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How often do you exfoliate your feet?

28 January, 2014 - 09:52am by - First Lady | 34 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Here's our foot fact of the day - the skin on our feet has no oil glands.  This means the skin is naturally dry.  Ever wonder why your feet seem sweatier than the rest of your body?  You feeit rely on the thousands of sweat glands to keep them cool and moisturised.

Which means if you don't moisturise your feet on a regular basis you're going to end up with very dry feet.  And very dry feet lead to 3 things - cracked skin, flaky skin and thick skin.  Now prevention is better than cure, but never fear - if you've let things fall by the wayside beneath your ankles there are things you can do.

Top of the list is to remove the dry skin.  And to do that you need an exfoliant of sorts.

The Body Shop Peppermint Smoothing Pumice Foot Scrub uses volcanic rock to "slough away rough patches of hardened skin".  An exfoliating not only removes the dry and dead skin, it will stimutalte circulation and give your tootsies a nice foot rub.

Once you've exfoliated we'd recommend slathering your feet in a rich moisturiser, popping on a pair of cotton socks and watching a couple of episodes of Downton Abbey.  Your feet will thank you!

If you'd like a spot on the trial team for this Pumice Foot Scrub, why not tell us about your feet - do you suffer from dry skin?  What exfoliant do you currently use?


How often do you exfoliate your feet?

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28th January, 2014

I always mean to do it more but ....., get distracted!!; my feet are looking a bit worse for wear, so need to do more!!

28th January, 2014

My poor feet I'm really bad at exfoliating them but am trying to get into the habit of soaking them every night or every 2nd night and trying to exfoliate.

28th January, 2014

I have to confess that sadly my feet have been neglected. I don't moisturise my feet regularly which has indeed resulted in dry skin, cracked heels (but not too bad yet) and thick skin. I try to exfoliate with pumice very now and then but always forget and need to get into the habit of exfoliating on a regular basis, having read this.

28th January, 2014

Admittedly, I don't exfoliate my feet as much as I should. But in saying that, I don't have overly cracked or dry feet. The only time when they do get a bit dry or flaky is in the summer, when I wear a lot of sandals and jandals. Only when it gets like that I use pummus in the shower to take away the dead skin and then moisturise. I need to take better care of my feet !

28th January, 2014

I never exfoliate my feet. In fact my feet like a horror show. Cracked and dry, like West Auckland soil after a long hot summer. I'd post a pic on Facebook but I really wouldn't want to scare you.

28th January, 2014

I need a better pumice for this, I do it when I remember, am a big fan of covering my feet in moisturiser then putting socks on love the soft feet feeling.

28th January, 2014

I would love to try this....I live in jandals and my poor heels are very dry. I exfoliate my body a few times a week but always forget my feet. Would be nice to have a product just for my feet for a bit of pampering.

28th January, 2014

I do a proper exfoliation whenever I do a pedicure, every 2-3 weeks, but I try to remember to give them a buff every week, don't always remember though. They are very dry at the moment; not so bad in winter though. I'd love to try the Body Shop exfoliator; the one I use is ok but nothing startling.

28th January, 2014

My feet are extremely dry and I'm guilty of neglecting them a bit.

28th January, 2014

My feet are so neglected, I don't think I even want to show anyone! They have carried me through two pregnancies and help me looking after 3 kids everyday! They really do need some attention and pampering :)

28th January, 2014

Oh this is going to seem aweful but I use pumic and scrubs once a day during summer and once every three days in winter. My feet are aweful and thick skinned! If I dont take care of them daily my skin will bleed, and the worst part is my job involves me being on my feet all day.

28th January, 2014

A pumice stone is great to use followed by a lovely soothing rich moisturiser.....but must admit I'm totally guilty of neglecting my feet lately. Would love an easy effective dolution

28th January, 2014

I have the worse feet ever....I just hardly ever do anything to my feet :-(

28th January, 2014

I don't have cracked skin on my feet but they get extremely dry and skin flakes off at times. I try to use a foot scrub every few weeks to remove the dead skin which does give some relief. I use an Avon product - Foot Works Winter Spice. Being diabetic I try to ensure my feet are looked after.

28th January, 2014

I've never really known much about looking after my feet but I would love for them to be lovely and smooth for a change! This looks like it could be a really good place to start!



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