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You Can Only Use One Product For The Rest of your Life...

20 January, 2018 - 09:55pm by - First Lady | 277 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Do you know why our 'stock image girl' looks so worried?  Someone just told her she needs to choose.  Eyeliner or her Brow Product for the rest of her life.   It's Sophie's Choice y'all.  No woman should have to face such a decision.  Her wings or her arches?  Quelle Horreur!

Eyeliner has been a beauty staple since way back when, creating iconic looks for a bevy of stars, from Bridgitte Bardot to Adele.  Now, yes, the perfect wing is a huge learning curve, taking more practise than sleight-of-hand magic, but eyeliner is not just for winging it.  Adding finesse to a smokey eye or leaving the lash line looking visibly fuller, are just two of the reasons we love our eyeliner.

Eyebrows.  Man, did you ever think you'd be so obsessed with your brow game?  There are so many products and treatments aimed at giving us the elusive 'perfectly arched brow'.  But the pitfalls of brow-scaping are real.  If you haven't heard of the "scouse brow" you might want to quickly visit your friend Google, but be warned; your eyebrows may leap off of your head in fear.  But, like eyeliner, with practise and a nod to the beauty gods, you can soon master your brow care and create the perfect frames to your face.

So go on.  Which one?  Eyeliner?  Or Brow Tint?

Now, we, your partners-in-beauty-obsession, would never force you to make such a choice without the hint of a reward.  No, no, NO.  The 21 reviewers of this trial team will each receive TWO Maybelline eye products to put to the test.

Here's the low-down on what we're reviewing:

Maybelline Curvitude Angled Liquid Eyeliner Pen.  This innovative eyeliner tightly follows the curve of the eye contour, filling in between lashes for a visibly fuller lash line. It's a 'lash gap filler', if you like.  It's super-easy to use, you simply hold the liquid liner like a pen and glide the tip above the lash line, along the upper lashes.  


Maybelline Tattoo Brow 3 Day Gel Tint .  Tattoo Brow is a game-changing peel-off gel-tint that leaves brows perfectly defined and evenly filled for up to 3 days.  It's enriched with Royal Jelly & Aloe Vera so brows are not only left tinted, but conditioned.  And the fade?  Gradual and even, so you won't wake up with mis-matchy brows!  Application is easy - pop the gel onto your brow in the desired shape and leave to dry for 20 minutes (minimum) to 2 hours (for maximum results)  Peel and reveal starting from the inner corner and working out.

Fancy a spot on this fabulous trial team?  (OF COURSE YOU DO!)  Well, you need to tell us TWO things below to be considered:

1.  If you could only choose one product for life, what would it be? Eyeliner or Eyebrow Tint?

2.  What shade of Maybelline Tattoo Brow would you like to review? 

(Pick carefully - this is what you'll be sent, if you make the team!)

You Can Only Use One Product For The Rest of your Life...

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24th January, 2018

Light brown would suit me best as a highlighted blondie. Would be great to save $ and time going to the beauty spa for eyebrow tinting ;-)

24th January, 2018

I would definitely choose eye liner. Medium brown for the brow tint please!

23rd January, 2018

I'm an eyebrow girl from waaay back :) I've recently discovered brow gel tints (thanks to Best Beauty Box Ever!) and wouldn't go back to naked brows - not now that having great brows is so easy! If I was chosen for the trial team, I'd love to trial the medium brown, thanks.

23rd January, 2018

Medium brown

23rd January, 2018

Very hard choice but i'd go Brow tint!! Feel naked without anything on my brows because they're so non-existent with no product! Would love the opportunity to trial these, Medium Brown please! (:

23rd January, 2018

I'd choose the brow tint. Brows is life! I would like to try out the Medium Brown one. <3

23rd January, 2018

I would definitely choose brow tint! My eyebrows need all the help they can get! I would love the opportunity to be part of the trial team! My shade would be dark brown.

23rd January, 2018

I would definitely chose the brow tint if I had to choose. I’m not the greasy with eyeliner. My shade would be grey brown :)

23rd January, 2018

Brow tint all the way! I am so excited by the sound of this as a long-time brow tinter due to sparse blonde brows! This sounds amazing! How many more exclamation marks can I do! ;) But seriously, what a fab sounding design - up to 3 days is awesome lasting-power, as is the even fade. I'd go for dark brown (because my brows are that blonde) :)

23rd January, 2018

With my sparse brows it has to be a brow tint for sure! I'd love to try grey brown :D

23rd January, 2018

Hmm, hard call - probably eyeliner. Medium brown brow tint would be best to cover the greys and fill in the gaps. ;)

23rd January, 2018

dark brown brow tint definitely! I have quite dark hair but pretty light eyebrows so feel incomplete without tinted eyebrows!

23rd January, 2018

Definitely eyebrow tint! I cannot walk out of the house without putting on my brows, if possible I would like the opportunity to trial dark brown please and thank you :)

23rd January, 2018

Eyeliner all the way!

23rd January, 2018

I would love to try the brow tint in the dark brown shade.



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