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What type of deodorant do you use?

22 April, 2015 - 07:00am by - First Lady | 118 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

If there's a beauty product everybody uses it's deodorant right?!  Whether a roll on or spray, most of us don't go a day without applying something to our underarms.  I mean no one wants to be the owner of stinky pits right?

Once you've sorted out whether you're a roll on or an aerosol girl, the next decision you face is scented or unscented.  Do you like to let your perfume do the talking, or maybe you don't wear perfume daily and prefer the subtle scent of a deodorant?

We're putting the Body Crystal Wildflowers roll-on to the test!  This deodorant contains aloe vera and can be used anywhere on the body to prevent body odour. It is 100% natural ozone friendly and aluminium free, ideal for sensitive skin that is easily irritated, hypo-allergenic, pure and natural and it will not irritate or burn - in fact, it helps irritation or rashes caused by shaving, waxing, chaffing and other skin irritations.

Body Crystal has earned itself a reputation as a leader in crystal deodorants. Ascending waters over thousands of years has formed this impressive crystal, its double mineral qualities prevents bacteria forming in perspiration which is the cause of body odour. This incredible substance has been used for centuries as a natural astringent and for its natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

So is this a natural cure to body odour?  Do you use a deodorant or an anti-perspirant usually?  Do you opt for fragranced or do you prefer your deodorants fragrance free?  Why would you like to trial this product?

Get chatting below, we might just pick you!


What type of deodorant do you use?

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14th May, 2015

I always tend to pick out strong smelling ones, but open to trying a non scented one definitely! Preventing bacteria caught my eye on this one and its natural.

13th May, 2015

I prefer unscented or very lightly scented - some smells are too overpowering to wear all day. I love the sound of this being pure and natural! Would love to give this a go!

13th May, 2015

I use a scented deodorant. I would love to try this product as struggling to find one that works as it says

13th May, 2015

Would love to be on trial team for this to see if it would stack up or better Rexona Protection, which is the most amazing deodorant I have found! I have not come across crystal deodorants either, and sounds amazing if it combats the things it states above.

13th May, 2015

I tend to go for the scented ones to be honest. I also generally buy antiperspirant ones as I tend to sweat a lot with sport etc. I use the general antiperspirants for the day to day use but on the tennis days I use the Rexona Clinical Protection that was sent out by BR and am converted as it does such a wonderful job for me. I'd be very interested to try this new deodorant to compare with the above ones that I usually use. The thought that crystals can help as a deterrent for BO sounds really interesting and mysterfying.

13th May, 2015

I use deodorant several times a day. I exercise a lot, at least once a day, so I need odour protection. I also tend to sweat quite easily so even just hanging around the office (which doens't have the temperature well regulated) can often be uncomfortable :(

12th May, 2015

Yes please!! I have semi sensitive skin and find a lot of deodorants don't quite cut it. I tend to stick to mum stuff. I have tried a natural one in the past and it wasn't the best. This looks promising though.

12th May, 2015

I use Rexona anti-perspirant as this seems to be the only one that stands the test of time during a hockey match - nice to come off not stinking! Would love to give your deodorant a try

12th May, 2015

I'm using Sukin at the moment, I love it

I love products that are not tested on animals so this would be great for me to try! (where are the stockists in nz?)

I don't mind scented or non-scented, I think I would prefer a lightly scented just so i'm not feeling paranoid about wether or not I smell.

I would like to trial this to see if it's as good as Sukin, and beacause it's not tested on animals. (and secretly cause i'm worried I smell sweaty haha)

12th May, 2015

I love subtle scented deodorant, unscented have a weird smell to them that I don't like at all! I always like to try new things that are natural, especially with my silly sensitive skin!

11th May, 2015

I don't use perfume everyday but I do like to smell nice. Some scented deodorants leave me with an itchy rash so I need to be careful about which ones I use. Body Crystal Wildflowers sounds quite intriguing and I would love to try it out.

11th May, 2015

I regularly use Cool Charm's frangipani freeze. Lovely fragrance and good odour/wetness control. I do find, though, that the scent can overpower other fragrances so I tend not to wear perfume etc unless I have multiple layers on (yay for winter!!). I would be keen to trial a more natural product. I've heard 'the stories' about anti-perspirants etc but am still not convinced.

11th May, 2015

I can only use unscented cause unfortunately I am am excessive sweater... :/ Trying to find the perfect one for my sweatiness!

11th May, 2015

I would be interested to try the body crystal roll-on. I personally use a roll-on sometimes with scent, but most of the time unscented. I have a sensitive skin. I like that the product is 100% natural ozone friendly and aluminium free, and ideal for sensitive skin.

10th May, 2015

Wow....sounds like a great product. I'd sure like to try this one. I don't like my deodorants too scenty, and I also prefer a rollon to a spray as well.