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Have you used a foot balm before?

29 September, 2014 - 06:46pm by - First Lady | 51 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

This week we're showcasing products that will give you results in just 5 minutes.  And we're starting with our feet!

Our feet get a rough deal - they support us all day, they're stuffed in to shoes too small and heels too high and yet more often than not, they're one of the most neglected body parts when it comes to a bit of pampering.

And yet in just 5 minutes a night you can rejuvenate tired, achy feet, by massaging in a soothing balm.

We're putting Soultime Foot Balm to the test.  It's specially designed to be used at night to soothe tired feet and soften rough skin. A blend of oils to nourish and moisturise the feet, with the revitalising, healing properties of lavender, myrrh and carrot seed essential oils.

If this sounds like something you'd love to try, tell us your experience with foot balms - are they something you regularly use, or have you never tried one before?  Do you need to show your tootsies a little TLC? 

Get chatting below!

Have you used a foot balm before?

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30th September, 2014

I've never tried one before, but would love to. Would be a nice thing to do for yourself on the weekend! :)

30th September, 2014

I have used a peppermint foot balm which was really nice because it was very soothing. I think foot balms are ideal for after you have exfoliated your feet. Then after the footbalm whip out that cuticle softner, buff and polish those toenails, and voila! Pretty feet!

30th September, 2014

No I have never used one but would love to try as I was lucky enoughto get one of the Scholl foot files in the vault and I feellike this would compliment that perfectly and I could trial them together. At the moment my feet are hard and scaly especially around the heel and big toe and I want to get thrm nice for summer.

30th September, 2014

Never used a foot balm before but would love to! I have been working hard on getting my feet ready for summer and there's some rough skin that refuses to leave. Would love to try this one!

30th September, 2014

I haven't tried a foot balm but I'd love to i always just use shea body butter on my feet which are always hurting, on my feet for hours takes it toll. I've never even heard of carrot seed oil but jumped on google to see its benefits ! :)

30th September, 2014

I have never used a foot balm in my life. Unfortunately my feet don't get the TLC that they deserve. This product sounds like heaven and the timing is great as we are in for some beautiful summer days.

30th September, 2014

I am terrible at looking after my feet! Closest I get is a bit of nail polish - but only in summer when I'm wearing sandals. I would love to try a balm as I never remember to pick one up while out shopping and my feet could use it

30th September, 2014

I have never tried a footbalm before - nor did I really know they existed.

I just purchased the Scholl foot pedi thing, which has taken all the rough skin off, but my feet are still so dry.

I would love to give this a go, and write a review on it. Me feet definitely need a bit of TLC :)

30th September, 2014

Yes but have not had any luck, I do look after my feet. But my skin loves to crack and cause me pain

30th September, 2014

I've used a Peppermint and Tea Tree balm after a Peppermint Scrub which makes my feet soft, fresh... and fungal free!! I would recommend using balm at least once weekly, or more if you're standing a lot or doing sport

30th September, 2014

My poor feet get completely ignored once dried after a shower etc. This could be a product to make me more aware they need love, especially with summer coming...

30th September, 2014

'So important to take care of your feet', words of wisdom from my Grandmother. I've always tried to, as those words do echo in mind. I make sure when doing all over body lotion after a shower that they're included, which I'm sure helps to keep them looking pretty buy it's not always easy to give them the time they deserve. In the summer, when I seem to suffer most with dry, sometimes cracked heals, I do make sure I lavish them a little before climbing into bed. I notice the warning signs of cracked heals now so can usually save myself from that discomfort, with a good balm, I've tried all the ones in the pharmacies, all much of a muchness, would prefer a more natural one, but hard to come by the only natural one I've really found that works is the wondrous Oasis Beauty Rhino Repair, so I'd be keen to try this one to see how they compare, this one sounds lovely, I mean who doesn't like a bit of Myrrh! Jokes aside, it is hallowed to be an amazing ancient oil, particularly beneficial for cracked skin, an amazing antioxidant, so yes please, bring it on ;)

30th September, 2014

This sounds amazing, I bet it smells gorgeous too!! Sadly my feet are neglected, I tend to just forget about them and focus on other areas instead...but because of that I hate my feet! They're definitely in need of some TLC!

30th September, 2014

Omg this sounds amazing, I've used a balm before if you can call it that maybe more like a cream, Avon it was mad I haven't had the best results my poor feet really do suffer as I work in sales so I'm on them all the time. Need to get my feet sorted for my wedding thou have some gorgeous Jandals too wear :)

29th September, 2014

They are great to use, I have noticed in the last few years I have started to suffer from dry cracked heels so have started to pay more attention to my feet and looking after them. The footbalms are a huge help in making my feet look and feel so much better, recommend others to give them a go :)



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