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All You Need To Know About Dehydrated Skin

2 June, 2023 - 01:29pm by - Head Pixie | 5 Comments

by BR Amelia

For many, dehydrated skin is an enigma. How can an oily-skinned person have it? And if they have it are they more oily-skinned because of it? And as for those with dry skin... are they actually dry skinned or do they simply need more hydration? If you've ever caught yourself pondering these questions in the middle of the night when you ought to be dreaming about a grown up Harry Styles, or if you've just decided having read the title of this article that your curiosity is piqued and you need to know more, we're here to give you the low down on all things hydrated skin - from how, to why, to what to do.

What causes dehydrated skin?

Where to begin? Dehydrated skin can be caused by not drinking enough water or eating enough water-rich foods. Also drinking too much caffeine and alcohol can cause dehydration, as can smoking. Another cause of dehydration can be your environment - you might be in a dry climate, or sitting in an air-conditioned office, or you simply could have spent a lot of time in the sun and/or wind. Even using the wrong skincare, or using too many actives, can cause your skin to become dehydrated.

How do I know if my skin's dehydrated?

Dehydrated skin can look and feel a lot like dry skin - think tightness after cleansing or showering. Your skin may appear dull and lacking glow. It can feel rough or bumpy to the touch, especially on the cheeks, forehead and around the nose. You might see fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, forehead and mouth. You could also experience flaking skin, and dark circles or bags under the eyes. 

Is dry skin and dehydrated skin the same?

Short answer: no. 

Dry skin can be caused by a lack of natural oils, with genetics playing a part in having dry skin. Dehydrated skin is simply caused by not getting enough hydration. The good news? While you can't easily change that what nature gave you, you can hydrate your way to non-dehydrated skin.

However, you can have dry and dehydrated skin.

How can I tell if my oily skin is dehydrated?

Without sounding glib, if you're finding your skin is oily, but also has the telltale signs of tightness, dullness and fine lines, then there's a good chance you have dehydrated oily skin..... BUT here's where things get confusing. If your skin is dehydrated it can produce more oil to compensate, which can make you think you've got super oily skin, when actually it's super dry.

So... how can I rehydrate my skin?

I hate to state the obvious - but using hydrating skincare on the outside while hydrating yourself on the inside is a great way to get your skin back into balance.

Avoid (or minimise) alcohol and caffeine, drink water and eat water-rich foods, and if possible try and stay away from environments that suck the moisture from your skin.

When it comes to overall body care, keep showers and baths warm, not hot. After you've bathed and dried off, apply a body moisturiser while your skin is still damp. As for your face? Look for skincare that makes a point of saying it's hydrating, gentle and, er, moisturising. Ingredients that work to help hydrate include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, niacinamide, squalane aloe vera, and even honey. As always, patch test products first, and discontinue if you find it further irritates your skin.

"Don't do's" of skin care while working on your hydration? Lay off any products that are going to strip or irritate your skin, and keep exfoliation down to once a week until your skin's found its happy hydrated place once again.

The last word...

Depending on your level of dehydration, you can start to see improvements within a day, however generally it can take days to even weeks to get your skin and skin barrier into tip top post-dehydration condition.

As always, if you've concerns about your skin, and nothing you're doing seems to be working, do talk to a skincare or health professional. However, for most, dehydrated skin isn't serious and is a simple fix. Now, where'd I put that water bottle?

So, do you experience dehydrated skin? If so, what ways do you help your hydration levels? Or is your skin as hydrated and plump as a perfectly grown peach? Get chatting below!



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10th June, 2023

I definitely have dehydrated/oily skin. I get quite tight cheeks that feel like they could absorb whatever I put on them all the while being shiny. I find sheet masks great for this, especially the Garnier ones.

9th June, 2023

I usually have dehydrated skin after long-haul flights.

8th June, 2023

I do get dry skin in the winter , l have baths and put nice body oils in as well as Epsom salts for my aches and pains . Some times l put lotion or body butter on after my bath or shower, depending on how cold it is in my bathroom! Take vitamins to help with winter dryness too and find that does help with skin issues.

7th June, 2023

I suffer from both but have definitely noticed an improvement when using a very hydrating moisturizer at night,no more flaky dry patches the next morning.

5th June, 2023

I have been trying to make myself drink water and I do think it is helping my skin. Great article

15th June, 2023

Very good points too.Thanks