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The Beauty Tool I Never Knew I Needed

27 March, 2022 - 09:47am by - Head Pixie | 15 Comments

by BR Kellie

I think it's fair to say that I've taken this ageing business well. I've not freaked out about the silver strands peppering my head of hair, in fact I've embraced them. I've handled seeing the collagen in my skin erode, causing my skin to look more flump and less plump. And, apart from one failed attempt at Botox, I've been absolutely fine seeing the wrinkles upon my face deepen and grow. However, there's one aspect of ageing that I am not good with... and that's the hair growth in places where you don't need it, want it, or have any desire for other people to see it.

Example: the lady garden seems to be migrating east, west and south. It's nothing a quick shave before popping on my togs can't fix, but not ideal when you forget you need to shave then go to take a dip and quickly have to whip your shorts back on because pubic in public is not your vibe.

Another example: nose hair.

Yes, my nostrils are having a party and everything in there is being encouraged to let its hair down. Literally.

So what's a girl to do? Well, I tried pushing the hair back up there whenever I saw it peeking out, but that did nothing. I even went so far as to plucking the worst of them, and that was OW. Would not recommend.

Finally, I decided to do the one thing I swore I'd not do, because it was the realm of old men with hair that sprouted out their ears: I bought a nose and ear hair trimmer.

Remington Washable Trimmer

In this case, the Remington Washable Trimmer, which promised to do nose, ear AND eyebrow hair (thanks to a nifty little extra minature razor attachment). Sleek, stylish and on special for $15, it seemed like the best - and at this point - the only option if I wanted to deal to the hair up there (and, no, this isn't an ad. This is simply one woman reaching out to those also experiencing a case of the rampant nose hair in the name of sharing is caring).

Easy to put together, I did my best to calm the quivers in my hand as I inserted the rotary trimmer head (which, once turned on, has something that whizzes around on the inside and, honestly, that was a bit terrifying). Then, holding my breath, sure that death by a thousand nostril cuts was imminent, I rotated the trimmer in a circular motion while moving it in and out of the nostril as instructed. Seconds later I removed the device and checked the nose hair situation...

Usually at this point I'd do a before and after photo to show you the changes a simple beauty tool or makeup tip can make, but not today. I'll spare you the oogginess. However, I can safely say that the Remington Washable Trimmer is now permanently living in my beauty space. The nose hairs were trimmed, not a black spiky hair was to be seen, and I was one happy customer with a new (to me) beauty device that gives me hair cheer not hair glare.

So, is a nose hair trimmer a solid part of your beauty regime? Is a nose hair trimmer something you'd consider buying? Or are your nose hairs neither here nor there so you don't care? Get chatting below!


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15th April, 2022

I have a cheap kmart version that I use that does the same job - very helpful!

5th April, 2022

Hehe I bought my dad a nose hair trimmer for Christmas once when I was a kid - I am not too sure that he loved it, but he did use it!

1st April, 2022

Hmmm that sounds like a great investment! I hate nose hair.

1st April, 2022

I just clicked on the link provided, and they are only $15, so worth a try if anyone is considering it!

30th March, 2022

I’ve never used one before. I can’t say that nose hair bothers me.

30th March, 2022

Never used a nose hair trimmer before!! Interesting. I don’t think I would use it though I’d be too scared of the pain I don’t even pluck my own eyebrows!!

29th March, 2022

I bought myself a nose hair trimmer a few years ago that also does ears and eyebrows. One difficulty is that nose hair is seen as a man problem and most trimmers are designed for men. As a woman with a smaller nose I wanted something with a narrower tip. I ended up buying a Philips Series 3000 NT3160 from Farmers that has a narrower tip than many others. It works great. It did cost more than $15 though so the Remington looks like a good buy.

29th March, 2022

Eek plucking nose hairs...youch!!! Thankfully I get maybe 1 stray hair a year that needs pulling out. If I get more I'll be getting this, great price!! Thanks for the article.

28th March, 2022

Ouch plucking nose hairs! Omg I imagine that would be painful. I don't have hairy nostrils just yet lmao....

28th March, 2022

Oh definitely passing this on to my son , such a great article Thanks

28th March, 2022

I haven't needed it yet, but this would be great for my husband! Thanks for the recommendation, Kellie :)

28th March, 2022

I don't need a nose hair trimmer yet, but we'll see what happens in a few years...

28th March, 2022

Don’t need this for my nose hairs lol but would definitely give the eyebrow attachment a go!

28th March, 2022

LOL love your write up Kellie :) Ah yes, when you're younger you want the hair to grow, when you're older you want it to stop haha. I do have extra where I don't want it, but thankfully don't need to do my nose or ears (yet!).

28th March, 2022

If need be I would purchase. As yet, I don't need to.



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