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Do you suffer from 'rosy cheeks'?

17 September, 2014 - 10:44am by - First Lady | 67 Comments

image: via Pinterest

Poll posted by BR Natalie

***This trial opportunity has now closed***

Now by rosy cheeks, we don't mean the delicate flush of an English Rose.  We don't mean the hint of blush to reflect your inner youth.  No, no, no.  We mean those red cheeks that at any time of the day, give off the impression you've either;

  • Just completed a Jillian Michaels workout
  • Cooked a full roast on Christmas day in New Zealand
  • Had one two many glasses of wine at lunch time

And of course in reality you've done none of these things (well maybe not today), you're just 'blessed' with a naturally flushed or ruddy complexion.

Foundations and BB Creams are amazing for hiding a multitude of sins, but when it comes to counteracting unwanted tones or balancing your skin tone, you need to look to the colour wheel.  Green neutralises red, and your average foundation or BB cream isn't going to contain much green.  Which makes sense, because as much as you don't want to look red, you certainly don't want to look like an alien with green tinged skin. 

So what's a red-faced gal to do?  Sort out the redness before applying your makeup of course!  And we've found a great green primer to counteract redness and create a great base for the rest of your makeup.  Now that's win-win.

We're looking for 20 great reviewers and their rosy cheeks to put Moisture Mist's Green Veil to the test. This product stick has a light texture that spreads smoothly to neutralise redness and reduce the sight of broken capillaries.

You simply dab on to areas of redness such as your nose and cheeks and gradually build to the coverage you need.  Top off with your regular foundation or BB cream and voila, redness-be-gone!

So if you'd like to put your hand up for this trial, why not comment below and tell us if you suffer from unwanted redness.  How do you cover up your redness usually?  Have you tried a green toned product before?

Get chatting below - we might pick you!


Do you suffer from 'rosy cheeks'?

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30th September, 2014

Red cheeks are such a drag, always when I am stressed too. Not ideal in awkward situations like job interviews or public speaking! It also changes the whole look of my face and the shape of my cheekbones is emphasized1

29th September, 2014

Yes yes yes!! I have horribly red rosy cheeks! They are soo hard to cover up with my foundation alone, as I only really have medium cover foundations. I have never tried a green tinted product but I would really love to! I have so much redness, it goes from my cheeks right down to my jaw line!

29th September, 2014

I do get 'rosieness' but mine is generally due to blemishes, acne and scarring. I've tried ELFs tone-adjusting green primer and loveeedddd it, it really worked wonders at toning down the redness across my skin.

29th September, 2014

I have the worst rosy cheeks which my family thinks is cute and I do not!

29th September, 2014

This product is definitely for me... I tend to only use foundation on my cheeks and the sides of my nose everyday (unless I'm going out with a 'full face' on). I have tried green setting powders (giving me the alien face tint), green concealers (same problem) and even colour correcting cc creams which helped a little but weren't the holy grail I was hoping for. I look forward to reading the reviews to see if this is 'the one'.

29th September, 2014

I have an area where sun exposure has caused a wee bit of damage (yes in the past) and I wonder if this would work?

29th September, 2014

If by Rosey you mean bright red all the time then yup that's me...

29th September, 2014

Oh my goodness! Please! My cheeks are so red and I am always so self conscious about it. It's one of the first things people notice about me and I really wish that it wasn't. I've tried a few different things to combat it but nothing works. Even if not chosen to trial this I will be keeping a close eye on the reviews to see if it works!

29th September, 2014

I unfortunately do :( Sometimes it's from just sitting somewhere warm for a few minutes (suddenly I look like I've been drinking for hours!) sometimes it's from freaking out about something and stressing too much, but most of the time I've got no idea what causes it! I didn't even know there were products with green in them to counteract the redness. I usually just put up with my red cheeks because unless I cake on a huge amount of foundation my redness still shines through. I think the worst part about it happening is when people who don't suffer from it don't know that it happens to people, and that's when you get the comments and questions about it, like "you look REALLY sunburnt on your face, don't you use sunscreen?" "have you been drinking??" "are you okay? Your face looks like a tomato" "you look like you've just done the most embarrassing thing, what happened?". Does anyone else find they get a lot of comments on it, or just me?

29th September, 2014

Yes I do and it's embrassing, makes my pores stand out too I've noticed :( and I need as much help as I can get, not a lot of products work sadly so would be worth trying something new. The only thing that's good about rosy cheeks is at least when I blush no one knows lmao. Broken capillaries doesn't help either, sometimes there's days I wish I didn't have to show my face especially when I don't have time to really put any makeup on.

29th September, 2014

Oh yes, please help me! I usually just use a thick concealer but that makes me face feel cakey! Eeekk. My mum had a shisedo one when I was young. So she suffered from this awfulness as well.

29th September, 2014

Yes I do and I hate it!! To the point where I have looked into laser surgery. But I need to find a prevention as well! !

29th September, 2014

I have the rosiest cheeks ever, need some help!

29th September, 2014

I have VERY rosy cheeks and quite a lot of broken capillaries along the top of my cheek bone. I dont like to wear a thick, full foundation each day so i have just come to live with my rosy cheeks shining through my BB and powder. I also have a very red chest and neck area, i will quite often get asked where i have been to be getting so sunburnt... :( This sounds amazing!

29th September, 2014

Sure do! :( on the apples of my cheeks I love but it's under there too and that's what annoys me the most! Hahaha