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Weight loss, skin issues - any ideas?

12 posts, 6 members
87 posts
Hi everyone!

I've got quite a bit of weight to lose and as the weight is coming off I'm noticing my skin pack a huge sad. Cue breakouts, dry skin, oily skin...whatever it feels like on the day.

Obviously I don't want to go out and spend a whole heap of products for every stage of my skin, but are there some foods/vitamins etc that could help potentially reduce the impact on my skin.

I'm not even sure if there is such anything other than a balanced diet and consistent skincare that could really make any difference. But i'm finding it really hard to keep up with what it feels like doing and think that nutritionally I might be able to add some things in that could help.

Any ideas are appreciated - thanks in advance :).
1849 posts
Hello! Good on you for starting a weightloss journey, and congratulations on the weight loss!

All the times I have lost a lot of weight I do have a break out period, where my skin goes crazy and pimples start popping up constantly. 

I did a little reserach and I saw that it is probably your body trying to get rid of toxins, and the toxins are coming out of your skin. It encourages you to drink alot more water to help flush out those toxins and to drink green smoothies (if you can) to help make the process faster.

I would place into a blender, water, spinach, an apple, some fresh parsley, half a banana and mix until done and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Not only did it help flush everything out but it cleared my skin.

I hope this helps xxx
1768 posts
I haven't really had any experience in regards to weightloss, but I have with skin issues. I find that when im trying to eat healthy, or detox, my skin looks terrible for awhie, which I think is because all the dirt and bad toxins are getting pushed out of my body. Like Lutece said, drink plently of water! Also, when my skin is going through this, i try to use less makeup products too! 
87 posts
Thanks Lutece great advice regarding the water. I'm really trying to up the herbal teas as well. I'm breaking out on the chin a lot at the moment and I got rid of the breakout using some heavy acne cream and it left my skin dry as anything, flakey and itchy. That smoothie sounds fabulous, will break out the George Foreman and try that. Thanks for the ideas!

Yeah water is something I'm definitely trying. I'm hoping it's relatively short lived through the detox kinda period because my skin is really taking a hamering. I don't think the weather is helping with that aspect either if I'm honest. The constant cold, and being in an airconditioned office. I just want skin that I can put makeup on again. At the moment everything is sitting on the dry patches and I wouldn't dare put anything else on it. But I have an event at the end of August and I'm really wanting it to be better by then. Hoping awhile isn't a month lol BinaryBeauty :)
5255 posts
I sympathise with you Glamfish, detix is tugh on the skin, but keep up the good work, it's only for a short time! Please keep us up with your weight loss journey, I need some inspiration :)
5351 posts
Hi there, congrats for your weightloss journey. Im about to start my workouts again tommorow. I've got my workout gear ready. I need to drink lots of water so that will be a challenge for me. For my dry skin I use rosehip oil every night. For anti ageing I use bee venom products. I'd love to try the hot tody for acne. I haven't used yet but I've heard good things about the oasis range. If your on a budget like me, I just invest in the rosehip oil and use a cheaper moisturiser and night cream. I hope to hear more about your journey. Goodluck
2718 posts
Congrats on your weightloss journey glamfish xx In regards to skin, there are a couple of items I would highly recommend for your skin:

Definitely Rosehip Oil as mentioned above it is full of healing properties and a little goes a long way -Trilogy or Essano are great brands.

Bossy Cosmetic Coffee Scrub is amazing and has done wonders for my skin as well as giving your a skin a deep down clean leaving your skin well moisturised.

Oxygen Skin Serum is gold in a bottle, although it is a tad pricey.

Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil capsules are also amazing and helps clear up your skin.

Hope this helps sweets xx
2718 posts
Oh forgot to say that the Bossy Cosmetic Scrub is on special at the moment - $10.00. For some reason I cant link their website as Im using my phone, but if you click on Bossy Cosmetics in the pink writing under this post, it will take you to it.

They also have an amazing moisturiser too that is really good, also on special x
87 posts
Thanks for your support regarding weight loss! It's been an interesting start but the scales are starting to move in the right direction which is quite exciting. I have just over 20kg to lose so it's going to be a long and slow journey.

Thanks Macs for your ideas. Definitely on a bit of a budget at the moment. Just moved from Wellington to Auckland and there are always things I need to buy/stock up on that are sadly more important than expensive products.

Thanks mumof3munchkins. I think I need to actually look into bossy cosmetics. I've seen so many fantastic reviews of their products you've got me intrigued! The vitamin e/primrose oil sound like a go too. I might look into those. I have a hair skin and nails vitamin but don't believe it really does much :S.

You guys rock - thanks for the help!
2718 posts
No worries hun, I know the struggle with skin as I've gone through it for years and still an ongoing battle due to hormones. Highly recommend drinking as much water as possible as that will hydrate your skin. Green Tea is also a great way to get extra fluid and it's super good for you xx
87 posts
I'm really lucky I love green tea, water not so much lol. It's not fun when your skin is packing a sad, I feel so self conscious with or without makeup it's not fair! Hopefully utlizing some of these ideas will get it under control.
2718 posts
Totally feel you hun xxx If you ever want to talk, I'm happy to listen and offer any help I can, you can click on my iHerb Obsessed link in the pink and you can contact me through Facebook that way xxx Just keep positive, you are heading in the right direction and you should be proud of yourself as the decision to start that journey is always the hardest xx



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