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How To Show Your Skin Love This Winter!

14 May, 2022 - 04:38pm by - Head Pixie | 8 Comments

by BR Amelia

Ah, the cooler months. A time to layer up, to snuggle down, to sip hot drinks and eat warm, hearty meals... and to toss your skincare regime to the side! 

Or is it?

Winter brings with it its own challenges for our skin. If you're stuck inside with the heat pump or aircon going, it can dry your skin out. If you're out and about, you can be dealing with windy, wet weather that can chap your skin and lips, or dry, cold air that can leave your skin dehydrated. Even the watery winter sun can do some damage. Which means that, if anything, winter is the time when you should pay even more attention to your body's needs. So get rid of any ideas of getting your lazy on, and get set to soup your skincare up. Here's how...


As tempting as it is to take long, delicious hot baths and showers, try to keep the water as tepid as possible so as not to strip your body's natural oils. Then, once out of the shower, while your skin is still damp, it's time to add moisture back into your body with either a moisturiser or body oil. (One thing I love about winter - and I'm being a touch whimsical here - is that once you moisturise your body then layer up in your winter woollies it's almost - almost - like you're giving yourself a spa body-wrap experience.) Once a week, whilst in the shower, do take the time to exfoliate and slough off any dead cells and flaky skin.

If you're finding your hands are drier than usual, keep a stash of handcreams in your car, bag and/or office desk, in the kitchen or by your favourite telly watching spot, and make a point of slathering lotion on whenever you're sitting down and have a spare minute.

Let's not forget about the feet either! After months of wearing jandals and sandals, not to mention walking around barefoot, my feet are an embarassment. As tempting as it is to rug them up in socks and ignore them, winter's a great time to give your feet a lovely soak with some bath salts, followed by a good descale with pumice. 


When it comes to your face, now's the time to pump up the hydration volume. Look for face moisturisers that are a touch heavier than your summer moisturiser. Alternatively you can add an oil into your regime and apply it after your moisturiser.

Now's also the time to pay extra attention to your lips by adding in a night mask, and making sure to keep them balmed-up during the day, especially if you're heading out for a spot of exercise.

As much as we love the warmer months, the sun can give your skin a real beating, so if you find yourself experiencing hyperpigmentation or simply less luminous looking skin, winter is the best time to take yourself off for professional treatments, or start adding retinols into your usual regime.

Bonus Points For...

If you want to get extra fancy, get your hands on a humidifier, which will keep the air moist and your skin hydrated if the air in your home is too dry. 

Our last two musts for taking care of our skin during winter? Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and herbal teas, and put on sunscreen if you're heading out. (If you've been on the site for a while, I know you won't be surprised to see that last tip!)

So, my rugged up lovelies, will you be showing your skin some love this winter? Do you tend to get lazy in winter? Or are you good at maintaining your skin's needs all year round? Get chatting below!



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1st September, 2022

Loving Dr Lewinns overnight mask!

25th May, 2022

Get very dry skin definitely need to dry brush more

23rd May, 2022

Starting to notice my skin feeling and looking on the dry side probably from the heat pump and being slack with my nightly routine of wearing moisturizer.

21st May, 2022

I have ordered some moisturizers to add some oil to mainly to take care of my awful cracked feet

20th May, 2022

I find that I need to use a lot more moisturiser in winter than in summer. Especially on my legs and arms.

17th May, 2022

Definitely need to take extra care of my face or I go like a lizard!

17th May, 2022

Yes my skin gets a little dry in winter so l keep up with moisture treatments after my bath Great article

16th May, 2022

Find winter skincare slightly easier as I want to pamper myself more.

18th May, 2022

I agree!!!!