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Do you know HOW your Rosehip Oil is extracted?

1 March, 2017 - 10:17pm by - First Lady | 110 Comments

by BR Natalie

Do you love Rosehip Oil?  No?  Then you must not have tried it!  It's just so, so good!  And we're not the only ones who love it - we're in amazing celebrity company -  Miranda Kerr, Gwenyth Paltrow and Princess Catherine; all love themeselves a it of rosehip!

Rosehips are actually the dark red fruits of roses they've havebeen used since ancient times. Mayans, Egyptians and Native-Americans discovered that besides the pleasant-smelling fragrance of the roses, these plants came with extra benefits.

What benefits?'s FULL of antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids.  It boasts a huge percentage of plant-derived vitamin A, the “skin vitamin” that helps promote collagen production.  It's also rich in Vitamin B-carotene and Vitamins E and C ( 50% more than oranges!).  It's bursting with Omega 3,6 and 9 acids and lycopene too! 

So how do you use it?  What can it do for your skin?  Rosehip Oil:

  • is a great alternative to a daily moisturiser
  • is scientifically proven to reduce scarring
  • reduces redness associated with facial rosacea
  • improves appearance of psoriasis scars
  • improves the skin of Acne sufferers
  • can reduce wrinkles, crow's feet and fine lines
  • is a great treatment for chronically dry skin
  • is an excellent after sun treatmen

And we bet our members have so many more ways to put it to use!

We're looking for twenty reviewers to put A'Kin's Rosehip Oil with Vitamin C to the test.   This is perfect for post-summer care and taking care of evening pigmentation issues and rehydrating thirsty skin.  

But the really cool thing that sets this Rosehip Oil apart from others on the market? It's the extraction process.  See most other Rosehip Oils on the market are cold pressed; the oil is extracted slowly, at low heat.  Or refined - the oil is extracted at a high temperature, which destroys a lot of the goodness.  This is the common method for cheaper oils on the market.

A'Kin's Rosehip Oil uses the Co2 method - which is free from heat and oxygen, leaving you with a more pure and potent product that's more stable.  Did you know the average Rosehip is only good for around 18 months?  A'Kin's will stay fresh for TWICE as long once open - remaining just as potent and pure!

Sounds like the best of the best right?  Well we need you to tell us, so why not get chatting to us about all things 'hippy - have you used Rosehip Oil before?  If you have what did you use it for and what results did you get?  If you haven't used it before - what issue would you use it to target?  How important is the extraction method of oils to you?

Get chatting now!

Do you know HOW your Rosehip Oil is extracted?

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6th March, 2017

I have used rosehip oil before as a moisturiser and was happy overall with the results. However I wasn't aware of the extraction process, but the more goodness, the better right?!

6th March, 2017

I don't know anything about Rosehip oil. I do like anything with vitamin A for my skin. I have fine lines and love the sun so need something to give it a boost, this rosehip oil sounds perfect for me.

6th March, 2017

I haven't tried it but would love to! Would help with my acne and wrinkles!!!

6th March, 2017

Ahh rosehip oil is amazing and i love it! i have only ever tried essano and trilogy so would love to try another brand to see any differences. I love using rosehip oil at night before bed, and i dont limit it to my face, it goes on the hands and neck etc as well.

5th March, 2017

I love rosehip oil! I have sensitive dry acne prone skin and this is all I use as a facial moisturiser, it helps hydrate and nourishes my skin so that it is no longer flaky or dull. I have never thought about the extraction method, to be honest, but would be interested in seeing the difference in the product.

5th March, 2017

I had no idea how rosehip oil is extracted so found this very interesting. I would love to try this product as I have used a rosehip oil before from a diferent brand and would love to compare the two of them

5th March, 2017

I have always read conflicting reviews on rosehip oil - a lot of the time saying it can cause breakouts etc so I have been very wary. Will be good to read the reviews on this one.

5th March, 2017

I need to try this! I've been using rosehip oil in my daily routine for years now and am keen to try a different type. It's a great way to moisturise and also clears up some skin complaints.

5th March, 2017

I have always had a problem with redness and scarring on my skin (which is why I turned to makeup!) However I have never found the right 'after' makeup solution to help my skin rejuvenate as well as lessen the appearance of my redness, scarring, and acne. I feel like I would be the perfect candidate to review this product as a lot of the things it mentions it helps, I need help in! I will put it to the test everyday and make it part of my routine to see if it really does help.

5th March, 2017

I have read your reviews and benefits about using rosehip oil and I would like to use it. I have tried different brands of moisturisers however this seems to be simple and with lots of additional benefits. I love make up and good skin but don't get too much time to devote and using this simple product can make my life easy and the the results I am looking for.

5th March, 2017

Wow interesting I didn't know about the extraction process.personally I like facial oils I use vit c serum quite a bit and have tried a couple of different brands of facial serums. It will be nice to test out how this compares to the ones I have been using.

4th March, 2017

Love love oils such as rosehip, such good skin conditioners working with other moisturers, I now add an oil before moisturing at night

4th March, 2017

I would love to try this Rosehip oil as my skin has started to show signs of aging and dryness. I would really be interested in any application that helps to even out skin tone and work on scars and sun spots. The fact it lasts so long when opened is a real bonus.

4th March, 2017

Im a user of rose hip oils, currently using trilogy. Vitamin C would be agreat addition to brighten my sunspots. Id love to try this one!!

4th March, 2017

A very interesting article and I had no idea how rosehip oil was extracted! I have used rosehip oil in the past but I didnt know the full range of benefits it has. I just remember it feeling beautuul on my skin and very soft to the touch.I would love to trial this. I would definitely use it regularly to target my sun damaged skin. I would like to try it as my moisturiser (in winter) or night oil year round. The extraction method is obviously more effective and I like the fact it would last longer i.e. stay fresher for longer. I know that a lot of oils do go rancid fairly quickly. The Akin one, with vitamin c sounds fantastic and I would love to trial it.



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