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Do you change into something that rhymes with "witch" once per month?

16 June, 2014 - 01:39pm by - BR-Queenie | 36 Comments

Article by BR Merilyn

We have to say we've been looking forward to this one!  

Ok so we know that there are lots of upsides to being a chick right? We're generally not going to go bald for a start! The clothes are better, we can shamelessly cry during chick flicks without our mates looking at us askance, and of course we have unlimited permission to lose ourselves in BR!

That said there are a couple of downsides as well, and probably that "once a month" experience that lasts for generally 40 years of our life, has got to be one of them, as necessary as it is to the continuation of our species.

And it's not even so much the physical part of it...for many of us it's the emotional side as well, where overnight we go from being gorgeous to gruesome, happy to harridan, Minnie Mouse to Maleficent!  

The culprit...our lovely hormones! They pretty much act up all our lives, whether we're teenagers, morphing from girls into women, during pregnancy and after childbirth  not to mention the usual monthly attack.  And then at the other end just, when you think you're out of the woods, you're pre-menopausal!

I was complaining to a friend one day about how I was turning into such a DRAGON, once per month almost like clockwork, (BR Natalie and Zoe DO NOT butt in here!), and she told me about this product called 30+ which she'd been taking. It's a scientifically formulated product for woman suffering hormone imbalances. The ingredients in it are formulated to regulate women's hormones.

She said she swore by it... so off I went to the Pharmacy.  The bright pink pack is easy to find, and the pack itself is pretty self explanatory...nod along with me here, if any of them sound familiar.

  • Mood swings?
  • Anger?
  • Nervous tension?
  • Irritability?
  • Lack of energy?
  • Emotional outbursts?
  • Stress & weepiness

I grabbed a pack and took it home. Just to test I was on the right track I said to my partner.."hey look at this product I've got, do any of these sound like me?"  "Yes dear" came the response. "WHICH ONE!" I snarled looking for clarification.  "All of them" he replied (by now in another room).

You need to take one tablet morning and night for a minimum of 4 weeks (so essentially a full  cycle) before you start to see it working. There are four key ingredients in the product:

Tyrosine - used to balance the glandular, thyroid and adrenal function - assisting with increased energy, and reduced anxiety

Black Cohosh - used to improve hormonal regulation - assisting with hormone balancing, less painful periods and hot flushes

Vitamins B6, B9, B12 - used to increase estrogen clearance via the liver - assisting with increased hormone balancing

Chromium - assists with balancing the blood sugar levels assisting with increased energy

For me this nailed it, after 4 weeks I wouldn't say all of the symptoms were gone, but I definitely felt more balanced, to a point now where if I do "go off" about anything I just get the look and a comment along the lines of "have you missed taking one of your grumpy pills?"

So there you have it... it may not work for everyone, and it's not for you if you are currently pregnant or breast feeding and if you are taking any anti depressant medication, but it certainly worked for me, and we've talked the lovely folk at 30+ into doing a trial to see if it works for you too.

We're going to be inviting 20 members to trial 30+ for one month and let us know what they think. So if this sounds like you, share your hormonal stories with us below! 

Do you change into something that rhymes with "witch" once per month?

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23rd June, 2014

Ahaha that is so me every two weeks! lol

23rd June, 2014

I get very angry for a few days a month, then emotional, its nice to have a couple of weeks being 'normal' I am lethargic and get very irritable to my hubby and kids

23rd June, 2014

This is quite embarrassing however I seriously battle with hormones. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which plays havoc with my hormones. I am extremely irritable and emotional at that time of month and get severe pains and all the rest... I also get a bit of excess hair. I hate hormones!!

23rd June, 2014

Oh my gosh this made me laugh, it's like the article is written about me haha! My friends and family are so patient and put up with me crying, getting all grumpy and snapping for a week....I have been thinking about taking some sort of pill for homones but didn't know where to start. Hopefully I get to trial! x

23rd June, 2014

I feel like there is a black cloud over me for 3-4 days pre-period, and then for the next week. I try to stay calm and relaxed but I just cannot. I tell myself in my head to snap out of it, but I can't seem to. It's really frustrating because I really do not want to be that person. Every little thing annoys me, and I snap at everyone in the house. I would love to try this product to see if it actually does work.

23rd June, 2014

Well I never really used to have any problems in this area but I think old age has caught up with me and I do love a good argument a few days before I'm due now a days dammit. Also finding those lovely (?) internal thermal combustion's are now happening a few days before as well as another timely reminder what is coming. Sleeps the worst as have to roll over to a less sweaty spot, stick a foot or arm out from under the covers to cool down and then wake up shivering with the cold on the damp sweat. Sounds like a great product to me!!

23rd June, 2014

Urgh sometimes I feel like a total slave to my hormones. My partner is always aware of when it's 'that time of the month' because I'm rather grumpy and sometimes cry randomly. Luckily for the rest of the month i'm ok but the emotions are overpowering in that one week. (And that's discounting the cramps that go along with it - oh the joys of being female!)

23rd June, 2014

I'm a raging psychopath 10 days before mine then a blubbering idiot when it arrives.

I wish I was a boy sometimes. Being a girl is hard enough without that side of the things

18th June, 2014

I think I have my moments with PMS but its totally dependent on the situation. I think I am very much sensitive and touchy around my period, usually the week before and then during I am okay and start getting back to normal.

You know its bad when really stupid emotional parts in movies, or even TV ad's bring a tear to your eye. Le Sigh

17th June, 2014

Oh wow ive seen this on shelfs but never knew what it was for! Need to try some of this. I think my family would thank you later!

16th June, 2014

I have had terrible problems over the years with hormones and how they have affected my body. Luckily mood wise I don't have many issues, but physically the hormone's created havoc with my monthly cycle. After investigation my options this was one of the products suggested as it did not affect my contraceptive. I have now had a hysterectomy top address the issues, but lack of energy and stress are still factors in my life.

16th June, 2014

My poor partner gets it all in one week im so moody I don't even realize im doing it and then I get all emotional I just want to hide for a hole week feel sorry for people around me I have to apologize for a week in advance for my mood swings :-)

16th June, 2014

Oh yea. I'm in fine form for a few days! Even my kids are more cautious, they figured it out at a very young age that Mum's a bit volatile at about the same time every month. I've found as I'm getting older I'm actually getting worse too! Though I try pretty hard not to be too bitchy it really does get the better of me most of the time.

16th June, 2014

This used to be me but I had a full hyster 6 months ago and now I'm "FREE from the cycle", lol. I did use this product and found it really good, my only problem was remembering to take it twice a day! It was great to be taking something natural as well. I'm on HRT now, so a whole different kettle of fish and hormones are still playing a part grr! Hmm, think I have some of those pills left.... might go hunt them out. :-)

16th June, 2014

many a plate has been thrown at that certain time of the month I even had a hole in my wall by the toilet luckily we pulled that wall down since just get so grumpy and then sad afterwards sometimes it just sux being a girl....