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Does your hair desperately need REPAIR?

12 March, 2017 - 11:23pm by - First Lady | 75 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

We all know that styling, colouring and environmental factors can damage our hair - but do you know the signs that your hair is in desperate need of repair?  Here are a few warning signs to look out for.

Quick Dry - If your coloured hair dries almost instantly after showering it's a sign that your hair has been made very porous by the chemicals in the hair colour.  It's a vicious cycle too, as porous hair will absorb too much pigment into the hair, giving you a too-dark result.  You also may find that your hair colour fades faster, as the porousness of the hair releases too much of the color as you shampoo.

Water Test - When you next find a stray hair, run your finger nail down the shaft to curl it (like curling ribbon with scissors).  If when you drop the curled strand in a glass of water, it doesn't uncurl it means your hair has lost it's elasticity.  Heat styling is normally the cause - it can cause the cuticle to lift up to lift up, releasing valuable moisture and leaving shafts brittle.

Split Ends - The occasional split end is normal - but when the ends of your hair look like uneven straw it's a sign you are continually damaging your hair.  When split ends aren't trimmed regularly the hair is more likely to split further, 'spreading' the damage up the shaft of the hair.  Do not be tempted to trim the ends at home - dull scissors will again, split the hair more!

Dull, dull, dull - If your hair refuses to shine, even with the help of serum or intensive treatment - it's more than likely damaged!

If you're showing the signs of damaged hair, you need to begin a routine for repairing it.  You probably know of salon treatments using advances in technology to repair your locks, but in a few weeks time, you'll be able get this technology at home!  We've got our hands on the new Schwarzkopf range before it's nationwide release on March 20th!  EEEP!

‘Plex’ is a revolution that is changing the hairdressing industry an innovative hair repair treatment which protects the hair from damage during the colour process by rebonding broken hair fibres.  This technology is now available with Schwarzkopf Extra Care Fibre Therapy  hair care range with OMEGAPLEX® which helps to repair your hair, strand by strand.

Fibre Therapy promises:

  • to help rebond and seal broken hair structures for silky, smooth hair
  • to protect the hair from damage and encourage the creation of new bonds

The FIFTY members of this trial team will be putting the Fibre Therapy Shampoo, Conditioner and Repair-in-Oil Spray Treatment to the test.  Now all three look a-maz-ing, but the Repair-In-Oil spray?  Colour us excited!

This innovative treatment spray is formulated with two phases to provide double-effect results - it's a beautifying oil for shine and supple hair, AND with Schwarzkopf's OMEGAPLEX® ingredient it will also reconstruct your hair!  Told ya - it's a goodie! 

So - tell us - is your hair showing signs of damage?  Is it caused by colouring, styling or something else?  Have you been putting off colouring your hair to prevent further damage?  Would you like to trial the Schwarzkopf Fibre Therapy range?

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Does your hair desperately need REPAIR?

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