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Is your skin getting more dehydrated as you age?

30 June, 2014 - 12:45pm by - First Lady | 34 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

****This trial opportunity has closed****

It's Beauty As We Age week at Beauty Review and not only are we going to be sharing our tips on ageing beautifully, we're going to be giving you the opportunity to try products to help.

Let's start with a common factor of ageing skin - dryness. As we age our skin thins, collagen production lessons and we lose oil glands.  All of these factors contribute to increasingly dry skin.  Add to that the fact that dead skin cells do not shed as quickly and the turnover of new skin cells decreases slightly. 

Now we're not going to give you the 'prevention is better than cure' lecture again, nor will we tell you again to always use sunscreen.  If your skin is already dry with age, the bottom line is - you're going to need to amp up your moisturising routine and start repairing!

And do we have a lovely product that promises to restore deep hydration to ageing and dry skin!

Thursday Plantation Ultra Hydrating Macadamia Oil is rich in palmitoleic acid (Omega 7), an essential fatty acid that works in harmony with the body to leave the skin deeply hydrated and plumped. And the benefits don't just stop there!  This oil can smooth fine lines & wrinkles and restore and maintain a youthful appearance to dry and maturing skin.

And you get all of these benefits from a 100% naturally derived product with no petrolatum, chemicals, artificial colours or fragrances, synthetic parabens, SLS or SLES, synthetic preservatives or animal derived ingredients or testing!

We're looking for 10 members to give this gorgeous product the Beauty Review test, so if it sounds like something you'd love to try why not tell us about the changes in your skin's moisture levels as you age.  Do you find it hard to lock in moisture and what other effects do you notice from your dehydrated skin?

Get chatting below, you might just get chosen!




Is your skin getting more dehydrated as you age?

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7th July, 2014

Iwould love to try this, I have very dry skin (a heredity condition) and it is way worse in winter!

7th July, 2014

I find by the end of the day I have an oily forehead but the rest of my face is dry. Diabetics can be prone to dry skin also. Skin cells tend to build up rather than fall off so the surface looks dull. Winter winds and weather also play havoc. Hydration is a must..

7th July, 2014

My skin gets dried out as i work outside everyday with the elements of nature rain or shine is not good for my skin so would love to try this for my skin.

7th July, 2014

Currently YES! I am noticing huge changes in my skin that haven't previously been an issue. I definatly feel like my skin is screaming to be hydrated and in turn prematurely aging but I am definatly overwhelmed with where to start on a new skincare routine! This product basically sounds like the holy grail I need to hydrate my skin and bring it back to the 24 yr old skin it should be! Have seen this at the store before and was very keen to try!

7th July, 2014

Ohh yes i certainly need some help with dehydration! especially around my eyes, forehead and lines around my nose/mouth. I try drinking plenty of water and to eat water dense food but my skin has not quite reached its potential yet. This sounds great!

7th July, 2014

Yes the older I get the more dehydrated my skin gets:( what's wrong with looking like a dried up apricot xx

7th July, 2014

Finally a product that combats hydration not just dryness. Two very different things! I suffer from dehydration around my eyes especially but lately due to the cold its been all over. would love to try this product!

7th July, 2014

Definitely starting to notice changes in my skin as I am nearing 30 (and not great changes!) - am always looking for ways to improve my skin :)

7th July, 2014

yup it sure is i have to put moisturiser on before foundation and i have parts that are very dry, and if i dont i notice it, it all comes with ages i spose , so as i get older i get wiser but my skin gets drier

5th July, 2014

Yes, I noticed this year my skin is drier than last year and more and more fine lines are appearing. When my skin gets dry it looks dull and can get red and tight and occasionally itchy although the last one is when it's extreme. I still get quite a few breakouts so I aim to keep my skin moisturized with serums underneath my spf moisturizer during the day rather than slather on a thicker facial cream. I do pretty much stick to natural products as well.

1st July, 2014

I'm 29 years old, and as I near the third decade of of life, I notice that what I once believed about my skin doesn't really stand anymore. My face no longer looks soft, dewy, and plump as it once did. The vanity of youth is all but gone now as I begin to notice the first signs of ageing in my skin. A few fine lines have crept in around my eyes, and on my forehead. My skin feels parched, and more taught in the mornings, particularly after using a cleansing foam. Wearing makeup everyday seems to expedite this process as well, leaving my skin feeling more dehydrated and in need of extra TLC. It doesn't help that I work in an air conditioned, fluro-lit environment that seems to suck the moisture out of my skin. I was told once that dehydration is the first step towards ageing, and if managed properly through diet, exercise, fluids and skincare, one can age gracefully. So my strategy is to eat vitamin rich food, exercise moderately 3-4 times a week, drink plenty of fluids, and follow a strict skincare regimen. Let's see for how much longer I can look 29.

1st July, 2014

Found since I started using Rosehip oil daily that my skin has not started to dry out as much :)

30th June, 2014

Sure is!!! And I'm only jst realising it now

30th June, 2014

I would love to be able to say No but the answer is definitely Yes :( I have always had skin that was on the drier side of normal but it is getting worse as I get older :(

30th June, 2014

Although i'm still quite young, my skin has definitely started to show the first signs of dehydration. Since I was a teenager, I've had a form of eczema on my face, which is getting worse as I'm getting older. So far, despite numerous visits to the dermatologist, I haven't been able to find any products to get rid of it.

Would love to be selected for this trial team and see if it can help out!



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