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Have You Used Rosehip Oil...On Your Hair?!

17 April, 2018 - 07:59pm by - First Lady | 184 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

So, Rosehip Oil.  You've probably tried it now?  Or at least heard of it?  No?  Here's the nitty-not-so-gritty (because it's bloomin' wonderful...)

Rosehips are actually the dark red fruits of roses - they've have been used since ancient times around the globe.  Mayans, Egyptians and Native-Americans discovered that besides the pleasant-smelling fragrance of the roses, these plants came with extra benefits.

What benefits?  Well..rosehip is FULL of antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids.  It boasts a huge percentage of plant-derived vitamin A, the “skin vitamin” that helps promote collagen production.  It's also rich in Vitamin B-carotene and Vitamins E and C ( 50% more than oranges!).  It's bursting with Omega 3,6 and 9 acids and lycopene too! 

While revelling in the skin care benefits of this delightful ingredient, we seem to have missed that it's also really great for...our hair!

First up it's a 'dry oil' so it won't turn your hair into lank, greasy strands.  Those essential fatty acids it's full of?  They're brilliant for repairing the hair follicles.  The Beta Carotenes are ace at balancing oil production.  Rosehip Oil will soothe an irritated scalp and add shine to hair of all types.

The Schwarzkopf Extra Care Rosehip Oil Elixir provides incredible nourishment and protection, leaving the hair looking gorgeously soft, smooth and shine. Rose Hip Oil packs this oil full of regenerative properties and antioxidants and the ultimate win...leaves a non-greasy finish.

We're looking for 25 reviewers to put it to the test - if you fancy giving your hair a bit of a treat, tell us your hair oil experiences below.  Do you regularly use a hair oil?  And have you ever used a Rosehip oil on your hair?

Get chatting below...we might pick you!


Have You Used Rosehip Oil...On Your Hair?!

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10th July, 2018

My hair is dry and shitty looking at the moment due to medication I want his to help bring it back to awesome

10th June, 2018

Would love to try this. I have tried other oils before but they leave my hair gross and oily

4th June, 2018

I love hair oil! I have super dry frizzy ends and I'd love to see how this would stack up against my current favorite!

18th May, 2018

I e tried rose hip on face amd a type oil oil on hair and was disappointed. I’ve got brightly coloured hair and really would love something with natural oils to help keep colour looking shiny and mainly less frizz

16th May, 2018

Love rosehip on my skin so this would be awesome to try!

9th May, 2018

Would love to try this!! I use a different type of oil at the moment but definitely willing to change my mind on what type I buy as I'm in the middle of trying different ones.

8th May, 2018

I have used hair oils and I've used rosehip oil before... but never a hair rosehip oil. I'd love to try it since it's a dry oil - I generally get put off using oil on my hair as it can already get rather oily especially at the roots (I'm currently using a product with more of a lotion type consistency). If rosehip works on hair anything like it does on skin, then this product may be just what I need for my currently straw-like ends.

7th May, 2018

I’d love to try rosehip oil in my hair I have really frizzy hair and this sounds like it will be great to get rid of my frizzieness

1st May, 2018

I use rosehip on my skin so know its awesome stuff. After bleaching my hair a few times I now have breakages and it always feels like straw even after using argan oil so Im interested to know if this would be better.

30th April, 2018

I have never heard of anything like this before! My hair is really long and i straighten it a lot, so it gets really dry, and so does my scalp. It would be great to be able to use this on my scalp as well as my ends- this is something that would be perfect for me and I haven't seen it very often! I also really like that it says it a non-greasy product- i have used hair oils in the past but i find that most of them feel and look greasy/oily on my hair.

29th April, 2018

Well it makes sense, Rosehip is so amazing for your skin I'm sure it would be just as good for your hair to!! I'm a huge hair oils lover, with dry split ends and fluiffy hair I really like having an oil to slick down that boof

28th April, 2018

I use hair oil maybe once or twice a week. I would love to try a rose hip oil. Would love a to compare them.

28th April, 2018

Haven't used a hair oil before but it sounds awesome and my hair would be very grateful for some extra love.

28th April, 2018

The ends of my hair always seem dry :(. I'd love to try an oil on them and see if it makes an improvement!

28th April, 2018

Never used rosehip oil in my hair but it's lovely on my skin so, I'm definitely keen to try it. I've used argan oil with mixed results. My hair is thick and frizzy so I'm always looking for products to tame the frizz.