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Spots In The Same Place? Here's Why!

13 November, 2022 - 06:51am by - Head Pixie | 5 Comments

by BR Tabatha

There are three areas on my face where I seem to always breakout. The right side of my nose. The right side of my chin, and my right cheek. The rest of my face? Generally clear. For years these random breakouts vexxed me. Why did they always pop up in the same area? Were miniature zit machines installed in those parts of my face? Did I have a pimple fairy nesting in those specific pores?

The answer is ridiculously obvious.

I was getting handsy with myself, and I didn't even notice it.

You see, when I'm stressed I stroke the right side of my nose. When I'm pondering a problem I cup my hand under my chin, while my thumb caresses the right side of chin. When I go to sleep? I sleep on my right side.

I am my own worst enemy.

Of course it's not just getting handsy with yourself that can cause repetitive breakouts. Another way you can create a breakout without even realising it is by chatting on the phone. Be it a mobile or old school phone, those suckers are covered in all sorts of grime, and if that grimy surface is rubbing on your chin or on the side of your cheek as you chat away, you're opening yourself up to visit from the zit goblin.

We've often stressed the need to change your pillowcase if you want to keep your skin clear. This is especially the case if, like myself, you sleep on the one side, in the same exact spot night after night. It's a prime pimple breeding spot, as it houses dead skin cells, day-to-day dirt and makeup that doesn't make it off - despite a double cleanse, as well as oil and sweat, not to mention whatever other greebies come floating in on the wind. 

So what can we do to reduce these reoccuring breakouts? In the case of pillowcases, you'll want to change them regularly. Every couple of days if, like me, you sleep in the exact same spot.

Phones you can wipe down and sanitise regularly.

And if you're a handsy kind of person, mindfulness can go a long way to helping you stop touching your face without thinking. If you find yourself doing it or about to do it, immediately stop, breathe, then redirect your hands. If you find constantly touching hard, especially when you're doing something as mindless as watching television or a movie, sit on your hands. Even better, interlock them then sit on them. The act of having to break them apart and remove them from under your thighs can help you realise what you're about to do. Alternatively, you can take up a hobby or do something that will keep your hands busy such as knitting, needlepoint, jigsaw puzzles or even folding or light cleaning.

In a nutshell, if you can spot the cause of the breakout, you can work to stop the spots from appearing, and those irritiating eruptions will becoming a thing of the past.

So, are you one for having a breakout in the exact same place? If you stop to think about it, are you the cause of said breakout? What actions will you be taking to be more aware of the habits that cause the breakouts? Chat below!


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19th November, 2022

I've recently noticed I'm breaking out regularly on the bottom of my jaw line, not sure if it's hands or pillow case but I'm going to try work it out now!

18th November, 2022

Eeeurgh my chin always gets the worst spots. I think the are hormonal, and if I stick to a routine I can reduce them. I get nose spots really badly when I eat to many dairy products. A shame as I do love cheese!

18th November, 2022

Yes and no. Round the chin tends to be hormones but because of my polycystic I'm always touching and feeling and probably annoying the area with hands and tweezers because of the hair growth I have to put up with. I sadly have to pluck practically every day. I should sanitize my hands and tweezers

16th November, 2022

Now it makes perfect sense because I'm always touching my face just out of habit.

14th November, 2022

I had wondered why spots had their favorite place on my face ! Now l know l will definitely watch out for these things now .