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Are Your Nails Weak From Too Many Gel Manicures?

11 October, 2016 - 10:13pm by - First Lady | 111 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Gel manicures, oh how we love thee.  The long lasting shine.  The chip resistant finish.  Other than the appearance of fresh nail growing at the cuticle you probably couldn't tell the difference between a day old and ten days old when it comes to a well-done gel mani.  They're perfect for a big event or for going on holiday.

But as always - the benefits of gel manicures go hand in hand with the negatives.  The sheer strength of gel formulae coupled with the curing method makes removing said polish a bit of a chore.  Generally you'll need to soak your nails in acetone to bring a more malleable consistency to the gel allowing you to somewhat gently remove it.  And of course there's always the scraping/filing method.  And even though we're going to tell you this is bad, bad, bad; we know some of you will continue to pick off your gel polish!

After a consistent run of gel manicures you're almost certainly going to be left with less than desirable nails.  

A gel formula will dry out your nail bed which over time will make your nails brittle and weak.  They'll probably be flakey, discoloured and jagged.  Your nail beds can even become sore and pained.  So what's a girl to do?

We're putting Revitanail Nail Strengthener to the test.  This product is the number one nail treatment product in NZ and has rapidly gained a bit of a cult following amongst those that use it.  Once you try it you won’t go back!  This superior nail care treatment will harden and protect nails damaged by regular gel manis.  It eliminates peeling, flaking and chipping and contains calcium for protection and strength.

We need 25 people to put this to the test - if you fancy a spot on this trial team tell us why below!  Do you regularly get gel manicures and need some post manicure care to get you nails back in shape?  Or maybe you regularly use colour polish and your nails could do with a lift?  Or are your nails just weak and brittle and in need of some help?

Get chatting below - we might just pick you!

Are Your Nails Weak From Too Many Gel Manicures?

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21st February, 2020

I know this was a while ago but I would definitely be super keen to try any kind of strengthening nail treatment. Pretty please??

3rd November, 2016

my nails were in bad condition anyway and then I have gone through a phase of getting gel manicures. They are in shocking condition. I would be pleasantly surprised if this product could help.

3rd November, 2016

Very weak, they are peeling on the tops and are ripping. It's a bit of a catch 22 because if I don't put polish on the peel and if I do they still peel because they are so weak.

3rd November, 2016

My nails really suffer from nail polish and gel polish use. I have a home gel polish kit which I love. I bought the peel off gel by gelishious. Its easy to remove but still takes a layer of my natural nail off with it. My nails get brittle, weak and I have layers that flake and chip off the ends. This product sounds like a great option to getting some strength back into your nails before getting back into the polish. Would love to give it a go.

1st November, 2016

Yes please! My nails have never been so damaged :(

28th October, 2016

My nails are super weak and brittle and I work in a professional setting and I'm always embarrassed shaking clients hands.

27th October, 2016

Because my nails are weak and keep splitting and nothing seems to help

25th October, 2016

I always have gel nails, that looks amazing but underneath them is a hideous mess, My nails are quite thin and yuck! I don't pick my gel polish off on purpose, unless it begins to comes off and annoys me I'll take it off that particular nail but in general I have always tried to do the right thing and soak them off, however they are super dry underneath and look pretty horrible and flaky so I'd love to try this out! If it worked I'd be a lifetime buyer! :-)

25th October, 2016

Yes please! I have very weak nails anyway, I have only just grown them out after being a nailbiter all my life :0 However I just been a bridesmaid and had acrylics done & now I am scared that all the length I have been so proud to grow out is now just going to rip due to them being even more brittle and weak...

25th October, 2016

I usually do my own nails but I also get the occasional gel manicures done and I would love to try this out, since my nails break so easily!

24th October, 2016

I have been getting regular gel manicures for the past few months, and now my nails are super weak. Hopefully this product works and can help my poor nails.

24th October, 2016

My nails are weak and splitting. I got a gel manicure in March and even after having them removed correctly they have left my nails super damaged. Would love to give this a try.

23rd October, 2016

No weak from gel nails anymore but I used to be a nail tech so had gel nails on all of the time so can relate. My nails aren't to bad but they do break if I let them get too long and would benefit from a nail strengthener.

22nd October, 2016

My naisl need help. Soft and peel. My poor left thumb has a split down nail and after four months the nail still will not grow up without splitting again, have tried a few nail products, but none have worked. This could be the one, please pick me for this one I do need help.

22nd October, 2016

Ive never tried gel. Ive had the other fake ones which drove me bonkers! Felt weird, hated them so much i forced them off. Took my nails ages to go back to normal! Grow my own now. Used to be a bad nail biter, started painting them and started picking off the nail polish instead of biting my nails off. They eventually stopped breaking off and now they are pretty strong and grow really well - always having to trim them as they grow too long for the keyboard! But l8ke anything, they go through phases where they hreak off every now and then.