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Honesty time...Do you use SPF every day?

18 September, 2014 - 11:50am by - First Lady | 48 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

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Hello, it's us again - your loving but nagging Beauty Godmothers.  And yes, we're talking about sun safety again!

Whilst taking Milky Chops for a quick toddle to the park I stopped in the supermarket to grab a water.  (Ok a Diet Coke...).  The checkout lady commented on how pale Milky Chops is and suggested "I let him out in the sun more, it'll be good for him".  Here's the thing - my little chunk is an outdoorsy boy.  We go to the park daily, he's outside in the garden making mischief throughout the day.  He's pale because every morning when mama applies her sunscreen, my vampire baby has his applied.  And I re-apply it throughout the day.  For us, applying SPF is like brushing your teeth - it's neither a chore nor a burden, it's just part of the routine.  So yes, my little Piwi is pale, but he's still getting his Vitamin D!

The husband on the other hand - only seems to remember to apply sunscreen when he's rocking the sunburn!  So, assuming we all know the risks of sun exposure (which we do right?) , why are some people not fussed about applying sunscreen?

The common complaints about sunscreen are;

  • It's greasy
  • It smells funny
  • It needs reapplying
  • It stains clothes

Well, we've got news for you - yes some products are guilty of all of these things, but many, many products do none of these things.  Just as you can find gorgeous moisturisers out there, you can find fantastic sunscreens too - you just need to find the one for you!

We're putting Oasis Sun SPF 30 to the test.  This New Zealand made sunscreen is made for sensitive skin and can be used on your face and body.  It's non greasy and non whitening and can be worn comfortably under makeup - and doesn't leaves those pesky yellow stains on your clothes!  The number of nos in this product, make it hard to refuse -  we're talking no colours, no fragrance, no parabens.  It's cruelty free and suitable for vegans!

Oh and it contains 94% natural ingredients including jojoba oil, shea butter, lecithin and vitamin E to moisturise against wind, water and sunlight.

So with sunscreens like this on the market there really is no excuse not to wear it daily!

We're looking for a team to put this to the test and we're curious has to how many people use sun protection every day - so why not chat to us about your sunscreen habits.  Are you a good girl and use it daily, or are you not particularly judicious about it?  If you don't use SPF every day, why not?

Get chatting below!

Do you use SPF every day?

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21st September, 2014

(puts head down in shame) I can't even remember the last time I actually used SPF and that is shocking!! I definitely need to put more care and effort into my skin and start wearing it daily.

20th September, 2014

Yes, I put spf on every day. Its handy having a moisturiser that has spf in it.

20th September, 2014

I always try and use foundation with SPF but otherwise no, unless I'm away on holiday. I've now noticed a sunspot on the side of my face which I hate so now I will be applying it every day regardless under my foundation. I guess using the excuse of working in an office just doesn't count! I'd be dead keen to try this sunscreen.

20th September, 2014

I always wear sunscreen constantly through Summer but not so much through winter. All my kids have it on constantly through summer as well.

20th September, 2014

I use it if it's built into my makeup but that's about it really. I am a bit better in summer and have a sunscreen in my bag all the time. I need to find one that works for me to apply daily though.

19th September, 2014

Everyday with the children as I'm so conscious to protect them but me - no - in fact I'm terrible. I think maybe because I wasn't bought up with it - in my day (gosh that makes me sound old) and growing up in the UK - it just wasn't drummed into to us like it is now and of course here in NZ. I'm pretty lucky that my skin doesn't burn easily but I think that gives me a false sense of security and of course doesn't help the aging process and I know that and how important it is! I must get into the habit of kids and then me - maybe this summer I'll be better. :)

19th September, 2014

I'm really bad, tend to rely on the SPF in my makeup unless I'm at the beach! This year I noticed sun damage appearing on my skin though so made a decision to be more sun safe, so I'm currently on the look out for a sunscreen that doesn't leave my face greasy. This is currently at the top of my wish list and I'd to trial it.

19th September, 2014

No I dont. I realise I should. But I am inside most of the time and it's such a pain in the butt, if it was incorporated with my BB cream then I wouldn't have to consciously apply it LOL

19th September, 2014

Yay Mumma!! I'm so scared of letting my Kids get burnt. Their Dad has often let them get so sunburnt that my 9 year old has gone from a freckle free back to what looks like age spots! He was so sunburnt it was mind numbing. So I am all for Kids any age being sunblocked up to the hills!!

I don't like sunbaking and if I'm in the sun I'll go into shade. Slip , slop, slap everyone!!

I do wear an SPF every time I go outside. As I'd rather keep my skin freckle and cancer free, I fake tan tho. Give the illusion of not being a sickly person as I'm very pale.

I have often been told go get some sun on you , you look sick. I actually hate being told that! MY response is usually no you sunbake and we'll see how amazing your crispy chicken skin looks in years to come. Vampire skin is awesome :P

19th September, 2014

I trueky dont use it everyday as they require the waiting period before you can go outside. And honestly dometimes I cant wait that long.

19th September, 2014

I'm sooooo naughty!!!! I pretty much never put sunscreen on (unless I'm going to a bbq or outdoor event.) I think part of me believes I've a superhuman resistance to the sun when I'm just walking around or doing a spot of gardening. The red patch on the back of my neck and shoulders often tells me otherwise. Will I ever learn!?

18th September, 2014

Eeek - I am one of the naughty ones who doesn't apply it every day. I really struggle to find a sunscreen that doesn't feel greasy or heavy, that doesn't turn me into a new character in Twilight, and that doesn't make my makeup sweat off! I try and use BB Creams that have an SPF factor but I would love to try a decent sunscreen that ticks all those boxes above :)

18th September, 2014

I apply bb crème or a moisturiser that has spf 15 in if that counts as everyday. Im trying to prevent the signs of aging =)

18th September, 2014

No, mostly because it's so greasy! I have a fringe and on the rare occasions I do use sunscreen, I do tend to get it in my hair as well, making it greasy and uncomfortable feeling. The smell isn't very nice either. As a result, I've got freckles now haha

18th September, 2014

The only SPF I ever wear is the stuff in my foundation, every other form of sunblock has made both my face and body break out in eczema which is agonisingly itchy so I gave up. I know that's really lazy and awful but this summer I've vowed to start wearing it again because I'm a lot more aware about the damage the sun can do, even if its not visible to you yet. It would be great to try a product by Oasis as hopefully their natural ingredients wouldn't cause me to break out in an itchy mess!



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