though sometimes I feel the mark is missed on the formal wear. But then, the fact I have an opinion on that shows how I care... probably too much, haha. 

One thing I'm especially interested in is what she chooses to put on her face, and what her skincare regime looks like. I've read she's a fan of Trilogy's Rosehip Oil, but more recently I read an interview with her makeup artist, Arabella Preston, in which she impressed upon the interviewer the need to use a flannel when cleaning one's face.

Now (and despite what all the headlines will have you believe) at no point in the article does Arabella say the Duchess does this herself, but I do like to imagine she might. So, what's so good about the flannel? And why do we need to get it on our face? 

According to Arabella Preston a good flannel is less harsh than a motorised cleanser brush but allows you to gently exfoliate your skin while ridding yourself of makeup and dirt. However, it must be combined with an oil cleanser. So the deal is you oil cleanse as you usually would, then take a steamy hot flannel, place it over your face and then wipe off your makeup and the day's residue. 

Something I do on occasion aready! What!? Now that it gets the tick of approval from the Duchess' makeup artist I'm going to have to break out the flannel a bit more often I think!

So do tell, are you on board with this potentially royally approved method of cleansing? Is it something you're now keen to try? Do you love imagining Kate hanging out a week's worth of flannels on the line as much as I do? When will the obsession end.... Chat away!


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4th July, 2017

I started cleansing my face like that recently and for the first time in EVER my skin has really cleared up. Who knew that after all this time, a flannel was the missing link?!